Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bas Mitzva Celebration

Igros Moshe (O.C. 02:097): comments regarding (OH I # 104) Question You asked why there is no meal for a bas Mitzvah who is 12 years old like is made for a bar mitzvah since she is now obligated to keep mitzvos? Answer Let me add and reinforce the question. Even though the girl does not give a speech and even if she did it means nothing since she is exempt from Torah Study nevertheless on the day of a bar mitzva the meal is a meal of mitzva even if the boy does not give a speech so it should also should be considered a meal of mitzvah on the day of Bas Mitzva? A possible answer is that it is not obvious with a girl that her status has changed and she is no longer a child.  With a boy he is now counted as part of a minyan and is counted as part of three that require Zimun. In general If it not obvious that a change has taken place we don’t make a festive occasion or meal. Since the boy can now also say Berachos and prayers as well as the Hagada for others it is obvious his status has changed and that justifies making a festive meal. In contrast with a girl it is not obvious that her status has changed and thus we don’t make a festive meal.

1 comment :

  1. This tshuva was for a question sent in by Rav Meir Kahane hy"d. He allowed the bat mitzvah to give a short dvar Torah.

    Later, Rav Moshe saw what the seudah meal has become and objected to that.
    He advocated a simple kiddush of schnapps and kichel in the back bench of the shul. For boys and girls. Maybe a bissel herring. Two things boys and girls don't eat


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