Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Thought of Rav Kook- Lesson 17 Heresy

In a volume of eulogies -"Eder Ha-Yakar" - written for his father-in-law, Rav David Rabinowicz, Rav Kook has a pamphlet - "Ikvei HaTzon." In this collection of articles there is an article entitled "Da'at Elokim." Here Rav Kook discusses a metaphysical paradigm diametrically opposed to that of Transcendental Monotheism: Pantheism - an approach associated with Baruch Spinoza in the seventeenth century. Pantheism has as its central dogma "Deus sive natura" - God is nature.

Having rejected Transcendence and Pantheism as problematic theological models, Rav Kook favors a third alternative, panentheism, meaning the world is in God. (Pantheism = all is God; Panentheism = all is in God.)


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 7, 2022 at 2:11 PM

    Poetically written, but still problematic.

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 7, 2022 at 2:57 PM

    In any case, if this is actualyl what Rav Kook wrote, he is not deceiving anyone, since he is openly departing from the 13 principles of Maimonides, and setting forth an alternative "take". Raavad also takes issue with Rambam, but apparently only insofar as believing in corporeality is an error but not one that deprives the adherent from an olam haba.


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