Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mendel Epstein: Muscle man gets 4 years in jail in torture to give Get conspiracy

The first of 10 men charged in a bizarre torture-for-hire plot aimed at convincing recalcitrant Orthodox husbands to grant their wives religious divorces was sentenced Monday to four years in federal prison. (Robert Sciarrino | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com) 

Moshe Goldstein was the muscle.

The 32 year old Brooklyn man had been part of a group recruited to force a reluctant Orthodox husband to grant his wife a religious divorce in a bizarre plot that involved beatings, handcuffs and an electric cattle prod. 

It was all an FBI sting centered on a prominent Lakewood rabbi who specialized in divorce proceedings, in an operation that stretched from Brooklyn to a warehouse in Middlesex County. There was no husband, no wife and no divorce.

And on Monday, Goldstein—the first of 10 to face sentencing in the case, was hit with a four-year term in federal prison, after pleading guilty to crossing state lines to commit extortion. [...]

During his plea hearing, Moshe Goldstein admitted he and others traveled from New York to a warehouse in Edison in October 2013, with the intent of forcing a Jewish husband to give his wife a "get." According to court filings, some showed up wearing Halloween masks and was one in a Metallica T-shirt, as they waited to grab a supposed victim. Once there, they met with an individual purported to be the husband's brother-in-law and discussed a plan to confine, restrain and threaten the victim. [...]


  1. Which other rabbis got a piece of the pie from these forced-Gittins in sympathy with these alleged chained or chainless Agunos? Which singing Rabbis got off the hook with a song and a dance as a trade in. If you trade in your behind for someone else to sit, is it called messira? Or messira is only when a commoner turns in a molestor. Torah achas yihye lachem, is it absolute achas or achas veachas, one for the head of the fish and for the tail? The head made a Brach doidi me'al yamim veal nehoros, and the sardines got caught holding the bag of hot potatoes, claiming they have bigger fish to fry. At the end of the day, there were neither fish nor chips only chicken. In the mean time it's business as usual, everybody is holding their own, ukeSheyiboneh Beis haMikdash, yaviu chatos shmeinoh. That is, if asher nossi yechto, and we are zoiche. What a sad state of affairs.

  2. What about all of the women freed with coercing the GET? How many of them are married with children produced by those invalid Gittin? Such people should studied by a prominent Beth Din. Maybe there is some hope for the children not to be mamzerim.

  3. For years this went on. Did anyone care? At the trial, we had "rabbis" who commended the gangsters for forcing GETS with torture.

  4. It was all an FBI sting centered on a prominent Lakewood rabbi who specialized in divorce proceedings, in an operation that stretched from Brooklyn to a warehouse in Middlesex County. There was no husband, no wife and no divorce.

    There are several mistakes in the above quoted paragraph.

    1) prominent Lakewood rabbi

    * He was in no way prominent. Everyone knew he was a thug up for hire.

    * He did not live in Lakewood. He resided on East 9th Street in Brooklyn.

    * While he was called "rabbi," he was not entitled or deserving of that title.

    2) * There was no husband

    This part is correct.

    * no wife

    This part is not really correct, as there was an FBI agent that pretended to be a wife. There was no FBI agent that even pretended to be a husband. They knew they could rely on the BDA, RCA , Wolmark and Epstein not doing any homework or sincere basic background checks.

    3) and no divorce

    True. But this was not unique to this case; as just about all the forced "gitten" from Mendel Epstein are worthless and invalid.

  5. What rabboniw and organizations wrote letters of recommendation on his behalf, and are filed in court?

  6. What I don't understand is what changed now? The FBI has known all about Epstein and his goons for decades, yet they looked the other way. Why did they change their tune now?

  7. @Honesty

    Honesty, honestly you are climbing up on straghit walls. He had an 'execution' branch by his son in Lakewood. Prominent "Leheira", ra as in ra bonim, insinuating as if a Rabbi and Baki betiv gittin vekidushin. See his pilpul shel shtuss in court of kol demekadesh adatei derabonon... NO husband, wife, nor divorce, and that is the nature of a sting without 'honey', to catch the mouse hot and red handed.

    "They knew they could rely on the BDA, RCA , Wolmark and Epstein not doing any homework or sincere basic background checks."

    Had they-and-them checked, there wouldn't be any money making prospect in this whole mamzer factory project. And True, they all are worthless, vehakol al mekomo yovo beshalom with pinpoint accuracy.

    Vos tut men nit fir Parnosso, All for the high and almighty $Dollar. They would even sell out their mothers, not only the Torah. Ay yay yay yay... Ele manhigecho yisroel? They started out by shmayssing yiddishe kinder und Tattes, up to ein onu nizkokin lochem, we can now do it by remote control declarations FREE FREE. Free my foot, no free lunches. Now go convene an emergency Convention to rescue the she'eris hapleito once back from overseas. Moshiach Times.

  8. Possibly because the rosh hayeshiva and yoshev rosh of yoshvei kronos explained away the halacha as if Kosher and in accordance with the religion. However, when they got more brazen and extended this scam even to those not even alive, such as a ham sandwich in absentia with all kinds of Mafia tactics, choking it, kicking and prodding it to death, THAT, didn't smell of KOSHER anymore. Therefore the sting was a prerequisite, of which provided the necessary proof of these scoundrels to bring them down. That is in accordance with Sof Ganiff Letliyah.

    The beginning of their downfall was, when not only a Mekach Taus was utilized, of which anything misleading and of importance enough can undo the Kidushin, but also hafka'aot Kidushin limited to only a few instances as enumerated by Chaz"al, this schweinhaft took the liberty to implement. This brought on the wrath of Hashem to put them out of comission once and for all. The proof is in the schools of fish that stiffened up and started swimming on their backs beaching to the shore.in droves.

    I wonder whether those battered and disenfranchised husbands can now bring on a class action lawsuit , 'venehafoch hi' having the goons in turn as Meagnim by sitting and canning them away for life, kedei lekayem bohem kasher zomam la'asos. The rosh habiryoinim of the Goon Squad bragging about his mafia arbitrations, will have ample time to arbitrate there till the chickens come home to roost.

  9. Several possibilities:
    1. The FBI decided enough is enough. עד כאן אומרים בשבת הגדול.
    2.The Briskman incident marked a watershed (bloodshed) moment. Briskman had his blood "waxed" on the carpet, by people who have a skewered vision of what the Taryag mitzvos do and don't entail. This led to involvement by the authorities, who now had a credible (and angry) witness. Taking it from there, the sky's the limit to what people will do to save their own backside from being made into fresh Brisket. Any speculation as to what really transpired is the sole responsibility of the individual reader.

  10. Was there any one individual involved in these cases working purely LAH LISHMAH feeling the pain of the alleged Agunot that did NOT get compensated ? Or were they all in it just for the money? How much was the cut for the Uber Rav Rabiner commanding the heter of Kofsin oso umakin oso makos retsach ad sheyivlu sifsosehem milomar DAYYYYYYYY............DAY... DAY....
    ORA veSiyatom demonStrators and all, should they be considered as complicit, aiding and abetting the criminal outlawed goon squads?

  11. Is this where we see communities organizing to get him off?

  12. He has a house in Lakewood.


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