Friday, June 10, 2022

Trump Lashes Out at Jan. 6 Committee Ahead of Hearing

Trump wrote on his social media platform that Jan. 6 represents “the greatest movement in the history of our country to Make America Great Again.” And in what has become a common refrain, he again called the 2020 election “rigged.”

1 comment :

  1. “ he again called the 2020 election rigged.” This is Trump’s opinion. I quote Eduyyot Mishnah 6:
    R. Judah said, If so, why למה do they put on record the view of the individual against [that of] the majority to no purpose [Seeing that it was a foregone conclusion that it would be rejected] [It is recorded so] that if a man shall say, I hold such a tradition, another may reply to him, Thou hast [but] heard [it] as the view of so-and-so [viz., as he was the only one that persisted in that view against that of others the ruling accepted is that of the majority].

    משנה מסכת עדויות פרק א משנה ו
    אמר רבי יהודה אם כן למה מזכירין דברי היחיד בין המרובין לבטלה שאם יאמר האדם כך אני מקובל יאמר לו כדברי איש פלוני שמעת:

    My theory. Mishnah 6 in Eduyyot allows a later court to make a ruling following the rejected opinion in an earlier court of greater number and greater wisdom---but must state that the later court is following a minority opinion.
    רמב"ם על משנה מסכת עדויות פרק א משנה ו
    לפי שכבר קדם הדבר בתועלת הזכרת דברי היחיד בין המרובין והוא שאפשר שיפסוק בית דין כדעת אותו היחיד אמר ר' יהודה אם כן מה טעם מזכירין דברי היחיד הדחוים אשר לא עשה בית דין על פיו כלל, ואמר כי טעם הזכרת דבר זה לפי שאם שמע אדם אותה הסברא ויחשוב שהיא לדברי הכל, ויראה כי המעשה בהפכו ויסתפק בדבר, לפיכך נודיע לו שהסברא הזו ששמע היא דעת יחיד וכבר נדחית.

    According to the Rambam one must always be clear what is the majority opinion. That’s all. If someone wants to follow a rejected minority opinion, he has something to lean on, however weak. Maybe a later court, greater in number and in wisdom will go back to that rejected opinion.

    We always show respect to our adversaries on their opinions. The Progressive Left plays dirty politics. Are we going to find out what happened on January 6? Are we going to find out if the 2020 election was rigged?


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