Thursday, November 7, 2019

BREAKING & HEARTBREAKING NEWS: Army Targeting FORTY PERCENT of National Religious Girls

Nov. 7, 19.

Parshas Lech Lecha, 5780

By Binyomin Feinberg, Contributor to The Jewish Press*

* The perspectives and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ownership or management of The Jewish Press.


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The IDF is targetting 40% of the graduates of National Religious girls' High Schools for the military draft, within just three years. However, they can easily be stopped with proper exposure.

The military reporter for Maariv (Nov.5) reveals that the military seeks to recruit 40% of religious girls in Mam'lachti Dati schools by the end of 2022 CE. According to the IDF, the number of religious girls now being drafted is 2,500 per year.This includes about 27 percent of girls from National Religious schools, of the relevant age.

The IDF modus operandi for recruiting girls is akin to the that of enlisting boys - employing slick marketing techniques and appealing enticements, incrementally increasing enlistment. They start with the weakest girls, and step up gradually, with each group being targeted by the appropriate approach. And, as with recruitment of boys, the military initially argued that recruiting is intended for dropouts and the like.

Even in regard to girls, the army openly reveals their intent to enlist religious girls, with the implication that, contrary to the (somewhat distant) past, the army has set itself a goal to recruit Torah-observant girls who are legally exempt. While the military focuses on entrapment of the weaker girls, concurrently it selectively targets individual stronger girls, gradually, to foment a "new normal," in preparation for the next stage.


  1. And the SHMAD continues..!

  2. 3 of my 4 Torah observant daughters served in the IDF. Each had an excellent, spotless experience. You are doing a disservice to the Jewish people by defaming something you apparently know nothing about. Shame on you.

  3. you prefer the model of shmad in in europe?
    Perhaps you prefer the pogroms and gas chambers?

  4. The Berels of the world don't accept the kashrus of the national religious camp, don't accept their rabbis or rulings, call their hashkafas treife, etc... So why so worried about them going into the army Berel?

  5. The Gas Chambers were tactically supported by the social <Labor
    Zionists,, this is well known ,,this was in their writings of several
    Zionist thinkers

    It was a continuation of The white paper also instituted shortly after the Balfour declaration .

  6. 900 abortions each year in the army alone !
    that alone 75,000 killed since the state

  7. What lies you tell, to satisfy your sick disease of anti-zionism. You will tell any lie if it serves your Netureikart/Shatmore ideology.
    The man who was greater than your Rebbe, was Theodore Herzl, who foresaw the ongoing anti-semitism, and thatis why he wanted a Jewish State. As I mentioned before, there were pogroms and inquistions throughout the past 1000 years, or more. Nazis were just follwoing this tradition.
    The white paper was by the treacherous British, in 1939 - that was not supproted by Zionists, you fool, it was fought over by them. they fought the British becasue of it.
    In any case, it was Hareidi leaders who made their own "white papers" forbidding aliyah to israel, or even o escape to othe places such as America.

  8. how about secular Jews in America, Europe, Russia etc?

  9. Their not 'shmading' any one , the Madina is a midinas hshmad so daid reb Chaim Brisker ..How prophetic!

  10. everyone is a target , and we DO care a lot about NR Jews as much as we care for our own they are ours just the same even also the non frum ones also.

  11. Thank Hashem you lucked out

  12. Stop lying, Berel.

  13. Hahahah, Please say it fully explicitly. "We do care a lot about NR Jews as much as we care for own, it's just that their hashkofas are treife, their kashrus can't be relied upon, and their rabbis are illegitimate, so they are all kofrim. But we care so deeply."
    It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and completely lacking self-awareness.

  14. Britian didnt owe the Jews anything!

  15. Actually, the Pope story is fake.
    He said that jews have no future in Europe, unless they convert! This option wasnt acceptable, hence he had to find a way to save the jews.
    Uganda was not his first choice. But, practically speaking, it was better than being slaughtered. Where in the Torah does it say you cannot move to Uganda?
    Britain went back on the balfour declaration, and their white paper was treachery. But you, berel, blame the white paper on Zionists!

  16. How unprophetic. Reb Chaim ztl was niftar about 100 years ago, when there was no State. Today, the state funds chief rabbanut, yeshivas, has Jewish public holidays, and brings jews from all shmad in the world, Russia, Iran, Egypt etc.

  17. Frum rabbonim originally opposed even moving to America, even getting visas from yeshiva U.
    Herzl went from town to town to bring Jews to Israel. Even some rabbis who opposed him admired him, that he was an upright mensch. But many rebuffed him. That was the hareidi white paper.
    Also reform hated him, because they said Berlin is Jerusalem!.
    Even today, extreme left atheist reform have the same views as neturei karta, hence your hero Mr Shapiro is friends with terrorists and anti Semites.

