Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dr. Strange Heter Or How I Learned to Love the Gadolim

Rabbi Nota Greenblatt married Tamar Epstein to Adam Fleischer. Upon learning about the marriage, I called Rabbi Nota Greenblatt.

I wanted to know if Aharon Friedman, Tamar's husband, still had to give Tamar a Get.

Rabbi Greenblatt told me that Aharon still had to give Tamar a Get. I wanted to explore that logic with Rabbi Greenblatt. I didn't get too far.

"Listen to the Gadolim!" he forcefully exhorted me.

End of conversation.

So, I called up Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky. The man considered by many to be the greatest Gadol in America.

He told me that I could rely on Rabbi Greenblatt as far as the legitimacy of the marriage of Tamar Epstein to Adam Fleischer. Rabbi Kamenetsky also told me that I can rely on Rabbi Dovid Feinstein as far as the illegitimacy of the marriage of Tamar Epstein to Adam Fleischer. (The recording of that conversation can be found elsewhere on this blog.)

So, let's listen to the Gadolim.

Rabbi Greenblatt identified for me the doctor whose testimony, Rabbi Greenblatt said, laid the foundation for the granting of the Heter to Tamar to remarry.

And we are told we may rely on Rabbi Greenblatt.

Yet, according to Rabbi Feinstein, Tamar and Adam are cohabiting in a way contradictory to Halacha.

So, we are going to leverage the identity of the doctor to nullify the Heter and/or Tamar and Adam's association. (Based on the advice of one of my lawyer's, I am using the term "association", a euphemism, so as not to expose myself to a lawsuit.)

No one can accuse me now of not listening to the Gadolim

Conservative rabbi married a 'mamzer' Rabbinical courts: Conservative rabbi married a 'mamzer'


This is a man who married those prohibited from marriage who were at the time mamzerim, something which is criminal and forbidden by law - something that every Jew who fears Heaven condemns. In addition, he evaded arranging registrations as demanded by law,” the court administration said.
It should be noted that such a marriage, which is contrary to halakha and the law, is liable to bear children barred from a large part of the Jewish marriage pool and create a halakhic obstacle for much of the Jewish people. A wedding ceremony for those prohibited from marriage is not only forbidden under the Marriage and Divorce Registration Ordinance, but also under the Penal Law.
Dov Hayoun was questioned on suspicion of an offense under section 7 of the Marriage and Divorce Ordinance, which prohibits private marriage and divorce, and establishes a two-year prison term for marriage or divorce without registration, and on suspicion of an offense under the Penal Law.
Israel Police also stated that "It is the duty of Israel Police to investigate any offense committed in violation of the law, particularly in light of the binding decision of a competent judicial institution in Israel. In this case, too, the police opened an investigation following a decision by the Rabbinical Court in Haifa according to which the court instructed police to investigate the rabbi after he violated the Penal Code and the Marriage and Divorce Ordinance in Israel. "

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Historians Say President Trump Smashed U.S. Leadership Conventions During Rocky Europe Trip


