Monday, January 23, 2017

Rabbi Marvin Hier speaks about his Inauguration Benediction

Published on Jan 22, 2017
The first Orthodox Jewish rabbi to give an invocation at a presidential inauguration said that the biblical passages included in his approximately two minute address were carefully chosen to convey specific messages.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said that he chose verses that, in addition highlighting the concepts of being actively involved and helping others, focused the spotlight directly on the State of Israel.

In a Saturday night radio interview on Zev Brenner’s Talkline radio program, Rabbi Hier said that his statements about Israel were directed not just at President Trump and the American public but the entire world and called Senator John Kerry’s remarks about Israeli settlements blatantly false.

1 comment :

  1. a slight diversion -

    here, it says about the Raavad, "The Maharik writes that in his mind he was able to scan the entire Shas in mere moments and toss it around like he was winnowing wheat."

    Sheer Genius!


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