  18. A vort based on the Netziv - in haEmek Davar, Netziv says that the blessings mentioned in the Torah are done through teva, nature. If so, the Torah expects us to work through teva, and this means studying science, psychology, economics etc, going to university, getting a career for the economy of now, not 500 years ago, and going to the army too.
    Netziv is teaching us what his son, rav Meir ztl practiced - that we need to be pragmatic about the world, not rely on miracles.

  19. Secular people have Xmas trees. If you say he was an atheist (no evidence provided), then an Xmas tree is irrelevant.
    However, you are falsifying history, claiming he wanted to convert all Jews. Just because he mentioned it as one way out, doesn't mean he accepted it. Rambam also mentions shmad in Halacha, doesn't mean he advocates it.
    Avraham Abulalafia also requested to meet the Pope, but it was to release the Jews.
    Look at how many rebbes opposed Herzl, and forbade their chassidim from leaving churban Europa.

  20. This is just another reflection of the stupidity of the antizionist position and the extent of their propagandizing as substitute for substantive argument or logic. If the Satmar rav's (and others') absurd opinion was right that it was forbidden to settle Eretz Yisrael, then going to Uganda (or any country) instead would be a big mitzvah. Think about that.

  21. Nothing really logical or consistent within that camp -

    they discard halacha, which not only permits, but says it is a mitzvah to live in Israel.
    Individuals can go, but not groups,. OK, so did all the Hareidim travel on their own to get there?
    Talmud says it's better to be in EY, even if it is full of idolaters, than it is to be in bavel, even full of talmidei chachamim.
    And, the fixation on the 3 oaths, and recasting them as the foundation of all Torah! Not the Written Torah, not the 10 commandments, not Oral Law, not the Kabbalah, - it is the oaths!

  22. ???I fail to comprehend?

  23. Read his speeches and see for yourself or better yet do as the Chazon Ish said and dont read his writings of kfirah and also not Kooks writings.

  24. great choice, thanks ;)

  25. I don't think you do care - you complain that secular or not quite frum Jews dared to save their own lives, and en masse, by leaving Europe.

    You complain that they continue to keep halachos that you refuse to keep- namely the mitzvah to have a military defence force in keeping with Hilchot Rodef u'Rotzeach. is it an embarrassment that they are frummer than you in certain areas of Torah?
    And although not you specifically (ewen though you attack YU), your hareidi colleagues also attack Jews, whether MO or secular for building Universities or studying in them - even though the Netziv said that our connection to the Bracha of keeping the Mitzvot is realsied through Teva - hence we must engage in teva, the physical natural world. Some "gedolim" have said that any Jew who learns a secular trade (in consonance with the Talmudic dictum) should be disresepcted and placed in semi-cherem. Oh yes, and to detroy 10,000 ordinary Jewish lives just to produce one "gadol".

    All nonsense, made up by peopel who have no more Jewish soul and are driven by soton to destroy the jewish people.


  27. I read once a description of Herzl's diaries about how his intention of meeting the pope was with a series of arguments he intended to use to refute xtianity in person, to the pope's face. (Thus, this was one of his attempts to save Jews from persecution). In light of that, it doesn't make a lot of sense to say his request to meet the pope marked some kind of rebellion against God or betrayal of Jews. That claim is extremely dishonest. But it is ignorance, not reading, which underlies most of the Herzl-bashing.
    From the psychopathic ramblings of a commenter calling Rav Kook a "fool" (sic), what else would we expect but spouting off nonsense and ignorance?

  28. The Chazon Ish said whatever you want him to say. That is the old trick, even hinted at in the Talmud, that if you want your position to gain approval, say it in the name of somebody great.

  29. shoiteh! Herzl had a CHraztmuch tree in his dining room all his kids shmaded no bris for them research the thruth !Wake up! slumber

  30. I thought you respec t litfish Great rabbonim ?

  31. Hahahahah! Like a true propagandist, always changing the subject, jumping from brainless talking point to talking point. Many secularized Austrian Jews had Xmas trees back then, and it wasn't a religious practice to do so. (A secular/reform Jew today in a mixed family similarly might grow up with a tree but it has no religious significance to him/her per se).
    Now, an Xmas tree in the DINING ROOM? Only a true psychopath would imagine such a thing.
    Joking aside, it is you who needs to research beyond the propaganda sites you frequent and start looking into some primary sources. Herzl did not believe in religion, (which was a common state of being of those times). Your suggestion that he was a believing Xtian or had sympathy toward Xtianity (as some kind of secret double agent against Jews) is a falsehood and a smear.
    His secularism in of itself says nothing about whether or not he had good ideas politically and in particular whether the concept of Jewish statehood as a remedy for Jews was justified or not justified, whether it was sensible or not sensible. Those questions need to be argued on their merits, but since you will fail to present convincing arguments and you would fail any argument on its merits, you must by default resort to the smears to present your case. Exposing your side's arguments to the light of day only reveals their weakness, defeatism, corruption, failure, and lack of vision.

