Friday, December 27, 2019

Kurdish Commander Calls on Trump to Prevent ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

Since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s army and proxy forces swept into northeastern Syria in October, the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army—a loose group of Syrian rebels founded by defectors from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s army—has terrorized the local population. Although a series of cease-fire agreements have halted the large-scale assault, there are regular reports of atrocities at the hands of the force, including regular arrests, looting, and executions. Abdi recently met with a group of local residents who said the Turkish-backed fighters seized their property and forced them to flee.

The Jews should not keep quiet anymore

 His newest book "The Jews Should Keep Quiet" explores the relationship between FDR and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, American Jewry’s leader at the time.
He explains to Eve Harow that new research and declassified information have led to shocking revelations and the inescapable conclusion that the US president was a racist and anti-Semite whose personal attitudes led to Jews getting caught by the Nazis instead of finding refuge in the US.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Politics Editor at Evangelical Publication The Christian Post Resigns Over Pro-Trump Editorial

Nazworth, who had worked at The Christian Post for eight and a half years, says he would have been fine publishing the pro-Trump piece as an op-ed.

“As the politics editor of The Christian Post I have always welcomed diverse voices. I’ve published many op-eds I disagreed with,” he tells TIME. It was only once he learned the paper planned to publish the piece as an editorial, making it the position of the newspaper as a whole, versus that of an individual writer, that he felt he had to resign.

Christianity Today‘s editorial kicked off a firestorm of a debate both among and beyond the evangelical community. President Trump hit back at the publication on Twitter, writing “I guess the magazine, Christianity Today, is looking for Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, or those of the socialist/communist bent, to guard their religion.”
In an open letter addressed to the paper, nearly 200 evangelical leaders condemned the op-ed. Meanwhile, Christianity Today has reported its subscriptions increased after the op-ed was published, and defended its position in a subsequent editorial on Sunday.
“Of course, we appreciate the support and listen humbly to the criticisms,” the second editorial titled “The Flag in the Whirlwind: An Update from CT’s President” said. “But at the end of the day, we write for a readership of One. God is our Tower. Let the whirlwind come.”
“I was actually kind of shocked that [the Christianity Today editorial] got so much attention. In 2016 they had a similar editorial,” Nazworth says. He adds that The Christian Post also published an anti-Trump editorial in 2016, titled “Donald Trump Is a Scam. Evangelical Voters Should Back Away.”
“People don’t realize there is a pretty big contingent [of evangelicals] that don’t support [Trump] as well,” he tells TIME.

Make your mind up, Rudy! Giuliani attends midnight mass at St Patrick's in NYC one day after saying he was 'more Jewish' than Holocaust-survivor George Soros, as Mayor de Blasio calls the Trump attorney an 'anti-Semitic disgrace'

Rudy Giuliani attended midnight mass at the Catholic St. Patrick's Cathedral for Christmas after an interview revealed how he slammed liberal financier George Soros by questioning his Judaism - even though the Hungarian-born billionaire is a Holocaust survivor.

The former New York City mayor posted a photo on his Instagram page of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, blessing the alter.

'Cardinal Egan blesses the altar at midnight to begin the sacrifice of the Midnight Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. His homily on the meaning of midnight was a beautiful description of the significance of the birth of the son of God,' Giuliani wrote.

Giuliani was blasted for his comments in the interview with NY Magazine, which he gave while drinking Bloody Marys at the posh Mark Hotel on the Upper East Side of New York City.

Modern Day " Yehudis" Heroism


Third Day of Chanuka, 5780, Parshas Mikaitz, 5780

Modern Day "Yehudis" Heroism

by Binyomin Feinberg

Nowadays, we are witness to many individuals who exhibit exemplary courage in standing up to the female military draft in Israel. In various ways, they exemplify the very type of mesiras nefesh which we celebrate on Chanukah. The following articles provide a mere sampling of the immense self-sacrifice employed by girls throughout Israeli society today.

Here we cite selected, recently circulated reports on the crisis of conscription of girls & women into the Israeli military: 

{The first two links below appeared in the weekly email of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) in the week of Parshas Vayishlach, on  Dec. 12,'19. Most of the remaining links listed below appeared therein in preceding weeks.}



(Thu, Nov 7, '19)
Breaking the Very Laws They Make:

(Wed., Nov 6, '19)

(Wed., Oct 30, '19)

(Tue., Oct 8, 2019)
Violating the Vineyard:

(28 Aug.,'19)

(4 Ellul, '79; see Jewish Press, Sept.13,'19)

Chanukah Update:

This week, on Chanukah, we were informed, by a reliable source close to the case, about a girl, A. S., who claims the following: 

She was ordered to enlist on July 14, '19.  When she arrived that day, she witnessed what was going on there. She realized that she cannot possibly enlist. She left, and three weeks later she gave herself up, and was incarcerated for six days, starting on Sun. Aug. 4. After her release on that Friday, Aug. 9, she was ordered to enlist in the Army the day after Tisha B'Av, Aug. 12. B"H, she refused, and has been officially absent-without-leave since then. She is currently being assisted by activists.

