Friday, May 29, 2015

Israeli prof. escapes with reprimand over long term sexual relationship with student

update BBC News  [....] Prof Shamir said, "I know I represent a very tiny minority. I am post-Zionist; I think Zionism in its current phase has to come to terms with the tragic consequences of its project. For example, the Palestinian problem. We need to share this land full and genuinely. Until we do, we will be in a state of war. You don't need to be a prophet to see this."


Tel Aviv University has reprimanded a professor for unbecoming conduct for his intimate relationship with a student who at one point sought to drop the case after she received emails offering her “protection.”

In the 40 pages of the ruling posted on an internal Tel Aviv University website, significant chunks are deleted, not just personal details, making the case all the more complex.

It’s a story of a relationship between Prof. Ronen Shamir of the university’s sociology and anthropology department, and one of his female students, identified as S.

The student, who at one point moved in with the professor, filed a sexual harassment complaint after he reportedly broke off the relationship, but she later retracted the charge and sought to have the disciplinary proceedings halted.

The university pursued the complaint anyway, leading to a ruling that Shamir was guilty on two counts of unbecoming conduct, not sexual harassment. Despite the university’s request that Shamir be forced into early retirement, two of the three judges on the disciplinary panel opted for a reprimand, surprising some people at the university.

The ruling ended an investigation and proceedings that lasted four years. Shamir was also barred from serving as an administrator at the university for five years. He had been department chairman, but had stepped down by the time of the ruling.[...]

According to the ruling, Shamir began courting S. - an Arab student - during her first year in the department. Initially she is said to have rebuffed his advances, but ultimately agreed to go to a show with him.

Later they began living together in Shamir’s Tel Aviv home. Shamir did not report this to anyone at the university, even though a short time after the couple’s relationship began, the university published regulations barring teachers from “intimate relations with a student if there are ties of academic authority between them.”

According to the regulations, the faculty member is the one responsible for avoiding such a relationship, or be subject to possible disciplinary action.

After the relationship had lasted a year, Shamir broke off his ties with S., but she told several faculty members about the relationship and filed a complaint with the university’s commissioner for sexual harassment complaints, Prof. Rachel Erhard. [...]

Sources at the university relate that there is disappointment about the punishment. “We wanted him not to work here any longer,” said one person. “The bottom line is not good at all. Faculty members have known about him for years, the whole world knew – and in the end that is the result. We felt very frustrated in face of the ruling.”

A faculty member told Haaretz: “I thought there should have been a more significant punishment. I have no doubt that what she said initially is the truth of the matter and what she said afterwards is not. The ruling implies that he did grave things, no matter what you call it  — and it’s ended with a punishment that is a joke. At least it merits publication.”

A senior official at the university says: “The judges say there wasn’t sexual harassment but under the regulations in the context of the unequal power relations she was not required to say she did not agree. The law says that the fact that he pursued her is sexual harassment. They interpreted this very leniently – it’s baffling.” [...]              


  1. no giur involved....

  2. Which is worse, a nochriya or a nidda min hatorah?

  3. If there would have been giyur, the charges would be dismissed. Sleeping with a jew (or same sex) is ok. Sleeping with an arab is sexual intimidation.

  4. well, he could plead Eshes Yafat Toar, in which case he could do an expedited giur of 30 days.

  5. We need to share this land full and genuinely. Until we do, we will be in a state of war.

    Well, he certainly shared. But he's still in a state of war.

  6. Clearly sinning with a nidda is far worse than sinning with a nochri. (We're not talking about marrying a nochri but rather an affair.)

  7. I'm sure TAU will approve that argument.

  8. I came a across a very good Or haChaim HaKadosh on the subject - that when Adam HaRishon sinned, his soul had many sparks which were lost, to the nations, and when Tzaddikim went to war, and took such wives, it was bringing back the lost souls. Somehow , I don't think that applies to the secular professor, despite his love for Palestinians. But what an interesting vort from the Or HaChaim!

