Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn: New blog devoted to marriage and divorce issues

My name is Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn. I studied under Gedolim Reb Aharon Kotler, Reb Moshe Feinstein, and Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashev, all of them zt"l. Reb Elyashev zt"l gave me his name for my Gittin Beth Din. He told me he was very concerned about the problems of divorcing parents, and sometimes this results is an invalid GET, when it is coerced especially when a civil court does this. I used to put a lot of material on my brother's blog, Daas Torah (Rabbi Dr. Daniel Eidensohn from Jerusalem). I just discussed with my brother about the need for me to make a new blog totally devoted to problems with marriage and divorce, children, court, etc.

I started it today as

If you or anyone has a question in halacha about divorce and Gittin and marriage, please contact me at the above website:

Thank you,

Dovid Eidensohn


  1. Great idea! Very important subject to discuss and understand. Wishing you hatzlacha and bracha!

  2. Hatzlacha.

    I would also suggest you share your thoughts and have discussions on Facebook on this issue of Gittin. Facebook has become the place where a lot of the discussions have moved to as blogs are getting less traffic.

  3. Thank you. I am now organizing men in various cities. If you know any ladies who could use some halacha help or who want to help out with education and protecting the innocent children and other innocents in this misery, have them call me at 845-578-1917.

  4. Since we don't use names on our blog, you can write me, even with your name, by email. I won't include your name on the blog itself but will reply to the question. The email is .

  5. I thank my dear brother and all who came to my new blog Over a thousand people have viewed it. Our latest post is about Shalom Bayis, and the words of a senior therapist, that broken marriages can be helped. I also mention that if things continue to decline, the number of young people who now refuse to consider marriage will rise. Who knows what else will happen. We have very little time left to improve things, as we explain all of this in detail on the blog.
    Again, thank you,
    Dovid Eidensohn

  6. I thank my dear brother and all of the people who have come to my new blog, which has over 2000 page views in about a week. There are now over twenty posts, and the latest posts tear into the system of false halacha and coercions from some "rabbis" who want to help cousins or friends to remarry without a proper GET. It concludes with a blistering attack on some rabbis in Philadelphia Yeshiva who are helping a married woman remarry without a GET. For Shame.

  7. Rabbi Eidensohn ,
    Thanks for this new Blog It is good idea ,Spreading your Light will serve to Dispel much darkness .
    May Hashem grant you many fruitful years and Hatzlocha!

  8. Berel,
    Thank you for your good words. It is time to realize that our system has flaws. What we think is a good idea may be the biggest problem. And when you think a sin is a good deed you can't fix it.
    Dovid Eidensohn

  9. What we think is a good idea may be the biggest problem. And when you think a sin is a good deed you can't fix it.

    Powerful words. We should all heed them.

  10. I think that some 'Rabbonim' only exist to solidify their power and control their followers.
    It's why me and so many others go OTD.
    Because of people like you.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.