 Plenty of U.S. presidents have created commotion in their travels abroad, but none as much as President Donald Trump.
The president’s tumultuous trip across Europe, historians say, smashed the conventions of American leaders on the world stage.
Trump’s “America first” approach to foreign policy had him seeming to accept the word of a hostile power over his own intelligence agencies, insulting allies and sowing doubts about his commitment to the NATO alliance.
“We’ve never had a president go abroad and not only lecture to our NATO allies, but also to embarrass them,” said Russia expert William Pomeranz, deputy director of the Kennan Institute at the Wilson Center. “We’ve never had our president go on a foreign tour and categorize our allies as foes. And we’ve never had our president hold a joint news conference with a Russian leader where he assigned blame, from his perspective, to both parties, but in fact dedicated most of his time to blaming the U.S. Justice Department and intelligence services.”
While past presidents have had difficult foreign trips and been criticized for their summits with Soviet leaders, Trump’s behavior has few parallels, in the view of presidential historians and longtime Russia watchers.
Franklin Roosevelt was accused of “selling out” to Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference in 1945; John F. Kennedy and his aides admitted that he’d been unprepared for his 1961 Vienna summit with Nikita Khrushchev; the Reykjavík summit between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986 was seen at the time to have ended in failure; and George W. Bush was mocked for telling reporters in 2001 after meeting with Putin that he had “looked the man in the eye” and “found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy.”
Trump’s trip was different.
“Frankly, I don’t think those U.S. presidents at any point came off as not pursuing U.S. security interests, as being taken in by the Soviet leader they were meeting with,” said Alina Polyakova, a foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution. “I think even President George W. Bush’s meeting, where he had that famous quote about looking into Putin’s eyes and seeing into his soul — this summit dwarfs that by a factor of a thousand.”
Indeed, even before he departed Washington, Trump had made clear that he was itching for a fight. He criticized members of NATO, the decades-old military alliance, for failing to spend enough on defense and suggested he might not be interested in “paying for Europe’s protection” any longer.
In his first appearance at a pre-summit breakfast in Brussels, he went after German Chancellor Angela Merkel, claiming Germany was “totally controlled” by Russia and later asked on Twitter, “What good is NATO.” The summit ended in a whiplash-inducing proclamation from the president that NATO was stronger than ever as he claimed he’d secured new commitments to defense spending, which those present later disputed.
The drama continued as Trump headed to his next stop, the U.K. His first official visit was overshadowed by fallout from the rhetorical grenade he’d lobbed at British Prime Minister Theresa May before arriving. In a tabloid interview, he criticized May’s Brexit plans, said he might no longer be open to a trade deal with the U.K., and said one of May’s political rival would be an excellent prime minister, undermining her at a time when her government is in turmoil.
Then came yet another interview, this one from one of his golf courses in Scotland, in which Trump categorized the European Union as a top geopolitical “foe.”
Nothing, however, had quite prepared the world for Trump’s comments in Helsinki after hours of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose government, U.S. intelligence officials have concluded, meddled in the 2016 election, hacked Democratic Party emails and disseminated them in an effort to help Trump win.
Standing side-by-side on stage with the man accused of complicity in an attack on the very bedrock of American democracy, Trump said his intelligence people “think it’s Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this I don’t see any reason why it would be.” He also went after his Justice Department, calling its investigation into Russia’s efforts and potential collusion with Trump’s campaign a “disaster for our country.”
It was a stunning comment from an American president — one that he partially tried to walk back 24 hours later by blaming a grammatical glitch. But he did not retreat from a number of his other comments giving credence to Putin’s denials of election interference
“Trump 0 – Putin 1,” blared the front page of Finland’s Kauppalehti newspaper.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

is every medical cure problematic?????

Our Rabbis taught:10 King Hezekiah did six things; of three of them they [the Rabbis] approved and of three they did not approve. Of three they approved: he hid away the Book of Cures; and they approved of it; he broke into pieces the brazen serpent,11 and they approved of it; and he dragged the bones of his father [to the grave] on a bed of ropes,12 and they approved of it.13 Of three they did not approve: He stopped up the waters of Gihon,14 and they did not approve of it; he cut off [the gold] from the doors of the Temple and sent it to the King of Assyria,15 and they did not approve of it; and he intercalated the month of Nisan during Nisan,16 and they did not approve of it. But did not Hezekiah accept the teaching: This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:17 [this means] that this is Nisan and no other month shall be Nisan?18 — He went wrong over the teaching enunciated by Samuel. For Samuel said: The year must not be declared a prolonged year on the thirtieth of Adar, since this day may possibly belong to Nisan;19 and he thought: We do not pay heed to this possibility.20

רש"י מסכת ברכות דף י עמוד ב
שגנז ספר רפואות - כדי שיבקשו רחמים.

