Sunday, November 6, 2022

US midterm elections: Why five states have slavery on the ballot in 2022

t's 157 years since the US constitution banned chattel slavery - in which one person is the legal property of another - but left in place an exemption for convicted prisoners.

Throughout most of the US, slavery is still legal as punishment for a crime.

But on 8 November, voters in five states - Alabama, Louisiana, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermont - will decide whether to remove these exemptions from their state constitutions in an effort to ban slavery entirely.

The outcome could enable prisoners to challenge forced labour. Some 800,000 currently work for pennies, or for nothing at all. Seven states do not pay prison workers any wage for most job assignments.

Chazal believed in existence of demons and evil eye

Maharetz Chajes(Introduction to Talmud 31) Concerning the subject of demons, the evil eye, and the evil ,spirits referred to in the Talmud, there can be no doubt that the Rabbis believed in their existence. and consequently we should take all ,reference to them in their literal sense, and we should nor attempt to offer other interpretations which will explain them in a sense remote  from the literal. 

The  Rabbis talk of the existence, the natural characteristics, and the  Behavior of these beings in a straightforward way. Thus, we read (Hag- 16,a): 'Six things arc said of the demons: in three things they are like ministering angels, and in the other three they are like human beings The Miishnah, Aboth (5, 6), says: 'The demons were created on the eve of the Sabbath at twilight'. The existence of demons was the general belief, indeed, of all the peoples of the Eastern and Western parts of the world a at the time of the Tannaim and Amoraim. 

They also believed in witchcraft and incantations, and although Maimonidcs, in his Commentary on the Mishnah, A.Z. 4, 7, with refcrence to the qucstion" put to the elders' in Rome, and also in Yad, Ab. Kochabim 11, 16, is of a different opinion, yet the wording of the Baraithoth, and of the Talmud in several places must be taken literally and not in an allegorical or figurative sense. We do, however. observe a substantial difference in regard to this matter between the Babylonian and the Palestinian sages, although both believed in the existence of these beings and both tell us or conversations which they held with them, and the marvelous things which these demons sometimes perform- for example, we read in Jcr. Tcr. 8, fol. 47, how,, when the baths were heated by Diocletian's' orders, the demon Antigorus cooled them

Money Does Not Always Buy Happiness, but Are Richer People Less Happy in Their Daily Lives? It Depends on How You Analyze Income

Do people who have more money feel happier during their daily activities? Some prior research has found no relationship between income and daily happiness when treating income as a continuous variable in OLS regressions, although results differ between studies. We re-analyzed existing data from the United States and Germany, treating household income as a categorical variable and using lowess and spline regressions to explore nonlinearities. Our analyses reveal that these methodological decisions change the results and conclusions about the relationship between income and happiness. In American and German diary data from 2010 to 2015, results for the continuous treatment of income showed a null relationship with happiness, whereas the categorization of income showed that some of those with higher incomes reported feeling less happy than some of those with lower incomes. Lowess and spline regressions suggested null results overall, and there was no evidence of a relationship between income and happiness in Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) data. Not all analytic approaches generate the same results, which may contribute to explaining discrepant results in existing studies about the correlates of happiness. Future research should be explicit about their approaches to measuring and analyzing income when studying its relationship with subjective well-being, ideally testing different approaches, and making conclusions based on the pattern of results across approaches.

Wisconsin's Biggest Paper Says Ron Johnson 'Worst Senator,' Endorses Barnes

The newspaper goes on to call Johnson "incompetent," having compiled "an appallingly slim list of accomplishments for 12 years in office," and criticizes him for recently suggesting to rewrite the rules around Medicare and Social Security and for once claiming that climate change was "b*******."

The article also retraces the senator's actions following the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riots, when, in an interview with a conservative talk-radio show, Johnson said that the attackers were "people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law."

Saturday, November 5, 2022

How Republicans Weaponized Paul Pelosi Attack Ahead of Midterms

Dr Julie Norman, co-director of the university's Centre on US Politics, told Newsweek: "Many prominent figures, Democrats and Republicans, were quick to condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi. But the fact that this was not ubiquitous across the GOP underscores the dismal state of US politics at the present moment.

