Friday, May 21, 2021

Know Comment: In defense of Kissinger

 Two weeks ago, this newspaper published an unbridled attack on Dr. Henry Kissinger and on a Jewish organization in New York for inviting him to speak. The op-ed claimed that Kissinger “has a long record of undermining Israel” and that he “caused grave damage to Israel.”

The 96-year-old former US secretary of state does not deserve such opprobrium. On the contrary, he has earned our appreciation.
Kissinger remains one of the greatest practitioners of modern foreign policy and strategic affairs; a towering intellectual thinker; an architect of global stability and Mideast peacemaking; and yes – he was friend of Israel when in office and he is today, too.
 The most serious allegation hurled at Kissinger over the years by some Israelis is that he held up the American resupply of Israel with weapons during the first week of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. As the story goes, Israel requested an emergency airlift of arms as soon as the war broke out. But Kissinger didn’t want Israel’s eventual victory to be too lopsided, thinking it would easier to get a stable ceasefire if Egypt and Israel fought to a draw, so he supposedly stalled the airlift and bled Israel.Except that this isn’t true. President Richard Nixon and Kissinger clearly wanted to lead post-war peace talks based on an Israeli victory, not on a draw with the Arabs who were backed by Soviet arms. Israeli victory was the American interest.

The AP tower: The anatomy of an IDF diplomatic mishap - comment

 “Someone should have raised a red flag and pointed out that AP is an American news agency, and that an attack like this is not going to go by quietly.”

Israel announces 'mutual and unconditional' ceasefire with Hamas

 Egyptian security source - whose country has been mediating between the sides - said they had agreed in principle to a mutual halt in hostilities.

Biden promises to replenish Iron Dome, help rebuild Gaza 

US President Joe Biden promised to replenish Israel's Iron Dome system and to help rebuild Gaza in a brief address he delivered at the White House shortly after the announcement that a truce had been reached to end 11 days of IDF-Hamas conflict on Thursday evening.
"The US is committed to working with the UN... and other international stakeholders to provide rapid humanitarian assistance and to marshal international support for the people of Gaza and the Gaza reconstruction efforts," he said.
"We will do this in full partnership with the Palestinian  Authority,  not Hamas, the PA, in a manner that does not permit Hamas to restock its military arsenal," Biden said.
"Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live safely and securely. My administration will continue our quiet relentless diplomacy toward that end. We have a genuine opportunity to make progress," Biden said.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Get on Demand זיוף התורה : Psak from R Hershel Schacter

זיןף התורה

The words highlighted above in yellow do not appear in the   רעק''א or in the שבות יעקב חלק א' סימן י''ד which the רעק''א is referencing.  The reason these words were inserted was that the author was trying to promote his agenda and give credence to a concept which he has fantasized. In order to explain why this forgery was perpetrated It is important to explain the agenda and why it is wrong.

A husband has the obligation of שאר כסות ועונה (שכו''ע) if the husband refuses to meet the obligation of עונה we say he is being מעגן his wife. We are also allowed to force him to give a get since he is violating the obligations of שכו''ע. In Siman 77 he is classified as a מורד. Until modern times a husband who did not want to go thru the GET process would just leave town and never be heard from again. This is what the שבות יעקב is addressing, the instance of a מורד. In the scenario of a GET ON DEMAND the husband is prepared to meet his obligations but the wife still wants to leave the marriage, there is absolutely no requirement for the husband to give a get, since he is not a מורד. Therefore it is 100% prohibited from applying pressure on the husband to facilitate the GET. This is a complete contradiction to the feminist philosophy of GET ON DEMAND

In order to pander to the feminist movement and not be considered old fashioned the author has created a pseudo concept which has no basis in HALACHAH. He has claimed that once a woman leaves a marriage and will not go back the marriage is broken. Since the marriage is now broken the woman is anעגונה   and now there is a Mitzvah for the husband to give a GET. They are using the שבות יעקב as the source for this. As explained in the previous paragraph this is a major mistake. They are also misclassifying the woman by calling her an עגונה In the vast majority of cases she is not an עגונה  but a מורדת. The HALACHA in these instances is that she has to be told to return to her husband. The reason we do not hear of this happening is because any Bais Din who told a woman that she must return to her husband would cause the stream of dollars from women seeking the Bais Din to assist them in leaving a marriage to cease. Since no one is willing to stand up to this crowd their fraudulent Halachas have propagated and are now affecting the Yichus of Bnei Torah.

In the instance of the woman claiming מאוס עלי and having presented it in a manner which is an אמתלא מבוררת ונכרת to a Bais Din she does not have to return to the husband. This is extremely rare and the reasons for the rarity are out of scope for this article. The Ramoh quotes the Tur on this scenario. I will quote the statement of the Tur on this to make it clearer. In Siman 77 it says as follows ובאר עוד בתשובה וכתב והסכימו חכמי אשכנז וצרפת שבטענת מאיס עלי אין לכוף לבעל לגרש לכן יזהר כל דיין שלא לכוף לגרש בטענת מאיס עלי וכן אין כופין אותה להיות אצלו There is no greater scenario of a broken marriage then one where the woman does not have to return to live with the husband. We still say that even in this scenario it is prohibited from forcing the husband to give a GET. This is a complete contradiction to what the GET ON DEMAND people are promoting.

