Saturday, January 1, 2022

Chaim Walder's attorneys

Advocate Mickey Hova and Advocate Guy Shemer, on behalf of Velder, responded: “The writer Haim Velder vehemently denies any allegation of immoral conduct on his part, mild or severe. Rabbi Eliyahu is interviewed by every media channel and expresses his opinion against our client with insults and harsh remarks towards him and even called for his books to be taken out of the houses. “Decides his case clearly.”
“Only after Rabbi Eliyahu decided the law of our client, since he was invited to present his version before the Torah court where he serves as the court’s father. Rabbi Eliyahu also addressed the Knesset, in this language: ‘He has two options at this stage. Either admit and accept an answer or he will have to face a verdict that will embarrass him and his wife and family greatly. Especially if materials published by different journalists are published. ‘ And see this is a miracle – after our client informed Rabbi Eliyahu that the tribunal is not the proper forum to discuss such matters, the rabbi’s promise was fulfilled through the current article. We will clarify that a tribunal that appoints itself and decides a person’s guilt and only then invites his version to be heard is a field tribunal to which the truth is foreign and the rules of justice are not his. We would like to express our astonishment at the conduct of the Haaretz newspaper, which persecutes our clients and serves as a platform for publishing gossip. “Our client will not give up and he is ready to fight for his good name, to the end,” they said.


  1. Rav edelsteins approved statement agrees with me and disagrees with the reform statement riddled with errors and aveiros

    It's a serious aveira of chanifa, to praise sinners, and 2 of the 3 sins which are yehareg - adultery and murder (suicide)

    Also hypocritical to attack, embarrass rav Eliyahu and the Victims of abuse.
    Loshon hara works both ways

  2. Walder didn't admit to sinning, but claimed that rav silman and rav Eliyahu were faking evidence, so this was his only way out.
    If there's any validity to this, why not shoot sinners?

  3. Instead of publishing these ridiculous statements, isn't it time for you to admit that walder was a rasha, as bad as or worse than berland? Just because he's a misnagid, doesn't make him a tzaddik.

  4. When you defend Walder, you accuse his victims of lying. What a horrible thing to do.

  5. Nope!
    We went through this a number if times

  6. Wow! judge and executioner
    In other words I know the truth- no need for due process

  7. Wow truly righteous person who has no need for halacha

    and simply manufactures reality

  8. V2 refutes v1.
    The whole sugya accusing the Press / r Eliyahu /silman of murder is expunged.
    The opening point is now defending the victims. Telling them to go to the police.
    Yosher koach. The rest is all commentary

  9. Sakkanat nefesh, don't wait around.
    Why is your right hand on eliyahu's collar, but r silman /Rosenberg not even mentioned or addressed? Funny that. Truth hurts.

  10. More nonsense , lies and bluster
    Please show me where R Silman and Rosenberg announced guilt?

  11. See this, regarding berland

    Do you think berland was hopping from one BD to another while they read various testimonies against him?

    These are all the highest hareidi Batei din in E'Y , the highest gedolim and poskim. Yet they set up judgement and examined matters, no mention of berland appearing.

  12. And we'll go through it another few times, probably. His lawyers will defend him, sure. That's what they're paid to do. He could've raped a pig in public and if the cheque cleared, they'd defend him for that too.

  13. There's a certain coldness of character for someone to say "Yes, yes, dozens of girls claiming to be molested but since there was no due process, I can safely ignore them and continue to demand a fair trial!" Especially when the guy's dead and there's public evidence of his crimes

  14. >

    Oh dear, even the lawyer had a change of heart.

    The next time you claim "What happened to innocent until proven guilty" ask yourself. A female relative of yours comes to you and says that a man assaulted her. In fact, it's an old buddy of yours and he used that connection to get her alone. All you know is what she told you. Are you going to think "Well, I could believe her but really, there's been no trial, I haven't spoken to him about it and it is 'innocent until proven guilty'?" Would you really tell her that? Because when you stick up for Walder, that's what you're telling the victims.
    When cops arrest someone, that person hasn't been convicted as guilty but they still get to handcuff him and put him in jail for while, even before there's been a trial. According to UO reasoning, all that should change. Cops shouldn't be making arrested but issuing invitations to come to beis din at the accused convenience. The only people they should be arresting are the victims who insist on speaking loshon horo. Come on!

