Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump’s Wild Biden Debate Conspiracy Exposes His Own Hypocrisy


Presidential prescriptions aren’t exactly unusual: John F. Kennedy Jr. used his White House doctors to fight off back pain, and Richard Nixon relied on his doctors to treat bad moods. But no previous administration has matched the level of debauchery of Trump’s, when in-office pharmacists unquestioningly handed out highly addictive substances to staffers who needed pick-me-ups or energy boosts—no doctor’s exam, referral, or prescription required.


  1. These are not real debates.
    A real debate is where a topic is presented. I have an interest in the topic so I go to listen to both speakers and then make up my mind.
    This is a verbal wrestling match. Going in, I've already made up my mind and the other guy won't change it. I'm just there to cheer for my guy and declare him the winner, even if he soils himself and then collapses, or just aimlessly wanders off.

    1. Right, the undecided voters are few and far between. I remember in 2016 I had a stopover in Europe and all the locals were badgering me who I would vote for but I kept my mouth shut our of fear of reprise for being a Trump supporter. It is that fear/intimidation that pushed much of America to Trump. My question is if this has gotten better or worse (perhaps better ever since Elon purchased twitter/X)


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