Friday, January 8, 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Insurrectionists Openly Planned for Weeks to Storm the Capitol. Why Were Police So Easily Overwhelmed?

One video appears to show a Capitol Police officer taking selfies with the rioters. Another featured several officers removing metal barriers to let the mob freely pass toward the Capitol. In yet another video, an officer appeared to hold a door open so a handful of rioters, apparently allowing them to exit the Capitol building without being arrested or charged.

Saving Public School Kids Matters


« The following is an edited and expanded version of an article that appears in this week's edition of The Jewish Press, on p. 69. »

"Why We're Fighting For Morality In New Jersey"

By Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director, Help Rescue Our Children

I was recently asked why we are expending so much time and effort fighting A4454 in New Jersey [which, we learned after submission of this article, was just scheduled for a vote on Monday, January 11, along with another dangerous Healthcare bill, S2545]. This bill (which recently was passed by the NJ Senate, almost on party lines) states:

“Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each school district shall incorporate instruction on diversity and inclusion in an appropriate place in the curriculum of students in KINDERGARTEN through 12.”

It requires this instruction to (1) “highlight and promote diversity, including economic diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance, and belonging in connection with gender and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, disabilities, and religious tolerance”; 

(2) “examine the impact that unconscious bias and economic disparities have at both an individual level and on society as a whole”; and 

(3)  “encourage safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for all students regardless of race or ethnicity, sexual and gender identities, mental and physical disabilities, and religious beliefs.”

Many people reflexively support "tolerance." However, tolerance of wickedness enables and proliferates wickedness. Moreover, teaching children to respect open practitioners of LGBT sins erodes their natural revulsion for these sins - and helps legitimize those transgressions. Sodomy is actually a capital crime (Vayikra 20:13; Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 9:6), and called an "abomination" in the Torah (Vayikra 18:22, 20:13). The renowned sage known as the Maharal of Prague (1520-1609) adds an important insight, in regard to the the Talmudic statement (in tractate Chullin 92b) that one thing even the non-Jewish nations have been historically careful to avoid is writing marriage contracts between men. He observes that even amongst the abominations listed in Lev. chapter 18, sodomy is the only one branded an abomination in its individual enumeration. This is reflective of sodomy's status as an abomination even among abominations. That may provide deeper insight into the exhortation of our Sages (in VaYikra Rabbah on Lev. 18:3) that formal recognition of same-sex unions triggered the annihilation of civilization via the Great Flood over four millennia ago.

However, some may wonder: Why spend so much time fighting this particular piece of legislation? There are several reasons. Here are some:

1. Among the proponents of this bill are several Jews, so we must ensure that the broader American community understands that Torah Jewry stands unequivocally against it and any other bill that seeks to indirectly legitimize sin under the rubric of teaching tolerance.

2. Frum Jews are responsible for the actions of their representatives, especially if they vote for them.

3. Unfortunately, several frum organizations publicize their involvement in public advocacy when it comes to seeking government assistance, but are generally nowhere to be seen in addressing spiritual threats. Such behavior conveys the impression that the average Orthodox Jew cares more about financial needs than spiritual threats. We must correct this misimpression – and chillul Hashem.

4. In addition to the Torah imperative to stand against this injustice even if it would NEVER affect a single Jewish child, there is an additional degree of urgency mandated here in light of all of the Jewish children who would be indoctrinated by such legislation. it goes without saying that most non-Orthodox Jews send their children to public school (in addition to all of the Orthodox children caught in the public school system).
5. If we stay silent now, “tolerance" curricula will eventually make their way to yeshivos. Already in England, the government harasses frum schools that don’t teach about homosexuality and related matters. There’s no reason to believe that state governments and the federal government in America won’t eventually follow suit. Indeed, two years ago, NY started to push - on the legal basis of legislation similar to A4454 passed in NY in 2010 - for such tolerance instruction in religious schools, in its controversial Educational Equivalency Guidelines, and then Regulations (instigating a very difficult battle, ongoing ever since).