"Even the relatively low bar of extending condolences has been replaced by peddling conspiracy theories by some on the right... The fact that the GOP can't or won't take a firm stance against political violence doesn't bode well for the party, or the country."

Going out alone at night is prohibited today because of demons?

 Pesachim (112b) Do not go out alone at night, the Gemara states that this is as it was taught in a baraita: One should not go out alone at night, neither on Tuesday nights nor on Shabbat nights, i.e., Friday nights, because the demon Agrat, daughter of Maḥalat, she and 180,000 angels of destruction go out at these times. And as each and every one of them has permission to destroy by itself, they are all the more dangerous when they go forth together.


Ramban disagreeing with Chazal because of Zohar

 Ramban (Bereishis 12:10) Know that Abraham our father unintentionally committed a great sin by bringing his righteous wife to a stumbling-block of sin on account of his fear for his life. He should have trusted that G-d would save him and his wife and all his belongings for G-d surely has the power to help and to save. His leaving the Land, concerning which he had been commanded from the beginning, on account of the famine, was also a sin he committed, for in famine G-d would redeem him from death. It was because of this deed that the exile in the land of Egypt at the hand of Pharaoh was decreed for his children. In the place of justice, there is wickedness78 and sin. This is the view of Zohar

Chazal say the exile was because Avraham questioned G-d's promise

Bereishis (15:3)And he said, Lord God, by what shall I know that I shall inherit it?

Nedarim (32a) Rabbi Abbahu said that Rabbi Elazar said: For what reason was Abraham our Patriarch punished and his children enslaved to Egypt for 210 years? Because he made a draft [angarya] of Torah scholars, as it is stated: “He led forth his trained men, born in his house” (Genesis 14:14). These trained men that he took to war were actually his disciples, who were Torah scholars. And Shmuel said: Because he greatly examined [hifriz] the characteristics of the Holy One, Blessed be He, as it is stated: “Whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?” (Genesis 15:8). And Rabbi Yoḥanan said: He was punished because he distanced people from entering under the wings of the Divine Presence, as it is stated that the king of Sodom said to him: “Give me the people and take the goods to yourself” (Genesis 14:21), but Abraham refused to take any goods either. If he had not listened to the king of Sodom and had allowed the people to remain with him, he would have brought the prisoners under the wings of the Divine Presence. 16The Gemara returns to discuss one of the verses cited previously: “He led forth [vayyarek] his trained men, born in his house” (Genesis 14:14). Rav said: He showered them [horikan] with Torah like someone who pours from one vessel into another, and Shmuel said: He showered them [horikan] with gold and gave them an abundance of money so that they would go to war with him. 

Requirement to pay attention to stories of gedolim

 אמת ליעקב בראשית פרק יד פסוק יד

(יד) וישמע אברם כי נשבה אחיו וירק את חניכיו19.

הנה אילו היה אברהם שואל שאלה אי חייב לילך להציל את לוט בודאי היה נענה שהוא פטור, דהא אין אדם מחויב להכניס את עצמו בספק סכנה בכדי להציל את חבירו [עמש"כ בענין זה להלן סוף פרשת מסעי], אלא מה שעשה כן אברהם הוא משום שהאבות נקראו "ישרים" [עבודה זרה דף כ"ה ע"א], והיינו שכל הנהגתם היתה לא על פי דיני התורה אלא על פי השכל הישר, כי האלקים עשה את האדם ישר, ועל פי היושר היה מוטל על אברהם להשתדל להציל את לוט וכדביארתי לעיל [י"ג פ"ט] כי אברהם הרגיש את עצמו כאחראי לשלומו של לוט מכיון שהרן אביו מת בכבשן אביו משום שאמר שהוא מאמין באלקי אברהם, ולכן ע"פ היושר, "מענטשליך קייט", הוכרח אברהם להריק את חניכיו ולרדוף אחר המלכים. ובאמת כל חיי האבות, שחיו קודם זמן תורה, היו מונהגים על פי היושר, וזהו ביאור מאמר חז"ל [ויק"ר פ"ט א"ג]: דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה, והיינו שהאבות התנהגו על פי דרך ארץ והיושר עוד קודם שניתנה תורה.