  15. Here is another way of looking at it. You said, and on good authority since Rav Kanievsky said it - to go to the police. That means mishtarat Yisrael, not the Palestinian authority, Scotland yard, or anywhere else.
    Now, the eliyahu bd is in fact a sub authority of State. Eliyahu is government employee. He has no authority to flog or Stone anyone. Max he can do is pass his dossier to the police. So what is wrong with that? The bd was simply gathering statements to report to the police.

  16. Rav Kanievsky - go to the police

  17. nonsense!
    He went to the press to announce him guilty

  18. Walder sent thugs to threaten bd. Then he received a call from the police, so he shot himself. Too bad, saved some rope though.

  19. The Eliyahu BD

  20. How many people have you publicly exposed without hearing their side simultaneously with that of the complainants?

  21. I am not a beis din. I have always attempted to present a balanced view and published defense of accused
    I also consulted regularly with Rav Sternbuch and Rav Malinowitz

  22. Very good. How about the tape of walder telling his adulterer girlfriend how to lie, he being the expert in falsity.

  23. It doesn't matter consult - why did Gedolim judge on Berland without him appearing? Is it one rule for ashkenazim, and another for Sephardim?
    do you have good and bad abusers? Why judge B but protect CW?

  24. You are clear making assumptions about the context

  25. which context is that?
    are you arguing it was not k'darka biah? or that it was not gamur?

  26. so you write about historical witch hunts - how does tha impinge on this case? Since there have been historical cases, therefore this one is also a withchunt?
    When i referenced your previosu posts which said you basically have to bend halacha and expose even a suspected pedo, you deleted those comments.

  27. Here

    And here.

  28. never said to bend halacha
    You have an over actives imagination

  29. here

    you are essentially saying that following strict halacha ties you in a Gordian knot .

    btw "As I have noted from Rav Elchonon Wasserman and others - there is no
    prohibition of lashon harah in a case where it is beneficial. It really is as simple as that. [See Piskei Teshuva O.C. 156] "

    This effectively disarms any claims made against the Eliyahu BD.

  30. It is an audio recording
    1.You have clear proof who is talking?
    2. You know what is happening or you have a good imagination?
    3.Wouldthisbe accepted as proof of anything in a normal secular court

  31. It is raglayim badavar
    The discussion is that he was having at least 1 , maybe more extar marital affairs. This recording was provided by the married woman (or someone spying on her). It was published by haaretz.

    If it was presented in a secular court, it is up to the jduges to decide if it is admissible. As I understand it, in Israel there is only a religious divorce court, and not a secular one.

    The better questions to ask are whether a Bet Din would accept this evidence as testimony to adultery, i.e. would the evidence, together with the woman's statement qualify for sekilah, if there was an actual sanhedrin. Remember, he has some semicha from somewhere, he knows testimony, and how to falsify it.

  32. deny, deny, deny

    no argument, just deny.

  33. Attack. Attack without any real point

  34. The "racist" politician Enoch Powell in England, warned about the "white man" being under the whip of the "black man", if immigration continued.

    This is essentially the problem - you cant accept Hareidi being under the whip of Tzioni/MO, or Ashkenazi under the whip of Sephardi.
    If you have Hareidi Ashkenazi poskim, then it is possible to accept peopel liek Berly, Waldy etc sinned. If they are immigrants or zionists, they have no right to judge your master race.

  35. Plenty of real points...
    Phoney heter for suicide, phoney levaya for a suicide, and Shiva.
    Bnei b has become reform, with their fake halacha, and permitting adultery.

  36. I hear that MO and DL have become reform and permit adultery with their fake halacha
    I can makeup nonsense also1


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