Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mendel Epstein Get by Torture Trial: Jay Goldstein's motion for acquittal or new trial


  1. In a nutshell they are saying, yes we admit he is guilty of conspiring to seize someone and threaten him with harm until he did something against his will, but we demand an acquittal due to technicalities of which laws he was charged with and under which jurisdiction.

  2. I read
    closely the defense arguments: “The Government’s interpretation would transform
    every penny-ante extortion or assault into a kidnapping.”

    We have to
    wait until mid August for Judge Freda Wolfson’s final ruling on punishments for
    Mendel Epstein et al crimes. This will
    determine the public’s mood and the bait din future activities and even the
    Agunah International future activites.
    If Judge Wolfson treats the whole matter as “penny-ante” probably so
    will the public etc.

  3. I read closely the defense arguments: “The Government’s interpretation would transform every penny-ante extortion or assault into a kidnapping.”

    Well, really now! At $600.00 an hour, what would you expect them to say? לפענ"ד, this 'penny-ante' attitude is not really applicable here at all, since רב מענדל and his חברה are facing some inordinately serious charges. Yes, it would be nice if no Jews were found criminally guilty, but then, there is this concept we call the אמת.


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