Monday, December 14, 2009

Rabbi Lookstein :Sexual ethics course at Ramaz


Nearing his ninth decade, formal in vested suit and cufflinks, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein strode purposefully into a classroom of Ramaz High School on Manhattan's Upper East Side one recent Monday afternoon. He checked the presence and location of his 18 students against a seating chart. He chided one for arriving moments late.

Then he led off the discussion of the homework assignment. It consisted of an article from the national Jewish newspaper, The Forward, about a married couple who participate avidly in both synagogue and swinging. "Aren't these people just being honest?" Rabbi Lookstein asked. Five or six hands immediately shot up.

So began another day in Jewish Sexual Ethics, the course better known around Ramaz, even to its teacher, as "Sex With the Rabbi." For the last 23 years, since Rabbi Lookstein devised the class, he has taught it to every 10th grader to pass through Ramaz, a Modern Orthodox institution combining rigorous secular and religious curriculums.[...]

Conservative convert buried outside main cemetery


Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar ruled Sunday that a 13-year-old boy who passed away over the weekend in Madrid had to be buried in a separate burial section demarcated by a row of trees because he had converted to Judaism in a Conservative rabbinical court.

Ben-David was buried Sunday in a special section of Madrid's Jewish cemetery reserved for people whose Jewishness is in question.

Rabbi Moshe Ben-Dahan, the Chief Orthodox Rabbi of Madrid, told The Jerusalem Post that Amar ruled against burying Ben-David in the main part of Madrid's Jewish cemetery.[...]

To adopt a non-Jewish child - must be Orthodox


Nira and Yaron had been trying to have a baby for eight years. They did everything - in-vitro fertilizations, egg donations, treatments in Israel and abroad. Nothing worked. The only way they would be able to have a family was by adoption. The Taf adoption agency found a baby for them after a few weeks of searches, and they were called to Belarus to adopt an abandoned 11-month-old baby boy. Their happiness knew no bounds.

When they returned to Israel, they immediately began the process of having the baby converted to Judaism. They turned to the rabbinic court in Ashkelon, the seat of the head of the conversion administration, Rabbi Yosef Avior. The rabbi told them that if they wanted to have the baby converted, they would have to become observant Jews. The couple told Avior that they live a secular lifestyle but that they observe commandments: Yaron puts on phylacteries every morning and Nira observes the basic commandments for women. Nira and Yaron pledged in writing at the meeting that they would raise little Yair in the same way. It took a while, but at the age of 17 months, Yair underwent circumcision with the approval of the conversion administration.[...]

Kars4kids defends its reputation

Kars4Kids writes to respond to the December 12th article in the Newark Star Ledger involving the suggestion that Kars4Kids or any of its related charities have been involved in financial misdeeds, including money laundering or other illegal practices.  Not only are any such suggestions completely false the newspaper report is based on unjustified accusations in court papers from a court case that has nothing at all to do with Kars4Kids.  Those papers do make serious accusations against a number of charities involving millions of dollars. BUT KARS4KIDS IS NOT ONE OF THEM

The article states at the very beginning that "At issue are millions in payments to Kars4Kids and more than 60 other registered charities."  This is completely misleading.  No one -- not even the lawyers who made the original claims -- has EVER said that "millions" of dollars having anything to do with Eliyahu Weinstein have ever been paid by, through or to Kars4Kids. (In fact Mr. Weinstein has never even donated to our charity!)  Of all the transactions involving Kars4Kids that the lawyer in question claimed "carry the scent of money laundering," despite the impression left by the newspaper article,

In fact, the same lawyer who made these claims filed an extensive list in court detailing the "millions of dollars" he thinks may be money laundering, down to the penny.  Anyone can download this list from the Internet. It names every one of the 68 Jewish charities he is accusing of possible involvement in this crime and the specific amounts involved.

The Star Ledger chose to write about the "local angle" -- a New Jersey charity whose name people recognize because of its success.  The magnetism of such a story to its readers, when mixed with the "religious wrongdoers" claims, was raw meat to the newspaper.  It was prepared to publish this story no matter how desperately it had to cut and paste unconnected "facts" or even unconnected accusations.  There are serious accusations against charities in this lawsuit, but KARS4KIDS IS NOT ONE OF THEM!