1>  No external pressure is applied. The Bais Din tells the husband that he is obligated according to the Torah to give a get. He obeys the Bais Din and gives a GET. This is a classic case of a גט בטעות . If the husband would know that there is absolutely no obligation to give a GET he would never have given a GET. This is a statement from the חזון איש in EVEN HOEZER Siman 99 paragraph 2 on a similar scenario ועוד דחשיב גט בטעות דאילו הוי ידע שאינו חייב לא היה מגרש                                                          
2> Indirect pressure applied. There are too many variables involved so this is not in scope.        
3> Direct pressure applied. This would also invalidate the GET because it is  מעושה שלא כדין



‘In world’s view, Palestinians are the weaker side’: Inside Israel’s PR war

 “But self-damaging Israeli hasbara makes it so easy for him, for example with the ‘before and after’ IDF Instagram post he cited celebrating the demolition of the Gaza media tower — what he called the ‘triumphant meme.’ And most substantively, Israel leaves the door wide open to its critics, and dismays its supporters, by failing to effectively explain, in real time, when things go wrong.”

The one question Tucker Carlson won't answer

 But while Carlson has posed countless uninformed and misleading questions to cast doubt on the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, there is one question that he has not answered: Has he been vaccinated against Covid? (Fox News did not immediately respond to my request for comment.)

House approves commission to probe Capitol riot

 The US House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill to establish a commission to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

Lawmakers passed the bill in a 252-175 vote, with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support, according to The Hill.

However, the legislation’s chances appear increasingly slim in the Senate after both Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) came out in opposition to the bill.

 Trump issued a statement on Tuesday night opposing the commission and calling out the top two GOP leaders.

"Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission. ... Republicans must get much tougher and much smarter, and stop being used by the Radical Left. Hopefully, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are listening!" Trump said in the statement.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Protest against Greenblatt Kaminetsky fraud


Fact check: Trump lies that he was being 'sarcastic' when he talked about injecting disinfectant

President Donald Trump lied Friday when he said he was being "sarcastic" when he asked medical experts on Thursday to look into the possibility of injecting disinfectant as a treatment for the coronavirus.

Doctors and the company that makes Lysol and Dettol warned that injecting or ingesting disinfectants is dangerous. But when Trump was asked about the comments during a bill signing on Friday, he said, "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen."
He then suggested he was talking about disinfectants that can safely be rubbed on people's hands. And then he returned to the sarcasm explanation, saying it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside."
A reporter noted that he had asked his medical experts to look into it. Trump responded: "No, no, no, no -- to look into whether or not sun and disinfectant on the hands, but whether or not sun can help us."
Facts First: Trump was not being "sarcastic" on Thursday when he raised the possibility of injecting disinfectant. There was simply no indication that he was being anything less than serious. He was also wrong Friday when he denied he had asked the medical experts to "check" the idea of disinfectant injections; he was looking at them at the time. And he did not mention hands during his Thursday remarks.

White House claims Trump just joking when he said he ordered COVID testing slowdown

"No, he has not directed that," White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in an exchange with ABC News’ Ben Gittleson in Monday’s press briefing and added that "any suggestion that testing has been curtailed is not rooted in fact."

"It was a comment that he made in jest," she also said.

Biden ripped for joking about running over reporter who asked about Israel

 Biden made the questionable quip Tuesday from behind the wheel of the new F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck when a reporter asked if she could ask “a quick question on Israel … since it’s so important?”

“No, you can’t,” Biden replied bluntly. “Not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it.”

החסיד שחיבר את 'ישראל והזמנים' נפטר בחג השבועות


במוצאי חג השבועות ליוו בירושלים למנוחות את הסופר הרה"ח ר' דוד רוסוף זצ"ל מחבר ספרים רבים שעסק בתורת הקבלה בישיבת 'שער השמים' ונפטר לבית עולמו לפני צאת חג השבועות 

The War On Critical Race Theory Continues As Some Call It Anti-White

 What’s interesting to note is that the CRT backlash is not just coming from white conservatives in southern and rural parts of the U.S. Some of the CRT pushback stems from those who are most impacted by racialized systems. Recently, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who also happens to be the only Black Republican in the Senate, remarked that “America is not a racist country.” And just days ago, Vernon Jones, a Republican gubernatorial candidate in the state of Georgia, debated academic and political commentator Dr. Marc Lamont Hill on whether CRT should be taught in schools. Jones tweeted “it’s time for our schools to stop teaching our kids to hate America.” CRT criticism is not just in the U.S. Activist and educator Constanza Eliana Chinea discussed the global CRT backlash in a recent Instagram live conversation. Chinea mentioned British politician Kemi Badenoch, who has been an outspoken opponent of CRT. Badenoch stated that she felt that CRT authors actually want a “segregated society.” She also shared that adopting a mindset that Black people are victims simply because of their skin color is “poisonous for young people.” There has been similar pushback in France, where anti-racism educators and activists are being accused of “threatening the values of the republic.” In Australia there have also been attacks on CRT, with many touting CRT as being “anti-white.” The increased wave of backlash against CRT is a direct result of the heightened support for Black Lives Matter following the murder of George Floyd, explained Chinea in her Instagram live video.