Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat Is a Fatal Blow to the Anti-Israel Left

Democratic voters made their voices heard in New York’s 16th congressional district. Now all eyes will be on Missouri’s 1st, where another “Squad” member, Rep. Cori Bush, faces a competitive primary challenge.

And after that, the spotlight will be on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. There, we hope true progressives will stand up and stand strong for the values that reject hate, embrace justice, and can work to rebuild a truly inclusive movement that welcomes all who want to fight for progress—including Jews and Zionists.

Jamaal Bowman was a Democratic Trump. Now he’s gone

Bowman will soon be gone, and good riddance. There will inevitably be more like him; the right has no monopoly on bullies and demagogues. But it’s an encouraging sign that, at a time when the country is losing its collective mind, there is still a critical mass on the left who can say: Stop.

Israel critic Jamaal Bowman loses New York primary

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a notorious critic of Israel, will lose his Democratic primary to Westchester County Executive George Latimer, CNN and multiple other networks projected on Tuesday night.

His defeat is a first for a member of the so-called “Squad” of progressive lawmakers who are known for their anti-Israel stance.

The result in New York’s 16th Congressional District is also a victory for pro-Israel groups, which backed Latimer with historic levels of spending during the campaign.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump presented plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless peace achieved with Moscow

Under the plan drawn up by Trump's former advisers, a ceasefire would be established based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks.

MAGA World Now Wonders Whether Biden’s Doped Up on Mountain Dew

After spending the past few weeks peddling so-called “cheap fake” videos to depict Biden as senile and setting expectations for the president’s debate performance extremely low, MAGA media and Trump himself are now reversing course and preemptively providing a built-in excuse. The ex-president has even gone so far as to claim that Biden would be using illegal drugs and steroids during the debate.

Key food security org finds no famine in Gaza, says previous assumptions wrong

There is currently no famine in Gaza, a new report by the key Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) organization has found, despite the IPC having predicted in March that a full-blown famine would break out in the territory between March and July 2024.

The study released on Tuesday stated that assumptions the previous projection had made about the amount of food that would enter the territory turned out to be wrong, and that the supply of food to Gaza has increased instead of decreased during recent months.

“In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that Famine is currently occurring,” the report said.

Attorney General: 3,000 haredim must be immediately drafted into IDF

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara published her position after the Supreme Court's ruling regarding the Draft Law stating that there is no legal basis to allow haredi yeshiva students to avoid being drafted into the IDF like other parts of Israeli society.

"The security system must act immediately to implement the Supreme Court's ruling om the recruitment of yeshiva students who are obligated to serve in the military, in accordance with the needs of the army and its capabilities. In accordance with this framework, the security system has already committed to act to recruit 3,000 yeshiva students in the current recruitment year, and this is in addition to the average number of recruits in recent years," Baharav-Miara wrote.

She clarified that "this is an initial number for immediate recruitment, which does not fully reflect the current needs of the army and the promotion of the principle of equality in the burden, and the defense system must act to present a recruitment plan that includes an increase in this number."

The attorney general also warned against continuing to provide funding to yeshivas or students who avoid conscription following the court ruling.

Israel's Own Religious War is Deepening as it Fights Hamas

The country's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Ultra-Orthodox Jews known as Haredim must join the Israel Defense Forces for the first time. It also states that male Haredim will no longer receive government funding to study Jewish texts at schools called yeshivas and in adult study halls called kollels.

The ruling — and an immediate pledge by some Haredi Jews to defy it — underline Israel's internal battle between secular and religious forces as it wages war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip since the October 7 attacks and faces an intensifying conflict with Hezbollah guerrillas on its northern border.

Supreme Court: Draft haredim, end funding for yeshivas

The Supreme Court on Tuesday morning published its decision regarding the Draft Law.

In its decision, which was unanimous, the Supreme Court wrote that, "At this time, there is no legal framework which allows differentiation between yeshiva students and others who are eligible for enlistment."

MAGA Furious Over Donald Trump, Joe Biden Debate: 'Rigged'

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara said Wednesday on Fox News: "It's rigged so heavily in Joe Biden's favor but everything always is. You've got Hollywood against Donald Trump, you've got the music industry against Donald Trump, mainstream media and even the judicial system at this point."

Multiple other supporters have also made the allegation, including financial services professional @Pro__Trading, who often posts pro-Trump and pro-Conservative content online. He says on X, formerly Twitter: "The majority of the country already knows CNN is in the tank for Joe Biden and the debate will be rigged to favor him. But I think many people out there are underestimating how impressive it will be for Donald Trump to do the debate anyway."

Unmasked: The GOP Operative Making Those Viral Frozen Biden Videos

Just recently, Biden, 81, has been shown supposedly pooping himself (he did not); supposedly wandering away from other world leaders (fact-checkers and aides say he did not); supposedly “freezing” at a White House concert (aides said others stood still too); and supposedly “wandering” offstage at a fundraiser with Barack Obama (aides say he stopped to take in a cheering audience).

Steve Bannon Alleges Upcoming Presidential Debate '100 Percent Rigged'

Conservative media personality Steve Bannon alleged on Monday that this week's upcoming presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is "100 percent rigged."

"This Thursday debate is totally 100 percent rigged," Bannon claimed on his War Room podcast, hosted by Real America's Voice, on Monday. "The organizing principle of CNN is a hatred of Donald Trump and the MAGA [Make America Great Again] movement to the core of their being, they hate, not disagree, not have policy differences, they hate Donald J. Trump and they hate the MAGA movement."

Trump’s Wild Biden Debate Conspiracy Exposes His Own Hypocrisy

Presidential prescriptions aren’t exactly unusual: John F. Kennedy Jr. used his White House doctors to fight off back pain, and Richard Nixon relied on his doctors to treat bad moods. But no previous administration has matched the level of debauchery of Trump’s, when in-office pharmacists unquestioningly handed out highly addictive substances to staffers who needed pick-me-ups or energy boosts—no doctor’s exam, referral, or prescription required.

MAGA prepares for Biden Winning Debates

 Just as we saw before elections Trump world is laying the groundwork to explain a Trump defeat by a senile incompetent Biden.  

After a strong and dishonest campaign to convince the world that Biden is senile, they have succeeded in lowering the bar so that if Biden stays awake for the whole debate he will be the clear winner

However since Trump can't simply say the debate was stolen like he did for the election. They are claiming that Biden will take some mysterious drug that cures his "senility". Hence the bizarre demand for drug tests. Even the MAGa doctor Ronny Johnson can't identify it. Another strategy even before the debate starts is that the moderators are totally biased against Trump and that Trump is so heroic going into the lion's den of fake news to proclaim the "Truth"

In sum MAGA is anticipating a clear loss to Biden in the debates but that will give them the excuse to say he was crucified by the deep state so please donate generously so he can rise again and save the World