  9. Ohr HaChaim (Devarim 21:11): Why did G d command this procedure of Yofas To’ar in which a man defiles himself by sexual relations with a non Jewish woman? This is especially problematic since it is done during the time that G d is doing miracles to produce victory in the battles and thus it would seem more appropriate to increase spiritual purity and closeness to G d. So why does G d permit a Jew to do such a debasing act which we know is despised by G d and causes greater weakeing of our attachment to G d? It is understandable why G d permits eating unkosher food during battle because as the Rambam (Hilchos Melachim 8:1) correctly explains - it is allowed only if the person is hungry. However this act is not needed for his survival and is inherently disgusting. Our Sages (Kiddushin 21b) state that the only justification for this act is a tactic to deal with the Evil Inclination. This makes the question stronger since the Torah should be serving to help subdue and control the heart of the holy people during this time of battle since in fact it is G d doing the fighting. The answer to this question is based on an important principle that is stated in Zohar Chadash( Parshas Balak page 53). It says that with the sin of Adam many precious souls were captured by the Sitra Achara (forces of evil) and these are the souls of gerim. If you investigate you will find that a great number of great people came from the nations of the world as Ruth the Moabite illustrates. We also find (Sanhedrin 96b) that many great scholars came from the nations such as Shmaya and Avtalyon, Onkelos and many others. I will also reveal another principle that we find a pure soul attached to an impure soul and the pure soul does not have the power to positively influence the impure soul. The pure soul is thus trapped until the moment comes to be freed. An example of this is that the soul of Rabbi Chanina ben Tradyon was attached to that to the soul of Shechem the son of Chamor. [Shechem was the rapist of Yaakov daughter Dinah.]. This reality is alluded to by the first letters of the words in Bereishis (34:21) as has been explained by the Kabbalists. We find that the soul of Rabbi Chanina ben Tradyon did not positively influence Shechem and departed Shechem when Shechem raped Dinah. In fact Rabbi Chanina ben Tradyon’s soul attached itself to the soul of Dinah instead of Shechem. This is alluded to in Bereishis (34:3), “His soul attached itself to her soul. [Which is usually understood to mean that Shechem loved Dinah.] It is important to keep this principle in mind… Kiddushin (21b) states that she is a married woman and of course the words of your Sages are true. However if the expression “eishes yofas to’ar” only meant that she was married it should have simply said that she was an “eishes ish.” Thus this phrased informs us that as a result of the soldier being involved in performing a mitzva (fighting for Israel) – G d opened his eyes so that he could recognize that in this non Jewish woman that there was some inner beauty. In other words the soldier was able to recognize who holy soul which is called “yofas to’ar”. That is because holy souls radiate a powerful spiritual light. Thus the soldier is in a senstive spiritual state because he is involved in doing a mitzva and is attached to the divine presence. He is therefore able to recognize her holy soul and that is what he is attracted to and what he desires in her. This can also be deduced from the fact the verse says “he desires something in her” and doesn’t say “he desires her.” That is to draw attention to the fact that he does not desire the woman per se but something beautiful within her which is the aspect of good which is the pure soul. Thus even if she is physically ugly she is permitted to him because it is the beauty of her soul not her body which is determinant. In this situation there is no physical lust as I have already explained.

  10. This is a much more fascinating discussion than the original story of the Professor. What perplexes me is that in the Megilalt Ruth, the meforshim refer to the sons of Naomi, Mahlon and Chilion as sinners, since they took Moabite wives. However, there are some views that they actually covnerted, and in fact the Megilal refers to these women as כַלֹּתֶיהָ, ie the brides of Naomi, implying they were kasher weddings. Also, logically, if they were fit for yibum, they must already have converted. If Ruth was to be taken by next of kin, Boaz, then she must already have been jewish. If a man intermarries without converting the woman, then no mitzvah of Yibbum would apply, in halacha, as far as i know.

  11. What is the definition of an affair for a ben noach? If they have a committed relationship, which these clowns do, would it not be considered halachically married in Be Noach terms?

  12. A Jew cannot be "married" to a bnei Noach. Even if they had an official marriage ceremony, we don't recognize the couple as being married.

  13. We're not talking about marrying a nochri but rather an affair.

    Please clarify the following. Thanks.

    What is the definition of an affair for a ben noach? If they have a committed relationship, which these clowns do, would it not be considered halachically married in Be Noach terms?


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