Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Trump - despite clear evidence to the contrary - denies he mocked a disabled reporter

update: Added a video which claims that Trump was not mocking the reporter. I don't agree

This video clearly shows Trump mocking the disabled reporter. Despite his categorical denial of doing so in his attack on actress Meryl Streep  - who said the mocking was disgusting - which it is.

Trumps attack is a familiar technique

NY Times

Under fire after intelligence report, Trump lashes out — at Meryl Streep

The Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night featured a scathing speech by the actress Meryl Streep against Mr. Trump:
“There was one performance this year that stunned me — it sank its hooks in my heart,” Ms. Streep said. “Not because it was good; there was nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh, and show their teeth.
“It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter,” she said, referring to a speech in 2015 when Mr. Trump shuddered and flailed his arms, appearing to mock a disabled reporter at The New York Times. “It kind of broke my heart when I saw it, and I still can’t get it out of my head, because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life.”
Mr. Trump, in his inimitable way, spoke with Patrick Healy of The Times to respond to that attack — and then took to Twitter.Donald J. Trump

For the record, Mrs. Clinton did not lose big. She won the popular vote by nearly three million votes and lost the presidency by losing Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by about the number of people who cheered the Packers at Lambeau Field on Sunday.

Also for the record, here is the video of his original speech referring to that disabled reporter:Mr. Trump told Mr. Healy that he was “not surprised” that “liberal movie people” were going after him on national television, and he said he “never mocked anyone.”
“People keep saying I intended to mock the reporter’s disability, as if Meryl Streep and others could read my mind, and I did no such thing,” Mr. Trump said in the interview.
“And remember, Meryl Streep introduced Hillary Clinton at her convention, and a lot of these people supported Hillary,” he said, referring to Ms. Streep’s remarks at the Democratic National Convention last summer on behalf of his opponent.
The following video claims he is not mocking the disability because he has used similar expressions regarding non-disabled people. However I don't see that the response is the same and stand by my original assertion that he did in fact mock the disabled reporter.


  1. http://710wor.iheart.com/onair/mark-simone-52176/trump-never-actually-imitated-a-disabled-15448884/

  2. I saw Meryl Streep howl against Trump and I saw Trump howl against the NY Times correspondent. See
    “No, we are talking crime, the civilian neighborhood variety. It happens, but so seldom. Yet when a situation happens out of the ordinary, like the case of an IDF soldier who may have been correct or not correct in finishing off a terrorist, cries go up about Israel losing its soul. The New York Times and Haaretz and CNN and the BBC and all the rest of them jump in to howl that Israel has lost its moral compass.”
    Next week Obama and team retire. We have to make a kiddush. I’m a Trump supporter. I live in Israel.

  3. I thought you might like this article. It is written by an alt-rightist, who while clearly anti-israel and not a friend of anything Jewish, thinks support of Israel is a neccesary "evil" to implement their nationalistic objectives. President-eelct Trump featurs in the article too.


  4. Trump would have mocked him the same way even if he didn't have the disability. Instead of criticizing Trump for picking on a disabled person like those kushim in Chicago, Hollywood should be praising him for treating even a disabled person as equal to anyone else deserving of mockery, disabled or not.

  5. If to for the fact that Trump prefaced his motions with: "You've got to see this guy," you might have a point. Alas, he did say that, so you don't have a point.

  6. https://www.catholics4trump.com/the-true-story-donald-trump-did-not-mock-a-reporters-disability/

  7. Let's examine this.

    There's a great price on a new car we want at a car dealership. But the salesman is not politically correct. Should we shop at the dealership across the highway and pay $500 more?

    There's a great restaurant we want to eat at. High level of Kosher supervision. Food made from fresh, local ingredients. But the executive chef pushes his staff hard, sometimes bruising the feelings of a server or sous chef. Should we eat at the 1/2-star restaurant across the street where the chef is super-polite?

    We have a country on the verge of bankruptcy. One party is great at all the touch-freely issues. The other party puts up a candidate who has dug his personal business out of bankruptcy and wants to do the same for the country. This candidate can be polished and brash, charming and rough. But in any case, he gets things done. He muscled a dozen or more competitors out of the way on the road to the Whote House.

    But, nooOoOO! We have tear him apart, and focus on his every last shortcoming and maybe encourage him to be more mannerly, just so we can prove the point that the First Amendment allows us to!! So as Rome burns, we will play a tune on our keyboards.

    And as America falls, and pulls down with it the economy, say, in Eretz Yisrael, we can have a sense of satisfaction that we engaged in the democratic process and "did right" by ourselves.


  8. sorry - nobody is going out of their way to attack Trump - he keeps shoving disgusting behavior and corrupt behavior in our face - almost every day.
    if you view America as a failed experiment why would you be so excited about someone who will accelerate the process. Yes he gets things done - but don't see why his actions and methods are something you want him to apply to country?

  9. It'll be much easier for me to make my case six months from now when hopefully Mr. Trump's policies are being implemented. So I think that's what I'll do. I'll wait till his actions bear fruit. If I can control myself.

    As it is, I'm in a bad mood because I calculated that if I go to the inauguration there is a real chance I won't get home before candlelighting.

  10. maybe you can ask Trump's son-in-law to invite you for Shabbos?

  11. Good idea. Not sure what we would discuss at the table, though. This week's Parsha is about a Jewish man who has risen to the highest levels of government, only one step under the king....

  12. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/anti-vaxxer-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-says-hell-chair-vaccine-commission-for-trump/article/2611394
    Anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he'll chair vaccine commission for Trump.
    Shouldnt that be RSK not RFK?

  13. tell Jared Kushner that it would be a chance for a guest post saying something nice about the Trump family

    Don't let a fear of silence at the table deter you!

  14. So you also need to get off the couch, change your undershirt, and get a life, together with Eidensohn. However, I am sure that this will not happen. The two of you eggheads will still be here eight years from now picking your noses and kvetching about Trump, way after the rest of the country will have moved on. I am calling that prediction.

  15. I'm not sure about a lot in life. But I'm certainly leaning strongly, heavily, towards the side that while Mr. Trump may mock a lot, he didn't intend mock that reporters physical challenge as he stands accused of.


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