Thursday, May 21, 2015

After being caught molesting young girls Todros Grynhaus was sent to therapy by community leaders and police were only notified two years later

Daily Mail  A respected rabbi who indecently assaulted two teenage girls was sent for therapy by community leaders when allegations of his crimes emerged and was only reported to police two years later.

Todros Grynhaus, 50, a prominent member of the Haredi Orthodox Jewish community in Salford, Greater Manchester, abused the girls, then aged 14 and 15, in the 1990s, the court was told. 

The offences were brought to light when one of the victims told a psychologist about the 'litany of abuse' in 2009.

When senior members of the community heard of the accusations, they suggested Grynhaus, a father-of-ten, receive treatment at a local clinic. They told the court 'no one wanted to report it'. [...]


  1. Aren't the children the most important? Why would no one want to report someone who harms children?

  2. Maybe no one wanted the personal repercussions for reporting it.

  3. What about the repercussions of him being free to reoffend again and again. Surely there is a greater responsibility to the whole community.

  4. Wouldn't the repercussions of him being loose and reoffending be more important? It would seem that the responsibility due to the community at large would necessitate that reporting be done

  5. Didn't want to report it? Scared of repercussions? They knew this man was a menace, even dangerous, because they sent him for therapy! They allowed him to go on and abuse others. What would they say if it was their children being abused?

    Will lessons be learned or will their continue to be cover up?

  6. @Muslima - you are 100% correct. This is a lesson that is finally becoming acceptable and accepted.

  7. @Sam what was their training to decide that therapy was sufficient? Why did it take 2 years to realize that they were wrong? What are they going to do when another case comes along?

    While you are correct the police - or some police do not handle abuse cases properly - that is not an excuse for novices to make up their own program.

  8. police too is far from perfect in protecting the children

    The greatest proof to that in Great Britain is the scandalous behavior of the polce in Rotherham. They sacrificed children on the altar of political correctness.

  9. I do not have the knowledge that they know the extent of his activities and yet tried to rely on therapy etc.

    You can see that once they realized that this is a difficult case they were willing to come forward.

    btw, some are still defending him on the basis of eidus isho..

  10. My point is that, in a community with the right Torah values, there would be no repercussions against the reporters. Today, there are often severe repercussions or threats of same.

  11. My point is that, in a community with the right Torah values, there would be no repercussions against the reporters.

    Taking into account the worldwide problems among the יראי שמים with the reticence to report molesters to the authorities- from Brooklyn to Australia to the United Kingdom to א"י- your statement of 'In a community with the right Torah values, there would be no repercussions against the reporters' must be referring to some Utopian society not presently in existence. Nonetheless, you are correct. In a community with the 'right Torah values' it would be most inconceivable to assume that the תוה"ק would allow the endangerment of anyone, let alone children,

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