מהרש"א חידושי אגדות מסכת ברכות דף י עמוד ב
שגנז ספר הרפואות נמי אף על גב דבעיני אדם אינו טוב לגנוז שמבקשים ברפואות הרופא גם שניתן רשות לרופא לרפאות מ"מ בעיניך הוא טוב שאל יסמוך אדם על הרפואות ויהא לבו נכנע לבקש רחמים וק"ל
it seems clear from Rashi that prayer is better than medicine. so medicine is perhaps allowed but is not desirable

ספר בניהו בן יהוידע על ברכות דף י/ב
שם רבי לוי אמר שגנז ספר רפואות. נראה לי בס"ד הטעם שבא למצוא לו עזר מדבר זה לתפילתו, והוא כי מה שגנז ספר רפואות טוב עשה כדי שיהיה לבני אדם בטחון בהקב"ה, אך ודאי לעיני המון העם לא טוב עשה, ולא ניחא להו בהכי, ולכן אמר אם לא יתרפא מחולי זה ויחיה, עתה המון העם יחזיקו בסברתם לומר לא טוב עשיתי בגניזת ספר רפואות, ולכך זה היה העונש מדה כנגד מדה שלא נרפא מאותו חולי, ולא הועילה לו תפילה, לכך תרפאני כדי שבזה אדרבה יתברר האמת ולא יטעו העולם בהפך, ולזה אמר [מ"ב כ' ג'] והטוב בעיניך עשיתי, בעיניך דייקא ולא בעיני המון העם, שקשה להם דבר זה, ואם לא אתרפא יהיה להם פתחון פה לומר הפך האמת, ונראה ודאי כי ספר הרפואות ההוא היה בחכמת העשבים, והיה להם זה מחכמתו של שלמה המלך עליו השלום, דהיינו עשב זה יועיל לאדם אם אוכלו שלא ישלוט בו חולי הצרעת, ועשב זה שלא ישלוט בו בולמוס, ועשב זה שלא ישלוט בו אסכרה וכן לא ישלוט דבר וחולי מקוליר"א, וכיוצא מדברים המתהווים מעפוש האויר, ולכן גנזו כדי שיבטחו בה' להסיר מהם החולאים, ויתפללו אליו ולא יסמכו על הטבע, אך ודאי נשאר לרופאים דברים לרפאות את האדם מן חולאים המתהווים מטבע, הן מחמת אכילה או דבר אחר שמתהווה מהם קדחת, וחולי הראש, והבטן, וכיוצא בשאר אברים:

רמב"ם על משנה מסכת פסחים פרק ד משנה ט
ספר רפואות, היה ספר שהיה בו סדר רפואות במה שאין מן הדין להתרפות בו, כגון מה שמדמין בעלי "הטלסמאת" שאם עושין "טלסם" בסדר מסוים מועיל לחולי פלוני וכיוצא בזה מדברים האסורים, ומחברו לא חברו אלא על דרך הלימוד בטבעי המציאות לא כדי להשתמש במשהו ממה שנכלל בו, וזה מותר כמו שיתבאר לך שדברים שהזהיר ה' מלעשותם מותר ללמדם ולדעת אותם, כי ה' אמר לא תלמד לעשות ובא בקבלה אבל אתה למד להבין ולהורות. וכאשר קלקלו בני אדם ונתרפאו בו גנזו. ואפשר שהיה ספר שיש בו הרכבת סמים המזיקין כגון סם פלוני מרכיבין אותו כך, ומשקין אותו כך, וגורם למחלה זו וזו, ורפואתו בכך וכך, שכשיראה הרופא אותם המחלות ידע שסם פלוני השקוהו ונותן לו דברים נגדיים שיצילוהו, וכאשר קלקלו בני אדם והיו הורגין בו גנזו. ולא הארכתי לדבר בענין זה אלא מפני ששמעתי וגם פירשו לי ששלמה חבר ספר רפואות שאם חלה אדם באיזו מחלה שהיא פנה אליו ועשה כמו שהוא אומר ומתרפא, וראה חזקיה שלא היו בני אדם בוטחים בה' במחלותיהם אלא על ספר הרפואות, עמד וגנזו. ומלבד אפסות דבר זה ומה שיש בו מן ההזיות, הנה ייחסו לחזקיה ולסיעתו שהודו לו סכלות שאין ליחס דוגמתה אלא לגרועים שבהמון. ולפי דמיונם המשובש והמטופש אם רעב אדם ופנה אל הלחם ואכלו שמתרפא מאותו הצער הגדול בלי ספק, האם נאמר שהסיר בטחונו מה', והוי שוטים יאמר להם, כי כמו שאני מודה לה' בעת האוכל שהמציא לי דבר להסיר רעבוני ולהחיותני ולקיימני, כך נודה לו על שהמציא רפואה המרפאה את מחלתי כשאשתמש בה. ולא הייתי צריך לסתור פירוש זה הגרוע לולי פרסומו. ויתבאר שמותר לעבר השנה כל אדר ועושין אותה שנה שני אדרים, ומן הכללים שיש לנו אדר הסמוך לניסן לעולם חסר אם נסמוך על החשבון. ואם היו שני אדרים יהיה הראשון שלשים יום, ובא חזקיה ביום השלשים של אדר ועבר את השנה ועשה החדש הנכנס אדר שני, ואלו לא עבר את אותה השנה היה יום שלשים של אדר יום אחד בניסן כמו שביארנו, והרי עבר את השנה ביום שהיה ראוי להיות תחלת ניסן, וזה אסור לפי שהכלל אצלינו אין מעברין את השנה בשלשים של אדר הואיל וראוי לקבעו ניסן, והוא אינו סובר לדין זה כלומר הואיל וראוי לקבעו ניסן.

