Monday, August 16, 2021

A Year Into Normalization Deal, Israel's Hope for Geopolitical Change Fades 

The agreement itself was dramatic and impressive. It may have been the Trump administration’s only major diplomatic achievement in the region, and it was certainly one of the high points of Israel’s foreign policy during Netanyahu’s 12 years in office. When Morocco and Sudan later joined the normalization agreements it added even more feathers in his cap.

Nevertheless, their strategic regional impact has been limited. Israeli defense sources say the main achievements of peace with the UAE have been economic and technological. As Netanyahu hoped, Emirati sheikhs have demonstrated great interest in making large investments in Israel.

Biden in an impossible bind as Afghanistan blame game begins

The war in Afghanistan will rank alongside Vietnam as one of America’s great modern failures of strategy and execution, Rothkopf added. “The bulk of the responsibility for that failure lies with past administrations and with the leadership in Kabul (and to some extent with Taliban enablers beyond the country’s borders). Biden is doing what is right and what must be done. It is time to turn the page.”

Trump pretends he's a credible critic of Biden's Afghanistan policy

 Three weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Ohio and took credit for the U.S. exit. "I started the process," he boasted. "All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. [The Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process."

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Assessment: Arson caused massive forest fire in Jerusalem hills

 A senior firefighter in the fire department stated on Sunday evening that the fire had broken out as a result of a deliberate act of arson and added that the investigation into the incident is only in its infancy.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Biden Delivers on Trump’s Afghan Exit as

Donald Trump made the politically popular pledge to bring U.S. troops home from the nation’s longest war. Now Joe Biden is delivering on the promise -- and reaping growing criticism over the grim results that are unfolding in Afghanistan.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Judge refuses to toss out Dominion defamation suits against Powell, Giuliani and Lindell

The three defendants’ arguments found little resonance with Nichols, a Trump appointee who seemed disdainful of their conduct and of suggestions that their statements were within the bounds of freewheeling political debate.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Back to School

Eye on statute of limitations, alleged victim of US youth group leader speaks up

Rabbi Jordan Soffer demands USY, the Conservative movement’s youth branch, explain why it turned blind eye to abuser for years, later allowed his employment as a synagogue director

Trump calls police officer who killed Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt a murderer: 'We know who he is'

 He and Republicans in Congress like Rep. Paul Gosar have sought to turn Babbitt into a martyr, saying she was unjustly killed and wrongly targeted by law enforcement. GOP lawmakers have cited her death to say that the insurrection wasn't as serious as it appeared and she didn't pose a threat.

FDA expected to authorize COVID vaccine booster shots this week

 The Food and Drug Administration is slated to amend the emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer and the Moderna Covid-19 vaccines Thursday to allow immunocompromised people to get a third dose, NBC News reported. The announcement is expected within the next 48 hours, but the timing could move, according to multiple sources.  The Biden administration is anticipated to put out a Covid-19 vaccine booster strategy for all vaccinated Americans in September. 

On July 12, Israel began to offer a booster shot for people with a severely weakened immune system. Preliminary results from research conducted by the Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva and Clalit Health Services has shown that administering a third coronavirus vaccine shot to immunocompromised patients significantly increases their ability to produce antibodies.

Reform movement probing itself over history of bungling sex abuse allegations

 She said many of the roughly 600 rabbis in her network have observed for decades how survivors who complained through official channels were often ignored or dismissed. She believes they would be treated differently if they come forward now to participate in the investigations.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

What Exactly Is Andrew Cuomo Guilty Of?

 Among the “less overtly sexual” behavior cited in the report as being unlawfully “gender-based” was Cuomo’s apparent habit of “allowing senior staff members to sit on his lap at official functions” and “lying down with his head on the lap of staff members who are women.” This, the report alleges on page 148, was a key component of the overall “hostile work environment.”

 But parsed out elsewhere in the report—evidently causing it to be missed by frenetic pundits—is the revelation that “none” of the staff involved in the lap-sitting activity “reported feeling uncomfortable with this behavior.”

In fact, the report’s authors concede, “a number of witnesses we spoke to informed us that all of this behavior led to a sense among staff members in the Executive Chamber that personal attention from the Governor, even if flirtatious … was not only normal, but to be valued.” This would seem to be exculpatory information of a kind—but a search across Google and Twitter suggests it’s been omitted almost entirely from the ensuing press coverage. Instead, these exculpatory testaments were somehow reconfigured by the report’s authors as evidence of Cuomo’s guilt. In the rush to axe Cuomo, media accounts appear to have wholly glossed over this discrepancy.

Rav Sternbuch


Cuomo is a mini-Trump – it's always been obvious to anyone paying attention

It has always been obvious to anyone paying attention that Cuomo is a mini-Trump. He has the same appetite for authoritarianism as the former president: during the pandemic he has drawn scrutiny for cancelling special elections, issuing executive orders and consolidating power. Like Trump he has nothing but disdain for his detractors, particularly if they happen to be more qualified than he is. The New York Times recently reported that nine top New York health officials have resigned during the pandemic, with many of them telling the Times that Cuomo had asked them to match their health guidance to his decisions. But who needs experts, eh? Not the all-knowing Cuomo. “When I say ‘experts’ in air quotes, it sounds like I’m saying I don’t really trust the experts,” Cuomo said of pandemic policies in a recent news conference. “Because I don’t.”