Friday, April 3, 2020

No 'magic pill': The fight over unproven drugs for coronavirus

The Food and Drug Administration’s rush to greenlight unproven malaria medicines to fight the coronavirus may derail clinical trials of other potential cures for the deadly virus.
Right now, dozens of potential therapies — from antivirals to antibodies taken from the blood of coronavirus survivors — are being tested in people. The first results from these studies could come within months if drugmakers enroll the thousands of patients needed to complete the research.
But with the malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine available by prescription from any doctor, and the president touting them as coronavirus treatments at his daily briefings, enlisting volunteers to enroll in clinical trials of other potential therapies may be a tough sell.


  1. These experimental drugs, not proven cures.
    In a situation where Chas vshalom, somebody is seriously ill, there are 2 possible courses of treatment: 1) standard medical treatment , eg ventilator, and 2) experimental drugs /clinical trials.
    There is no option to wait 5 -10 years for proven drugs. If there is a 50/50 chance of dying under 1), most reasonable people would opt for 2), experimental drugs.


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