Tuesday, June 22, 2021

'Shabbat Driver' found to be missionary targeting haredi women


 Following reports of missionaries targeting the haredi community in Israel, the Yad L'Achim anti-assimilation organization has reported that a non-Jewish woman who drives expectant haredi women to the hospital on the Sabbath is in fact a Christian missionary.

The problem came to light last week when a yeshiva student in Jerusalem called Yad L'Achim asking for help. His wife had seemed worried and distracted for several weeks and finally revealed to him that she was on the verge of converting to Christianity.

When he pressed for details, he learned that a Christian missionary by the name of Jan Comeaux had taken advantage of his wife's distress and fragile condition in the wake of recent trauma to get her to convert.


  1. So what kind of indictment of Chareidi Jewish education is this?
    A woman is born into the community, raised through the school system, taught everything from a "Torah True" angle and a single missionary manages to get her to considering converting?

  2. Maseches Avos (2:5)
    אל תדין את חברך עד שתגיע למקומו
    Why are you focused on judging the missionary target, and not on judging the wicked missionary?
    Do you know what trauma this target went through, and how vulnerable that can make a person, especially in the hands of a cunning snake of a professional missionary?
    I pray that you should never be rested in this manner.

  3. This woman missionary, Jan Comeaux, is part of “Christians Friends of Magen David Adom”
    She serves in the
    capacity of CFMDA executive Board head, and her picture can be found here:
    Yehudim, wake up. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
    With “friends” like this, who try to spiritually destroy the Yehudim; who needs enemies?

  4. No-one is 100% immune. Do you think MO, dl etc don't have weak people drawn in to cults or missionaries?

  5. MO have plenty but MO don't get the intense education that Chareidim get and have plenty more experience to the outside world to warn them of these tactics.

  6. My point is that with all the education Chareidim receive, it seems clear that while they know lots about "Torah" they know very little about "Judaism". A decently educated person can refute every missionary claim. It's like they learn the "how" but have no clue about the "why"

  7. The standard Chareidi curriculum does not include counter-missionary training.

  8. Maybe, having a tv is good for you


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