Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rabbi Telsner stands down from Yeshivah Centre of Melbourne

Jewish News Australia    RABBI Zvi Hirsch Telsner has stood down, effective immediately, as the senior rabbi of the Yeshivah Centre in Melbourne.

In a letter to the community tonight Rabbi Telsner told the community he endorses Yeshivah Centre’s “values, policies and message of continued support and compassion for victims of Child Sexual Abuse, their families and all of the community”.

He said that Elul is a time to reflect on ones values and behaviours as we prepare to herald in the New Year.

“I recognise that my conduct towards victims and their families did not demonstrate these values or behaviour to the extent necessary of a Rabbi in my position,” Rabbi Telsner said.

“Accordingly, I have decided to stand down from my position as Rabbi at the Yeshivah Centre, effective immediately.”

He said that everyone must be aware of how words and actions can impact others and apologised for his conduct.

“(I) urge everyone to show compassion and support towards victims and their families throughout the moised and broader community.”[...]


  1. Halevay it should be so. All these resignees make a comeback through the back doors somehow, as the Macher's spring into action. See the previous poster of saving the cemeteries. Seems that this guy saved himself and came back from the dead. Although he fully resigned from all public functions, he is going on as if business is as usual., titles functions with all the bells and whistles. Setting Dayonim she'einom mehugonim is the Father of all puroniyois, ve'Em kol chatos. Another example of do as I tell you, and not as I do. If you look a little closer, it applies all across the board, all denominations, and all over the globe. Do we hear Moshiach's footsteps? In the mean time, lock up all the Macher's, and throw away ....

  2. What took so long for him to stand down? What is it with these Chabad Rabbis? Don't they know self respect and respect for others?

    What's going on in Vienna with Biderman? How can any Rabbi help to take children away from their mother?

    Didn't I read somewhere he broke Beth's confidence and shared her confidential emails to a senior judge in the Court?

    What sort of man can Biderman be? What sort of Rabbi? How can Chabad allow him to work under their name? What does this say about the whole Chabad organisation?

    Who can trust any of them if they don't deal with there dirty dealers?

  3. Telsner should have been kicked out long ago: http://www.jewishnews.net.au/beth-din-bias-slammed-in-court/30964

    He has been corrupt for years.

  4. Monty I agree. It is a shame that Telsner put victims and their families through so much, even causing them to move countries, before resigning .

    Manny lost so many years of his precious life fighting for justice! This must not happen with regards to the Schlesinger children!

    We have to hope that Chabad don't just let Telsner back in, behind some back door.

  5. Rabbi Telsner said in his resignation letter 'that everyone must be aware of how words and actions can impact others and apologize for his conduct'

    The religious and lay leaders and in particular, "Rabbi" Jacob Biderman in Vienna, have knowingly told rabbis and others round the world complete fabrications regarding Beth, knowing that this would prevent those people from supporting Beth in her endeavor to gain access to her children. We now call for Biderman and others to resign.


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