    "Do nothing and pray" was a terrible strategy, proven so by the ultimate crescendo of antisemitism, the Holocaust.
    What makes that strategy even worse was the fact that it wasn't merely "Do nothing and pray" - It was "Do nothing and pray and also have great rebbes slander the land of Israel at the same time so that everyone else will do nothing and pray with us" --- How many had to die for this immoral and myopic clinging to power and the existing order?

  32. Rav Chaim was a great innovator in learnign system of the Talmud. he was not a Navi. I respect him for his learning and innovative methods. There is an aspect of his prediction that is true, i.e. the evil members of the secular tzionim did attempt shmad eg with theYemenites. however, this has not been the character of the State altogether. You cannot have Yehivos,shuls, Kashrus system, batei Din etc and call it shmad! id Soviet union, Spanish Inquistion or Shmad in Yemen, Iran etc fund all these Orthodox institutions during their shmad? The obvious answer is NO. Thus the obvious answer is that the prediction is overall false.
    Furthermore, all these opponents were about 200 years too late, since the emancipation/enlightenment began a couple of centuries before the State.

    My view is that being great in learning Gemara does not automatically give you Nevuah. Nor does it guarantee that all your statements are correct. The Daas Torah crowd disagree, except when it suits them (eg the K-G heter) then they say exactly the same thing.
    Even Brisk don't agree , that is why they hate R' Kotler, R Shach etc. And R Shach doesn't agree, that is why he fougth everyone, including Lubavitcher, Soloveitchik etc.

  33. shoiteh, Herzl was born assimilated, hence tinok she'nishbah. Shmad is not applicable, you don't know your stuff very well. The point is that he made teshuva. de haan also made a partial teshuva but still had his toeivahs, which are worse than 1000 Xmas trees!

  34. And what good did we gain from the75 years of statehood except constant bloodshed?

    Yes it still best to Pray and survive galus and we pretty good at this !~or HAShEM is good at protecting us for two thousand years!, keeping us a step ahead of trouble (which by the waycaused by sins of non obsevant jews read the torah in many many places again and agin )

  35. 1 European pogrom was greater in bloodshed than 75 years in Israel.
    YOU wish to prolong galus like the spies.

  36. The Torah says that Hashem will bring back the exile from the 4 corners of the Earth. This is what has happened _ South America, Africa, Australia, Russia etc. Many would be lost to assimilation otherwise.

  37. Whose speeches did you refer to? CI respected Rav kook, but nobody is forcing you to accept his philosophy. Even Rambam has his opponents, especially to his philosophy. In certain places, they forbid studying Rambam philosophy 😝

  38. The Alter Rebbe, who is worshipped not only by Chabad , but all chassidim, said that Jews should nto support Napoleon in his war agaisnt Russia, since it is better to be under poverty and oppression, than freedom (unlike what Moses fought for). Instead, all that he tried to avod and worse happened,. First the pogroms, the oppression, then the Bolsheviks and the shmad, finally the holocaust. The jews in his beloved russia had a century of shmad, and lost everything. The remnants are the russian intermarried that came to israel, the rest are gone.

  39. The attempted genocides and holocaust sequels by several Arab nations, in several different occasions, were all defeated, so they couldn't achieve what Hitler did.

  40. You think American assimilated don't perform abortions? Even if their boyfriends are goyim.

  41. Berel would claim that these were due to the Israeli State being established. However, these pogroms were taking place in Arab/muslim nations for hundreds of years, including in Eretz Yisrael itself. Many jews who lived there in the middle ages were systematically converted by the sword of islam, many of whom became druze rather than Muslims. But without the State, would there not have been more pogroms in iran, iraq, syria yemen etc? All the places which have Isis, Hezbollah, alqaeda etc would be slaughtering the jews and not just the Kurds, Yazidis, etc.

  42. Rav saadia gain, and his weird Arabic translation

  43. So you dont believe in mifnai chtaenu galenu maiatrzanu?!

  44. I can see that you believe in non-sequiturs. You are changing the subject because your argument stinks and you had to surrender.


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