Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Palestinians protest the "heinous crime" of Israelis killing terrorists who attack Jews

Only the New York Times could report the Palestinian drivel with a straight face. Only the NY Times could accompany an article about Palestinians killing Jews in terrorist attacks with this picture of Palestinians mourning a killed terrorist!
NY Times     Four attacks by Palestinians in Jerusalem and a city 40 miles away killed three Israeli Jews and wounded at least a dozen others in two hours on Tuesday morning, the police said, the most intense eruption so far in two weeks of escalating violence that has alarmed Israel and flummoxed its security forces.[..]

The outbreak of violence on Tuesday came after four stabbing attacks on Monday in Jerusalem, including one in which a 13-year-old Jew riding his bicycle was critically wounded by two Palestinian cousins, 13 and 15. The younger assailant was hit by a car and severely hurt as he tried to flee, the police said, while the older one was fatally shot by officers, prompting outrage.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, called the killing of the 15-year-old a “heinous crime” and compared it to an episode widely seen as having helped incite the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in 2000.

“If the Israeli government continues with this escalation of this dangerous method of executions, the region will be in a position that cannot be controlled, and everyone will pay a heavy price,” Mr. Rudeineh said in a statement reported by Palestinian news outlets.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, sent the Security Council an urgent letter on Monday night listing numerous cases in which Israeli forces fatally shot attackers, as well as people protesting against Israel’s occupation in the West Bank and rushing toward the fence that separates Israel from the Gaza Strip.

“Each day that passes, more innocent lives are lost, as is any hope to reach a peaceful two-state solution in the future,” the letter says. “The violations mentioned above should trigger immediate action by the international community, including the Security Council, to finally take measures to provide the Palestinian civilian population with immediate protection.”

There have been more than 20 attacks, mostly stabbings, already this month, killing a total of seven Israeli Jews. At least 11 of those suspected of being assailants have been shot dead by Israeli security forces or, in one case, a victim who pulled out a pistol. Most of the attacks have been in Jerusalem, but violence has also struck in Kiryat Arba, an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank; in the cultural and financial capital, Tel Aviv; and in far-flung, normally peaceful towns.[...]


  1. This is actually completely consistent with the current liberal mindset. To wit:
    Israel doesn't belong in the Middle East. It is a colonialist imperialist entity placed there by European and American powers who wanted to give the Jews something after allowing the Holocaust to happen. Now, given that there are 6 million Jews and a whole society with infrastructure there it's useless to simply wish Israel would disappear. However, since it's in the wrong simply for existing any violence committed against it is excusable as legitimate resistance and any efforts it makes to defend itself are crimes because they perpetuate its criminal existence.

  2. And who told you the Jews don't fight back? This typical cries of Kozak haNigzal crying Wolf. They need some more injections cast in lead to calm them down. Jewish blood is not hefker.

  3. Are these guys Palestinian or Israeli Arab? In other words, are they coming in from the West Bank or Gaza or are they local?

  4. They are testing their new status of observer in the UN, that is why they have become more brazen.

  5. To them (Palestinians, Europeans, UN, state department, ny times) its the same thing. Palestinians, west bank, gazan, israeli arabs.

  6. Okay. But in thinking about how to deal with the problem, it's not the same thing. Hence my question.

  7. Edud, you missed my sarcastic point. The reason no one cares when Jews are attacked but outraged when Jews fight back is because... oh never mind!

  8. In South America the newspapers are not even touching this issue... and they mention something, they use a picture of a dead palestinian surrounded by the cops who killed him with headlines like "Palestinian shot dead in wave of attacks in Jerusalem".

    I ask: where are the jewish reporters? Journalists? Journal anchors? Why they don't make an open letter to report how wrong the international media is holding this issue?????


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