ונראה שזהו פשוטו של מקרא להלן סוף פרשת משפטים [כ"ד פי"ב]: ואתנה לך את לוחות האבן התורה והמצוה, דבשלמא מצוה היינו מצוות שנצטוו בהן, אבל מה זה "התורה"20. ונראה שהכוונה היא לסיפורי התורה של האבות שנכתבו בתורה קודם המצוות, והיינו שהרי לשון תורה הוא מלשון "הוראה", כלומר מורה דרך, כי סיפורים אלו מורים לאדם איך לחיות אפילו בלי ציווי השי"ת, וכמו שאמר דוד בקינתו על שאול: הלא היא כתובה על ספר הישר, והיינו ספר בראשית וכדאיתא בגמרא [ע"ז שם].

והנה רש"י ריש בראשית הקשה מדוע התחילה התורה מבראשית ברא אלקים היה לו להתחיל מהחדש הזה לכם, ותירץ משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גוים כו' הוא בראה ונתנה לאשר ישר בעיניו וכו'. ולכאורה זה רק מיישב מדוע הביאה התורה את סיפורי מעשי בראשית וכו', אבל כל הפרשיות מלך לך עד פרשת בא, עדיין אינו מובן מדוע הוצרכה התורה להאריך בכל זה, ועל זה לכאורה לא תירץ רש"י כלום. אבל לפמש"כ נראה שבאמת על פרשיות אלו לא קשה כלל, דמהסיפורים האלו אנו למדים מה צריכה להיות הנהגת האדם על פי היושר והדרך ארץ, ודבר זה אפשר לתבוע אפילו מהגויים, כי אף על פי שמצוות לא ניתנו להם, אבל אעפ"כ לחיות על פי יושר זה יכול כל אחד אם הוא רק רוצה בזה, ודו"ק21..

  • וירדף עד דן. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Conservative Figures Spread Baseless Claims About Attack on Paul Pelosi

A man armed with a hammer broke into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and fractured the skull of her husband, Paul. Some conservative figures — including Donald Trump Jr. — have shared social media posts claiming with no evidence and contrary to police reports that the man was a prostitute known to Paul Pelosi. He wasn’t.

Elon Musk's Actions on Twitter Are Already Angering Conservatives

Right-wingers and conservatives, who only a few days ago were celebrating Elon Musk's rise to Twitter ownership as a triumph over the perceived liberalness dominating the platform, are now turning against the billionaire after he decided to stand in defense of Yoel Roth, Twitter's 35-year-old head of safety and integrity.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Trump Joins Growing GOP Effort To Whitewash, Lie About Pelosi Attack

The 15 most notable lies of Donald Trump’s presidency

 Trying to pick the most notable lies from Donald Trump’s presidency is like trying to pick the most notable pieces of junk from the town dump.

There’s just so much ugly garbage to sift through before you can make a decision.

But I’m qualified for the dirty job. I fact checked every word uttered by this President from his inauguration day in January 2017 until September 2020 – when the daily number of lies got so unmanageably high that I had to start taking a pass on some of his remarks to preserve my health.

Do Demons Exist According to Judaism?

Demons are nonsense

 Meiri (Sanhedrin 101a) ואלו שמאמינים במציאות השדים ובפעולותיהם אסור להם לשאול בהם אף בחול ויש להתיר בשרי בהן ושרי ביצים אלא שאינם אלא דברי הבאי והגירסא לפי דעת זה אלא שמכזבין וגדולי הפוסקים גורסין מפני שמכזבין כלומר שעיקר התירם מפני שהם דברי הבאי ואין אדם מצוי לימשך אחריהם וכן עיקר והוא נמשך למה שכתבנו בסוף פרק ארבע מיתות בענין המעוננים והוא מה שהתירו בתלמוד הרבה בלחישות המוניות והדומים לאלו: