At first glance the answer seems simple enough. After all, did we not receive the Torah precisely because angels cannot sin? As Moses retorted in his winning argument to the angels during his epic debate in heaven over who should receive the Torah. "It is written in the Torah 'Thou shall not murder,' 'Thou shall not commit adultery,' 'Thou shall not steal.'" Moses said. "Is there jealousy among you!? Do you have an evil inclination!? Obviously the Torah is not meant for you."
Bereishis Rabbah (50:9) 9. AND THE MEN SAID TO LOT... FOR WE WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE (XIX, 13). R. Levi said in R. Nahman's name: Because the ministering angels revealed God's secret, they were banished from their precincts a hundred and thirty-eight years. R. Tanhuma expressed it in the word .kelah. R. Hama b. Hanina said: [They were punished] because they expressed themselves boastfully,