Trump caved spectacularly to Putin. Here's what might happen next


President Trump gave his detractors plenty of ammunition while standing beside Vladimir Putin.
At yesterday's Helsinki press conference, Trump refused to side with the findings of his own intelligence community that Putin's government used illegal hacking to influence the election. Instead, he said, "I don’t see why it would be" Russia, and contrasted that with Putin's "extremely strong and powerful" denial.
He then pivoted to "Hillary Clinton's emails," the server and the fact that he beat her in the election.
In a strange way, Putin seemed to take the indictment of 12 Russian military officers more seriously, saying he'd look into having his country's law enforcement cooperate with the Robert Mueller probe (though I wouldn't hold my breath).


Objectively, Trump has emerged from the summit a diminished figure.
He looked weak. He was obsequious to the stone-faced Russian leader and came across as unprepared and outmatched. He looked as far as it is possible to be from his own self-image as a bullying tough-as-nails dealmaker, the man who boasted at the Republican National Convention in 2016 that "I alone can fix it."
The myth of Trump as an American strongman may never recover.
It is already clear that the summit is a short-term political disaster for Trump. For a man who jealously guards his image, the mockery will sting and will provoke a backlash.
Top Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan, who normally don't criticize him, put distance between themselves and Trump.
"The President must appreciate that Russia is not our ally, there is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia," Ryan said in a written statement.
Even Newt Gingrich, a Trump supporter, rediscovered his roots as an old Cold Warrior.
"President Trump must clarify his statements in Helsinki on our intelligence system and Putin. It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected -- immediately," Gingrich tweeted.
Trump tried to clean up his mess in tweets as he flew home across the Atlantic.
"As I said today and many times before, 'I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people,'" he wrote. "However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past -- as the world's two largest nuclear powers, we must get along!"

chareidim interested in moving to Israel

Sunday, July 15, 2018

More Analysis of Rabbi Greenblatt's Heter

A core group of people have figured out virtually the entire outline of how the Heter for Tamar Epstein to remarry came about. It took years, finesse, a team of people in America and in Eretz Yisrael to piece it together, and Siyata D'shmaya. I give Hakaras HaTov to all who've contributed to discovering the details in an effort to strengthen the Torah.

Rabbi Greenblatt gave the Heter. To do so, he compared the case involving Aharon Friedman and Tamar Epstein to a theoretical model. Since the Friedman-Epstein case matched the model, in the Rabbi's estimation, then the Heter was issued.

There is a basis to attack the model on multiple fronts. In a previous post I demonstrated that the model leads to absurdity. I'm going to focus here on demonstrating that the model does not seem consistent with requirements for a true Mekach Taus.

Once I show the model is invalid, it follows that the Friedman-Epstein case, even if it follows the model, does not merit the issuing of a Heter to Tamar Epstein to remarry.

Let's first examine the model.

Take the case of a Jewish man and woman who get married with valid Kiddushin.

After the marriage takes place the husband manifests speech and behavior that causes the wife to want a divorce.

Nevertheless, she stays in the marriage.

At some point, her husband has contact on some level with a mental health professional. The professional diagnoses the husband with a mental illness.