6. Consider the new crop of voters that will emerge from such instruction. How will any candidate be able to support traditional morality and win an election if the next generation is taught that traditional morality is intolerant?

May we merit a speedy redemption in the merit of standing up for children who can't stand up for themselves.

(See also our letter to the NJ Jewish Link this week: )

LGBT in Education, Healthcare facilities: 

Rabbi Kanievsky orders closure of haredi elementary schools

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke Thursday afternoon with Yanki Kanievsky, the grandson of the leader of the Lithuanian-haredi public, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky.

The conversation took place following talks held by the Prime Minister last night with the Vizhnitzer Rebbe and with MK YIsrael Eichler, who represents the Belzer Rebbe in the Knesset.

During the conversation, Yanki Kanievsky conveyed to Netanyahu the message that this morning his grandfather ordered the closure of the haredi elementary schools for several days due to coronavirus.

Amid third lockdown, haredi sector must keep schools closed

 As Israel enters its third lockdown this week, millions of Israelis will see their children sent home from schools, after a year that has seen rolling lockdowns and been difficult on families and parents. The uncertainty of when the lockdown will end and whether schools will reopen leaves many people unable to work consistently or live normal lives. But there is no alternative. The government has ordered the schools closed, and people have to abide by the restrictions and regulations.

Well, almost everybody. The haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community seems to think that it is above the rules and regulations that apply to the majority of Israelis. The haredim, as Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky said on Tuesday, will keep their schools open. Based on pictures from the mass haredi weddings held this week that came out on Wednesday, there is no reason to assume otherwise.

World leaders react to 'horrifying' scenes in Washington

The riot forced the suspension of a joint session of Congress to certify Joe Biden's electoral victory.

Many leaders called for peace and an orderly transition of power, describing what happened as "horrifying" and an "attack on democracy".

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned the "disgraceful scenes".

"The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power," he wrote on Twitter.

Other UK politicians joined him in criticising the violence, with opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer calling it a "direct attack on democracy".

Home Secretary Priti Patel told the BBC that Mr Trump's comments "directly led" to his supporters storming Congress and clashing with police.

American Orthodoxy’s political suicide

Next time the Agudath Israel of America wants to meet with members of government claiming they are a non-partisan religious group, they may have to explain why they chose to write a letter to Mitch McConnell supporting the nomination of Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court. It is unlikely that Mitch McConnel ever saw the letter they sent. More likely is that other city and state officials whose help our community really needs did see it. This was yet another example of us better our political fortunes for no apparent gain.


Celebrating bas mitzva

Igros Moshe (O.C. 02:097): Bas Mitzva and bar mitzva. This that you question why isn’t there a mitzva to make a meal for a bas mitzva when a girl is 12 and becomes obligated in mitzvos as there is there is for a boy when he is 13? Let me reinforce the question. Even though the girl does not give a Torah speech and even if she does – it has no significance since she is exempt from Torah study, nevertheless on the day of a bar mitzva it is considered a seudas mitzva even if he doesn’t give a Torah speech (Magen Avraham 225.4 and Yam shel Shlomo).So similarly it should also be for a bas mitzva that on the day she becomes 12 and one day that it should be considered a seudas mitzva. Look at the Pri Magadim who asks why isn’t the beracha (Baruch Shepatroni) said when a girl becomes 12 but does not ask why isn’t a meal made for her even though the reason for the meal is because it is greater to be obligated when you do mitzvos which also is relevant for girls. A possible explanation is because the change is not so obvious when a girl becomes an adult when compared to a boy who is now counted as part of a minyan or where three men are required. So with the knowledge of a change which is not so obvious we don’t make a seudas mitzva and celebration.