So what is the Kars4Kids "connection"?  A few years ago Kars4Kids was involved with a single transaction with a third party.  That third party in turn conveyed money to the defendant in that lawsuit, Eliyahu Weinstein, with no direct involvement of Kars4Kids.  Two years prior Oorah, Inc., a related charity, exchanged its old office 421 West County Line Road for the office building located next door to its current headquarters at 1785 Swarthmore.  The lawyer involved in the present Weinstein litigation, seeing the name of Kars4Kids in banking records produced in the case, served us with a subpoena so he could satisfy his clients that nothing "went on" with Kars4Kids and his client's money.  We resisted the subpoena at first because it was unnecessarily invasive and broad.  Our charity has nothing to hide, but is obligated to protect its donors privacy and its own private information.  We filed a motion in that court to quash the subpoena and eventually worked out a friendly agreement to give them what they needed to go on with their case.  That litigation is going on and involves a large number of accusations, suspected transactions and defendants.  KARS4KIDS IS NOT ONE OF THEM

Kars4Kids is the real deal.  We have nothing to hide and because the public has supported our programs so generously we have no need to make money the dishonest way, and never have.  There are lots of negative stories out there, unfortunately, that put Klal Yisroel in a bad light, and a lot of people and institutions that bear great guilt for causing Chillul Hashem by their actions.  KARS4KIDS IS NOT ONE OF THEM!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What's wrong with raising funds for a rapist?


A strictly Orthodox community is running a fundraising campaign for a convicted child molester who avoided jail by hiding in London for two years.

Nachman Stal lived secretly among the Charedi community in Stamford Hill, north London, having fled Israel in 2006 after being found guilty of sodomy and indecent assault of a minor.

The father-of-nine lost an extradition hearing in June and is now serving his sentence in an Israeli prison.

Members of the Stamford Hill community are appealing for money to support his wife and children, who have also returned to Israel..A fundraising committee spokesman, who asked not to be named, said: "We are trying to raise a large amount both for legal fees and also to support the family. We are doing what we can to help.[...]

The Tiger Woods of the Chareidi world

There is an ancient saying that there is always something in the Jewish world corresponding to what goes on in the non-Jewish world.

There will soon be a major earthquake upon the publication of the information which was associated with the following excerpt from an email I recently received. The information is now being verified. - but has not been so far. However it was also sent out to a number of others who will probably be the ones to actually publish the explosive and disgusting material. It will result in the effective end of a very powerful figure.
8 יְחֶזְקֵאל:
יב וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלַי, הֲרָאִיתָ בֶן-אָדָם, אֲשֶׁר זִקְנֵי בֵית-יִשְׂרָאֵל עֹשִׂים בַּחֹשֶׁךְ, אִישׁ בְּחַדְרֵי מַשְׂכִּיתוֹ: כִּי אֹמְרִים, אֵין יְהוָה רֹאֶה אֹתָנוּ--עָזַב יְהוָה, אֶת-הָאָרֶץ
יג וַיֹּאמֶר, אֵלָי: עוֹד תָּשׁוּב תִּרְאֶה תּוֹעֵבוֹת גְּדֹלוֹת, אֲשֶׁר-הֵמָּה עֹשִׂים
Ezekiel Chapter 8:
12 Then said He unto me: 'Son of man, hast thou seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in his chambers of imagery? For they say: the LORD seeth us not, the LORD hath forsaken the land.'
13 He said also unto me: 'Thou shalt again see yet greater abominations which they do.'

Deuteronomy דְּבָרִים 1:17
לֹא תָגוּרוּ מִפְּנֵי-אִישׁ, כִּי הַמִּשְׁפָּט לֵאלֹהִים הוּא
Be not afraid of the face of any man; for Judgment is God's

B'ezrat Hashem Yitbarach
24 Kislev 5770
"For out of Zion shall go forth Torah, and word of Hashem from Yerushalayim
A group of G-d-fearing individuals called Ezekiel 8:13 wishes to draw your attention to the following:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

100 year old active molester released from jail


Everything that pedophile Theodore Sypnier has to show for his 100 years on Earth is packed in a single duffel bag as he prepares to begin a new chapter in life: freedom.

It's a chapter that prosecutors, judges and others who know him never wanted — or expected — to see written.

New York's oldest registered sex offender is scheduled to move by week's end out of a Buffalo halfway house for released inmates and into a place of his own, after completing his latest term in state prison for molesting little girls.

The judge who sentenced him said at the time that she expected him to die behind bars.[...]

Conservative Judaism - Increasingly irrelevant


Some of Conservative Judaism's top leaders found little to criticize within their own movement when they gathered together December 7 for a panel discussion on the future direction of their troubled denomination.

