Thursday, March 10, 2022

Fact check: The various flavors of dishonesty that GOP candidates used to promote 2020 election lies this month

Numerous Republican candidates running in 2022 primaries across the country continue to baselessly cast doubt on the integrity of the 2020 election.

Some of these candidates are just plain lying that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump or was rife with massive fraud. Others are professing to be merely asking questions. Still others are walking an evasive tightrope, trying to avoid angering Trump and his devotees while also not saying anything explicitly inaccurate.

All of that is dishonesty.

1 comment :

  1. Yup, the same folks who insisted for 4 years that the 2016 election was fraudulent, that the Russians interfered with the vote, that the whole system must be corrupt because their candidate didn't win are now insisting that, in fact, the system is flawless and can't be corrupted... because their guy won.
    Face it, the GOP is jealous. They saw the Dem's whinging and inventing stories for 4 years and now they want their turn.


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