Thursday, February 20, 2025

Conservative Judaism – taking a teaching Job in their school

 Igros Moshe (YD I #139) This that you took a job as a principal at a school for young children under the auspices of heretics and you were told  by one of my principals that it was inappropriate. The fact is that even if the job was kosher such as teaching them G-d’s Torah and praying with them properly. In another location it would be proper to have such a job since it is necessary to teach Torah to their children so that perhaps they will grow up to keeping Torah and mitzvos as proper Jews. However it is still inappropriate to accept this position which involves also being a teacher there because it is possible that the students there will come to view their school as a legitimate place to learn since they have such a nice religious teacher and this can lead to serious damage. However this that you write that they pray an inappropriately abbreviated pray and they don’t say all the Berachos in the Amida and consequently instead of educating them properly in prayer and mitzvos you are teaching them that which is prohibited. That is because all the Berachos of the Amida are required. It is surely a problem if the beracha they say has been altered from the original text it would certainly be prohibited to take this job. Even if it is possible that you might be able to influence some of the students to be better. But the possibility similarly exists that it is more likely that the opposite is true that this will cause some to not be properly religious. That is because heresy is attractive and thus must be avoided.

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