The plenary forum at the biennial convention of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism saw one panelist tout renewed involvement by rabbinic spouses in congregational life as a crucial tonic. Another lamented that the movement's "detractors" failed to recognize Conservative Judaism's far-reaching and vital role in Jewish life. Yet another acknowledged generically that the movement had "failed to live up to our own best ideals," but did not specify how.

Meanwhile, the chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary - traditionally seen as Conservative Judaism's titular leader - was nowhere to be seen on the dais or even in the audience. Though spotted having dinner just minutes earlier with USCJ?s new executive vice president, Rabbi Steven Wernick, who served as a panelist, it was announced from the podium that Chancellor Arnold Eisen had been invited to participate but was "unable" to make it. JTS spokeswoman Sherry Kirschenbaum did not deny a report that Eisen declined to take part in the panel because he wanted, but was denied, the role of moderator.[...]

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fire: Chanukah safety rules

Maccabee Aish Jewish Fire Prevention

Menorah Safety

    * Don't leave Chanukah candles unattended and never go to sleep while Chanukah candles are burning
    * Place the Menorah on a sturdy heat resistant surface away from anything that can catch fire including walls, curtains, cabinets, wooden and plastic tables, tablecloths, etc
    * Light candles out of childrens reach and where they cannot be knocked over
    * Keep surfaces and surrounding areas clear from burned matches, wick trimmings, oil residue, and other debris
    * Do not light "school project" Menorahs made from materials that can burn (wood, plastic, etc)

When Cooking Latkes

    * Keep small children away from hot oil and cooking areas
    * Keep pot handles turned inward and away from the edge of the stove
    * Keep hands, hair and sleeves away from open flame
    * Use extra caution when carrying hot food around children
    * Designate ovens, stoves, and heat containing appliances as a "NO GO ZONE" for children
    * Never put water on a grease fire, use a fire extinguisher and call the Fire Dept amergency number
    * Treat burns immediately by cooling with cool water and call your emergency number

Obama's EEOC Nominee is gay rights advocate


President Obama's controversial nominee for the EEOC, Chai Feldblum, has not been shy about her plans to fight for gay rights -- a position that is now is drawing sharp criticism.

President Obama's controversial nominee for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Chai Feldblum, has not been shy about her plans to fight for gay rights -- a position that is now is drawing sharp criticism.

"She's been an aggressive advocate for some of the most radical views that have ever been expressed," said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America.[...]

Lashon harah:Permitted about wife?

Chofetz Chaim(Hilchos Lashon Harah 8:2):… it is prohibited to speak lashon harah about both men and women and there is no difference whether it is about his wife or any other woman. However many err in this matter due to our many sins and they think it is permitted to speak lashon harah about one’s wife and in‑laws before his own family. In fact this distinction has absolutely no significance in halacha and it is prohibited to speak lashon harah about her no matter how a she is related to you. In fact, just as with others, it is prohibited to speak lashon harah unless it is clearly needed for a future benefit and is not said just to degrade her. Furthermore even when it is permitted it is prohibited to mix in false statements. In fact the laws that govern the conditions for speaking lashon harah about one’s wife are the same as other people and are detailed later in section 10:13.

חפץ חיים (הלכות אסורי לשון הרע ח:ב): ... אסור לשון הרע הוא בין על איש או אשה, ואין חלוק (ד) בין אשתו לאשה אחרת, ורבים נכשלין בזה, בעונותינו הרבים, שהתר בעיניהם לספר גנות על אשתו ובית חותנו לפני אחיו ובית אביו, ומדינא אין שום נפקא מנה בזה, אם לא שהוא מכון בזה לתועלת על להבא ולא לגנותם, וגם לא יערב בדבריו שום שקר, וכל דינו הוא כפי מה שמבאר לקמן בכלל י' מסעיף י"ג ואילך, עין שם:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reporter fired for anti-gay marriage e-mail

Fox News

A seasoned reporter who says he was the "conservative wolf" in his Maine newsroom claims he was wrongfully fired after he wrote a harshly critical personal e-mail to a group that supports gay marriage.

Larry Grard, 58, was fired from the Morning Sentinel in Waterville, Maine on Nov. 10, less than a week after he sent an e-mail to the Human Rights Campaign after Maine voters repealed a law that would have allowed gay couples to marry.

"This is an example of what can happen when you stand up for your beliefs," Grard told "I was the lone conservative wolf in that newsroom for years and I never said a thing because nobody agreed with me. I suppose that's what conservatives have to do today — just shut up.[...]

Chanukah:Time of tefila

Poneviz & Chabad