Sunday, July 24, 2022

The One Time Trump Couldn’t Lie His Way Out of a Crisis 

Trump had known for a while that COVID-19 was poised to spark a pandemic unlike the globe had seen in a hundred years. After he and other top aides, among them Mike Pence and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, initially downplayed warnings coming from elsewhere in the administration — including from national security aide Matt Pottinger and trade adviser Peter Navarro — the president had grown convinced of the danger posed by what he often dubbed “the plague.” He confided in the journalist Bob Woodward as far back as February 7 that he knew the virus was deadly.

But publicly, Trump lied.

Trump looked surprised when his supporters loudly booed him at an Arizona rally over his Congress endorsement

  • Trump was booed by supporters at an Arizona rally after mentioning his endorsement of Congressional candidate Eli Crane.

  • Trump appeared bewildered by the booing and asked: "But you like me, right?"

Bubby didn't eat bugs

Rav Moshe Feinstein[7] zt"l was asked near the end of his life about prohibiting a certain type of fruit due to a possible insect issue. Rav Moshe responded that it may not be publicized that this fruit is prohibited; as aside for the fact that there were lenient opinions to rely upon (in that specific situation), "it is prohibited to spread rumors about earlier generations, who could not have possibly been stringent on these issues, as they were unaware of them".

“Jill Biden makes stunning admission after” President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19. - fake news

The supposed admission comes up about two and a half minutes into the video. Spoiler alert: She didn't say anything unusual, unexpected, shocking or, in the post’s parlance, stunning.

Republican Jews call on GOP candidate for PA governor to stop using Gab

Doug Mastriano has 38,000 followers on Gab, a self-proclaimed “free speech” platform that hosts content prohibited on more mainstream sites.

“Here are the facts: Doug Mastriano is recruiting extremists on Gab, the same social media platform that empowered the Tree of Life killer to murder 11 Jewish people in a Pittsburgh synagogue,” Shapiro posted to social media Friday, a day after an array of politicians and community leaders held a press conference in Pittsburgh to denounce Mastriano’s Gab usage. “This is far from normal, and cannot be accepted as such. He is dangerous.”

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls D.C. Jail Section Holding Jan. 6 Rioters 'Patriot Wing'

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene dubbed the section of the Washington, D.C., jail holding dozens of individuals arrested in connection with the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol the "Patriot Wing" after a visit this week.

Greene, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, has become an outspoken defender of the rioters who violently assaulted the Capitol in an effort to prevent the certification of President Joe Biden's Electoral College victory. The Georgia Republican has claimed that those involved in the attack who remain jailed are being abused. She has also suggested that the violent attack was in line with the Declaration of Independence.

Tucker Carlson: Why are Jan. 6 protesters still in jail while murderers walk free? - nonsense from Carlson

A mob of older people from unfashionable zip codes somehow made it all the way to Washington, D.C., probably by bus. They wandered freely through the Capitol, like it was their building or something. They didn’t have guns, but a lot of them had extremely dangerous ideas. They talked about the Constitution, and something called "their rights." Some of them made openly seditious claims. They insisted, for example, that the last election was not entirely fair. The whole thing was terrifying. And then, as you’ve been told so often, they committed unspeakable violence. By the time thousands of soldiers arrived to restore order, an unarmed woman, an Air Force veteran, lay dead. To this day, that woman is the one completely verified casualty of the insurrection, the only person whose death we can say definitively was caused by specific events on January 6th. We know how she died.

Bannon found guilty

"Justice For J6" Says They're Rallying For Nonviolent Offenders. Most Alleged Capitol Rioters In Jail Are Charged With Violent Crimes.

Organizers of this weekend’s “Justice for J6” rally say the event is meant to support “nonviolent offenders,” but the majority of defendants held in jail in connection with insurrection are charged with assaulting police or other violent crimes.

Of the more than 600 alleged Capitol rioters arrested to date, 71 were in jail as of Sept. 17. The narrative that defendants ordered to stay behind bars while their cases are pending are “political prisoners” has become a rallying cry among conservatives who backed former president Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” movement. On Saturday, Trump supporters are expected to participate in a demonstration pitched as showing support for those charged with storming the Capitol and temporarily stopping Congress from certifying the results of the election.

Trump ‘100% Committed Crimes’: Evidence Moves From Speech ‘Incitement’ To Wider MAGA Conspiracy

Jan. 6 hearing dominates top TV networks — except one

America’s top television networks on Thursday turned prime time over to a gripping account of former President Donald Trump’s actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol — with one prominent exception.

The top-rated news network, Fox News Channel, stuck with its own lineup of commentators. Sean Hannity denounced the “show trial” elsewhere on TV just as he was featured in it, with the House’s Jan. 6 committee examining his tweets to Trump administration figures.

The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6

No matter your views of the Jan. 6 special committee, the facts it is laying out in hearings are sobering. The most horrifying to date came Thursday in a hearing on President Trump’s conduct as the riot raged and he sat watching TV, posting inflammatory tweets and refusing to send help.Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.

Who Deserves to be Our Hero? by Rabbi YITZCHOK ADLERSTEIN

Heroes need not be perfect. Gedolim need not be perfect. They never were, and they never will be. A person who demands never to find fault in his or her mentor will never have a meaningful mentor.

The obvious question is whether therefore all faults are ignored and the gadol is never held accountable for mistakes?

Gedolim don't apologize because they don't think they make mistakes

 One of the most important factors in human relations is apologizing for hurting another person. Don't recall stories of gedolim  apologizing apparently because they never err or think they never err