Thursday, July 7, 2022

Coping with Modernity: An interview with Rabbi Emanuel Rackman

Jewish Review: There are those who regard your openness to secular thought and your call for halakhic sensitivity to contemporary life as evidence that you are closer to a Conservative approach to Judaism than you are to Orthodoxy.? What would you say differentiates your views from those, for example, who form the so‑called traditional, right‑wing at the Jewish Theological Seminary?

1 comment :

  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 7, 2022 at 9:32 PM

    what makes the Conservative distinct from orthodox? It is their rejection of the 13 ikkarim of the Rambam, especially on revelation and prophecy. But wait, didn't we just see Orthodox mekubalim jsutifying "pantheism"? Yes. And isn't pantheism considered avidah zara in the Rambam's ikkarim and writings in general? yes.

    So why are Mekubalim any better than Conservative?


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