The professional determines that
-the husband's condition is incurable
-the wife was unaware that her husband had an incurable mental illness before she married him
-she only became aware of her husband's condition after the marriage
-she leaves immediately after realizing her husband has the condition.

This is a model of Mekach Taus. The wife says that the marriage was based on a mistaken premise. In this case, the presumption she had was that her husband did not have a mental illness as defined by mental health professionals. Had she known her husband had a mental illness as diagnosed by a doctor, then she would not have married the man.

I say that that this model is fundamentally flawed.

Let's examine why.

Mental health professionals generally make mental illness diagnoses through observations of someone's behavior and speech.

Therefore, there is nothing about the husband's behavior and speech that the professional observes that the wife did not also observe. For example, if the husband mumbles incoherently, the doctor notes it. The wife also notes it.

And if the wife happens to miss it, than it can't be a basis for her making a claim of Mekach Taus anyway.

Thus, the entire cluster of symptoms that led to the diagnosis was known to the wife while she continued to live with her husband.

The only thing that the doctor's diagnosis does is give that collection of symptoms a name. The condition, though, is well known to the wife before that.

You might say, though, that the wife was unaware that the condition was considered incurable by mental health professionals.

But it is generally known that mental health professionals use the term "treat mental mental illness", not "cure mental illness". Thus, mental illness, as defined by mental health professionals, is incurable.

To summarize: the wife did not become aware of her husband's condition when she received the diagnosis. The woman was aware she was living with a man with behavior and speech that made her realize she wanted a divorce for quite awhile.

The argument could be made that the wife only knew her husband was "strange", but not "ill". I say that that distinction is irrelevant. The way mental health professionals diagnose people is on a spectrum. According to the mental health profession, virtually everyone suffers from mental illness. "Strangeness" is not far from "illness" and vice-versa within much of the universe of the mental health profession. Anyone requiring proof of this need only research how historical figures are routinely retroactively diagnosed with mental illness by forensic mental health professionals. Even the President is not spared such armchair diagnoses.

Thus, the model fails, I think, because it's difficult to find a case where a wife doesn't stay with her husband for a while after becoming aware that her husband has what mental health professionals describe as an incurable, pre-existing mental illness. The only thing she may have been unaware of was the name that the mental health professionals assign to the behavior and speech she was observing.

Perhaps the model would not be internally inconsistent in a case where a husband spontaneously and with no basis accuses his wife of trying to kill him and she runs out of their home never to return. If a mental health professional diagnosed the man with a pre-existing incurable mental condition that the wife was unaware of until her husband accused her, then the wife might have a case of bona fide Mekach Taus.

Yet Rabbi Greenblatt's position is that most women would not marry a man "L'chatchila" who will eventually be diagnosed by a professional with an incurable pre-existing mental illness. He gives no weight to how the man's speech and behavior actually affects the marriage. Whether the man goes stark raving mad, or whether he acts and speaks in a way where the wife puts up with it for years, it's all the same to Rabbi Greenblatt.

Understanding Personality Disorders with Dr Nachum Andrew Klafter, MD

I am a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. I specialize in treating adolescents and adults with complex psychological disorders, for whom less intensive treatments have not been successful. Another major aspect of my professional work is providing supervision for psychotherapists who wish to deepen their psychotherapy technique. I have provided supervision to therapists in North America, Israel, and Europe. 

I have provided forensic evaluations and delivered expert testimony for plaintiffs and defendants in cases involving psychiatric and psychotherapy malpractice, competency and guardianship, and psychological damages associated with personal injuries. I have also provided expert testimony for civil Jewish law proceedings in Jewish religious courts (Batei Dinim). 