A Pro-Trump Mob Stormed the Halls of Congress. Photographs From Inside the Chaos at the Capitol

A mob whipped up by the President stormed police lines, smashed windows and broke into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to block lawmakers from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory. The violent scene, which called to mind images of coups in foreign lands, was a culmination of two months of “Stop the Steal” rallies, fueled by Donald Trump’s baseless allegations that widespread voter fraud had cost him the election. The President has repeatedly incited his supporters to challenge the peaceful transfer of power, the essential marker of democracy.

Biden’s Electoral College victory certified -- hours after Capitol chaos

The U.S. Congress early Thursday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Democrat Joe Biden his presidential victory -- after a day in Washington that was marred by pro-Trump protesters storming the U.S. Capitol.

Lawmakers returned to the chamber in an act of defiance, with some Republicans who initially vowed to challenge states’ results due to voter fraud concerns announcing they'd instead vote to certify.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called the breach of the Capitol a "failed insurrection," adding that those who "tried to disrupt our democracy" had not succeeded.

Detractors of the president criticized him for stoking anger among his supporters and said a violent incident was inevitable. They say the president has been pushing the false narrative about election interference for the past month and his presidency was bound to end in chaos.

Congress finalizes Biden's win after riot disrupts Capitol

Following a formal affirmation of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, President Trump said the decision "represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history."

"Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th," Trump said in a statement.

"I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again," Trump said while repeating false claims about the election that incited a mob to storm the Capitol.


Why I’m Fighting For Morality In New Jersey

 By Rabbi Noson Leiter

I was recently asked why I’m spending so much time fighting A4454 in New Jersey. This bill
states: “Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each school district shall incorporate
instruction on diversity and inclusion in an appropriate place in the curriculum of students in
kindergarten through 12.”
It requires this instruction to (1) “highlight and promote diversity, including economic
diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance, and belonging in connection with gender and sexual
orientation, race and ethnicity, disabilities, and religious tolerance”; (2) “examine the impact
that unconscious bias and economic disparities have at both an individual level and on society as
a whole”; and (3)  “encourage safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for all students
regardless of race or ethnicity, sexual and gender identities, mental and physical disabilities,
and religious beliefs.”
Many people instinctively support tolerance, but the fact is that teaching children to respect open
practitioners of LGBT sins erodes one’s natural revulsion for these sins. Sodomy is actually a
capital crime (Vayikra 20:13, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 9:6) and called an "abomination" in
the Torah (Vayikra 18:22).
However, some may wonder: Why spend so much time fighting this particular piece of
legislation? There are several reasons. Here are some:
1. Among the proponents of this bill are several Jews, so we must ensure that the broader
American community understands that Torah Jewry stands unequivocally against it and any
other bill that seeks to indirectly legitimize sin under the rubric of teaching tolerance.
2. Frum Jews are responsible for the actions of their representatives, especially if they vote for
3. Unfortunately, several frum organizations publicize their involvement in public advocacy
when it comes to seeking government assistance, but are generally nowhere to be seen in
addressing spiritual threats. Such behavior conveys the impression that the average Orthodox
Jew cares more about financial needs than spiritual threats. We must correct this impression –
and chillul Hashem.
4. Even if one only cared about Jewish souls alone, it goes without saying that most non-
Orthodox Jews send their children to public school.
5. If we stay silent now, “tolerance" curricula will eventually make their way to yeshivos.
Already in England, the government harasses frum schools that don’t teach about homosexuality
and related matters. There’s no reason to believe that state governments and the federal
government in America won’t eventually follow suit. Indeed, New York two years ago tried to
push for such tolerance instruction in its controversial education guidelines.

6. Consider the new crop of voters that will emerge from such instruction. How will any
candidate be able to support traditional morality and win an election if the next generation is
taught that traditional morality is intolerant?
May we merit a speedy redemption in the merit of standing up for children who can't stand up
for themselves.

Donald Trump is a traitor on par with Benedict Arnold and Jefferson Davis

 The first two failed to destroy our republic. As I read the news of the insurrection in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, I can only wonder what damage has been done by the third.