Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mike Lindell Reveals He's Spent $40 Million Trying to Overturn Election

He added: "With the money that I used to save this country... I've spent over $40 million... and I need help. You know, we need help but we need help making the voice bigger and we need help."

Florida rejects Holocaust ed textbooks in clampdown on ‘woke’ instruction

One of this year’s rejected Holocaust textbooks was called “Modern Genocides,” and the other was an online learning course titled “History of the Holocaust.” Both were intended for high school students.

“Modern Genocides” was rejected in part for its discussion of “special topics” prohibited by the state. The list of such topics includes terms such as “social justice” and “critical race theory,”a phrase that traditionally concerns a method of legal analysis but that Republicans have used pejoratively to refer to discussion of systemic racism in the United States. The department did not clarify which prohibited “special topics” the book included.

For Israel, e-commerce tax challenges may lie ahead

Action to consider: E-commerce companies should urgently consider actions A to F below, namely:

Automated reporting.

Business nexus review.

Comprehensive structural planning.

Double tax avoidance (an absolute must).

Evaluating it all.

Further implementation points.

Halachic Revolutions - Significance?

 The recent Angels's Boycott brought up an important issue - What is the true authority behind halacha - gedolim or widespread acceptance?

There have been a many of revolutions or attempted revolutions this is only a partial list

The question is Once the revised halacha is accepted is the original mesora no longer valid?

Acceptance of Talmud Bavli

Kiddushei Katana

Mishna Torah

Shulchan Aruch



Girl's formal Torah education

Doublimg measures

Sheitel for hair cover

Mishna Berura as final halacha

Daas Torah as final arbiter of everything

Rav Moshe as the Posek Hador

Loshan Hara as halacha rather than ethical behaviour

Modesty by Rabbi Falk

Glatt kosher


Chalav Yisroel





All bugs are treif

Science vs Chazal

Chalitz required

Conversion reqires full acceptance of mitzvos

Tefillin need to be hand made


Troppper's attempt to convert intermarried spouse

Kiddushei Taus instead of Get

Reporting Sexual abuse to police

Saturday, May 13, 2023

A Jewish journalist takes sides in America’s ‘slow civil war’

It’s a familiar story of an America on the edge, but Sharlet adds the perspective of a journalist who has long covered religion. He was among the first to note that Trump rallies were less political events than religious revivals. And like many religions, he says, Trumpism is resistant to the kinds of “civil discourse” that many people propose as an antidote to polarization.

“We cannot fact-check a myth, right?” Sharlet told me in a video interview from his home in Vermont. “It’s not going to work to say, ‘That’s not true.’”

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Why the Clarence Thomas Timeline of Gifts Isn’t Pretty

But Crow isn’t the only Republican giving generously to the Thomas household. Conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo also funneled $80,000—in a small world way, through Kellyanne Conway—to Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas.

Both Crow and Leo have had considerable business before the Supreme Court. And a close examination of some of these decisions—all decided on 5-4 votes, where Thomas’ decision was critical—are now coming into sharper focus.

Kevin McCarthy Cuts Ties with George Santos Amid Indictment,revealed%20earlier%20in%20the%20day.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told congressional reporters Wednesday evening that he will not support Representative George Santos' reelection bid amid the New York congressman's 13-count federal indictment revealed earlier in the day.

Illusions help cure burst stomach

 Chullin (56b) A gentile once saw a man fall from the roof to the ground so that his belly burst open and his entrails protruded. The gentile thereupon brought the son of the victim and by an optical illusion made out as if he slaughtered him in the presence of the father. The father became faint, sighed deeply and drew in his entrails; whereupon his belly was immediately stitched up.

Biden Mocks Trump After CNN Town Hall

Biden alluded to Trump's performance—which consisted of sidestepping many of Collins' questions—in a tweet published shortly after the town hall ended.

"It's simple, folks. Do you want four more years of that? If you don't, pitch in to our campaign," Biden tweeted, accompanied by a link to a donations page for his reelection campaign.

Trump narrowly trails Biden despite voter fears about president: poll

Former President Donald Trump trails President Biden by two points in the 2024 popular vote despite the commander-in-chief’s lackluster approval rating and concerns about his advanced age, according to a new poll. 

The Yahoo News/YouGov survey released on Wednesday found that 45% of voters said they would vote for Biden, 80, compared to 43% who said they would support Trump, 76, “if the election were held today.” 

Trump digs in on election lies, insults sexual assault accuser during town hall

During a contentious CNN town hall Wednesday night, former US president Donald Trump dug in on his lies about the 2020 election, downplayed the violence on January 6, 2021, and repeatedly insulted the woman whom a civil jury this week found him liable of sexually abusing and defaming.

Trump, returning to the network after years of acrimony, also refused to say whether he wants Ukraine to win the war against Russian aggression and said the US “might as well” default on its debt obligation, despite the potentially devastating economic consequences.

George Santos Rages Against Indictment,in%20Central%20Islip%2C%20New%20York.

"It's a witch hunt," Santos told a throng of reporters after departing the courthouse Wednesday afternoon. "It makes no sense that in four months, five months, I'm indicted. You have Joe Biden's entire family receiving deposits from nine family members receiving money from foreign destinations into their bank accounts."

Lisa Parshall, a political science professor at Daemen University, told Newsweek via email that Santos is following the Donald Trump script of "decrying any accountability as political persecution and engaging in whataboutism."

5 takeaways from Trump’s CNN smackdown

The most significant thing about Trump’s town hall wasn’t anything he said about the 2020 election, the Jan. 6 riot at the capitol or the federal jury that found him liable for sexual battery.

It was that on all of those issues, a roomful of Republicans and independents who intend to vote in New Hampshire’s Republican primary was siding with him.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Rep. George Santos charged with fraud, money laundering, using donor funds on designer duds

Lying Long Island Rep. George Santos surrendered Wednesday as federal prosecutors revealed the charges against him — including that he embezzled $50,000 in campaign money to buy designer clothing and pay personal expenses.