In addition to the Torah prohibition against females serving in the military, even from a secular perspective, one can understand why no girl should ever be forced into a military environment. Thus, the problem Israel has here isn't the secular element as much as the anti-religious element, which avidly promotes morally and socially subversive policies that even many secularly oriented people are not necessarily pushing for. These policies include forcibly enlisting girls into the promiscuous military.


On June 30, '19, Noa M., a religious girl, underwent a Rayon Dat (a religiosity-interrogation, apparently unaware of the Halachic objections to such procedures). She expected to receive a religious exemption, but was subsequently told by the Army that her religious exemption was being denied, reportedly. Her draft date was set for Dec. 22, '19. Reportedly, she is now being summoned to another interview, which is unusual after the draft date passed. What types of games is the military playing with people's lives?  Is this another ploy to pressure religious girls into enlisting?

May we merit the Ultimate Redemption speedily, in the merit of assisting these heroic souls.

Gateshead's Orthodox community bucks declining trend to double in decade

The Orthodox Jewish community of Gateshead, England, is thriving in sharp contrast to many British communities, thanks to outstanding Jewish education, a dynamic New York rabbi and cheap housing.
Like most northern English cities, Gateshead, located on the River Tyne, has struggled since the 1980s with the loss of the manufacturing industries that once made the region Britain's economic powerhouse.

Unpaid Bills Pile Up In The Wake Of President Donald Trump Rallies | All In | MSNBC

Brooklyn Rabbi and Sons Accused of Sexually Abusing Daughters

 A Brooklyn Hasidic rabbi and three of his sons are suspected of sexually abusing at least four of the rabbi's daughters after the eldest victim confided in a co-worker at a Jewish school, police said Friday.
The 58-year-old father and his 21-year-old son fled to Israel two days ago and are wanted for questioning in the case, police said. They were apparently driven there by the mother.

while this is an old item 
I was told last night that apparently they are still in Israel after escaping with the aid of prominent Brooklyn rabbis

37% of immigrants in last eight years not Jewish, updated data show

 Following the disclosure of erroneous figures on the identity of immigrants to Israel, the Interior Ministry has released new data demonstrating that 37% of immigrants over the last eight years have not been Jewish.
Of those, the overwhelming majority – some 85% of all non-Jewish immigrants – came from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream | NYT News

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin defends controversial pardons

Was George Soros an SS Officer or Nazi Collaborator During World War II?
That Soros was only nine years old (born in 1930) when the war broke out and all of 14 when Nazi Germany surrendered in May 1945 hasn’t dampened his detractors’ enthusiasm for spreading these rumors, including the absurd claim, which first surfaced in November 2016, that Soros literally served as an officer of the paramilitary Schutzstaffel (SS) in Germany.

So yes, George Soros is a billionaire with ties to progressive causes. But he is not a Nazi. Or a Nazi sympathizer. At all. Despite what one might see on Twitter (or Reddit or Facebook) — or even hear from members of Congress. When one Republican Congress member suggested to Vice News that Soros had funded the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VIrginia, last summer in an effort to discredit the right, he made sure to add that Soros ”turned in his own people to the Nazis.”

CLAIM: Democratic philanthropist George Soros was a Nazi soldier
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A photo said to be George Soros as a Nazi soldier is actually a photo of Oskar Groening, a former SS sergeant at Auschwitz Birkenau, the Nazi German concentration and extermination camp, operated from 1940-1945 in Poland.
THE FACTS: A photo circulating widely on Facebook is not Soros, but a young Oskar Groening, a former SS sergeant who became known as the “Accountant of Auschwitz.,” according to information provided to The Associated Press by the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.
Soros, who was just 9-years-old when Hitler’s army invaded Poland, was not a member of the Nazi party, despite what the photo said. Soros, who is Jewish and Hungarian, was 15 during the Nazi occupation of Hungary. He would have been too young to join the Hitler Youth, an organization that recruited and trained 16- and 17-year-old boys to fight.
According to false information with the photo, Soros was an SS in the National Socialist German workers party and served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. The information also claimed,”He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him.”
Soros did not say that the destruction and agony was “euphoric” to him. This quote derives from Groening’s testimony in 2015, when he said his enthusiasm for the Nazi objective had evolved into “euphoria.”

הותר לפרסום: רב שתקף 4 ילדים בבית כנסת נשלח לכלא

שלום חזן, אב לילדים וסב לנכדים, המשמש כרב בית כנסת בירושלים, ניצל את ההערצה אליו - וביקש מכמה ילדים וילדות שיעזרו לו, תוך שהוא תוקף אותם באופן חמור • גזר דינו: ארבע שנות מאסר

'Thug,' 'Threat': Endorsing Impeachment, Top Newspapers Unload On Trump | MSNBC