I have spoken at numerous professional conferences and have delivered psychotherapy training seminars regionally, nationally, and overseas

Specialties: Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, Adolescents, Psychotherapy Supervision, and Forensic Consultation

individuality RAV WOLBE

rav Wolbe עלי שור חלק ב ע תטו

Deadly Choices about vaccination

The year 2011 is starting out rather promisingly, at least from the point of view of science-based medicine. Its beginning coincides with the release of two — count ’em, two! — books taking a skeptical, science-based look at vaccines and, in particular, the anti-vaccine movement. First off the mark is a new book by a man whom the anti-vaccine movement views as the Dark Lord of Vaccination, sitting up in Barad-dûr(apparently the University of pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia), a man utterly reviled by anti-vaccine quacks everywhere, Dr. Paul Offit. He has been subjected to considerable bile and harassment due to his simply standing up for the science behind vaccines. The book is entitled, appropriately enough, Deadly Choices: How the Anti-vaccine Movement Threatens Us All. Also being released is a new book by Seth Mnookin entitled The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear. Mnookin is a contributing editor at Vanity Fairand whose work has appeared in numerous publications. Because I got a copy of Deadly Choices before my copy of The Panic Virus arrived, I decided to review Deadly Choices first; after I’ve managed to read The Panic Virus, I’ll write a review of it as well. Both books are arrows shot at the heart of the pseudoscience and fear at the heart of the vaccine manufactroversy, and it might well be useful to compare and contrast the two once I’ve finished The Panic Virus.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at Deadly Choices, an excellent, well-researched book with which I have relatively few disagreements. It is a followup to Dr. Offit’s last book, Autism’s False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure, which I reviewed back when it first came out. In contrast to Autism’s False Prophets, which concentrated primarily on the manufactroversy that claims that vaccines are responsible for the “autism epidemic,” Deadly Choices steps back to take a broader look at the anti-vaccine movement. Regular readers of SBM hardly need to be reminded how pervasive and dangerous the modern-day anti-vaccine movement has become. Indeed, it is a frequently discussed theme of this blog, given that the anti-vaccine movement is such a major force among the forces that deny the efficacy of scientific medicine and seek either to replace it with unscientific or pseudoscientific “alternatives” or to “integrate” pseudoscience into science-based medicine. Indeed, anti-vaccine sentiment infuses large swaths of what we refer to as “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM), be it chiropractic, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, or a wide variety of other modalities and systems.
In examining the modern anti-vaccine movement, Dr. Offit structures his book into three major sections. First, beginning in a chapter entitled The Birth of Fear, Dr. Offit begins with a description of the birth of the modern anti-vaccine movement, which in the U.S. Dr. Offit traces, in large part, to the broadcast of an irresponsible and anecdote-driven news documentary about the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine in 1982, and in the U.K. to a scare about the DPT triggered by a presentation by Dr. John Wilson to the Royal Society of Medicine about horrific complications thought to be due to the pertussis vaccine in the DPT. Next, Dr. Offit goes back into history to describe the development of the anti-vaccine movement in the 1800s in England and notes parallels with the modern day anti-vaccine movement. Finally, the story shifts back to today, where he describes the situation now, how demands for vaccines turned into fear of vaccines, and what we might do about it.based medicine./

US indicts 12 Russians for hacking DNC emails during the 2016 election


A dozen Russians were criminally charged on Friday with hacking and leaking the emails of senior Democrats during the 2016 presidential election campaign.
Grand jury indictments against the 12 alleged Russian intelligence officials were announced by Rod Rosenstein, the deputy US attorney general, at a press conference in Washington.

The indictment says Clinton’s personal office was targeted for the first time on 27 July 2016 – hours after Trump called on Russian hacker
US intelligence agencies concluded that the accounts were hacked as part of a wide-ranging operation ordered by Putin to damage Clinton’s bid for the presidency and assist Trump’s campaign.
Trump has consistently tried to cast doubt over the conclusions of the intelligence agencies that he now controls, and highlighted denials from Putin about the election interference. He continued on Friday to dismiss Mueller’s inquiry as a “witch-hunt”.s to find her emails.

The indicted Russians were on Friday also accused of hacking into the computer systems of American state election authorities and of companies that produced software used by states for running elections. Rosenstein said there was no evidence of any vote tallies being affected.
The Russians used techniques including “spearphishing” and spying software, before publishing the emails through well-known online accounts including Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks, which purported to be independent American and Romanian hackers. Rosenstein said both personas were in fact operated by the GRU.

In February this year, Mueller’s team filed criminal charges against 13 Russians and three Russian companies for interfering in the presidential campaign, using social media and coordinating with low-level Trump campaign activists.