Sunday, August 2, 2020

Alexander Vindman: Coming forward ended my career. I still believe doing what’s right matters.

Despite some personal turmoil, I remain hopeful for the future for both my family and for our nation. Impeachment exposed Trump’s corruption, but the confluence of a pandemic, a financial crisis and the stoking of societal divisions has roused the soul of the American people. A groundswell is building that will issue a mandate to reject hate and bigotry and a return to the ideals that set the United States apart from the rest of the world. I look forward to contributing to that effort.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Rav Kaminetsky thinks Trump presidency increases respect for religion

  • “You see the matzav, the anarchy… it’s frightening. G-d has become a dirty word in much of America, religion and religious institutions are their enemy – we need Rachamei Shamayim [heavenly mercy]. If Trump doesn’t win in November, it’s worrisome," he told Mishpacha magazine.
It is obvious that Rav Shmuel is right! Trump continually does or says things that elicit exclamations of  "G-d help us" as per the famous assertion there are no atheists in a foxhole.  Trump views himself as G-d's messenger and even is willing to destroy democracy for the sake of a photo op with a borrowed Bible in front of a church. Definitely raised the status of religion and G-d has become less of a dirty word in America!

'Nobody likes me,' Trump complains, as even his allies fade

Lamenting his plunging popularity this week, a self-pitying President Donald Trump wondered how it all went wrong.
"Nobody likes me," he said, confounded at how his administration's health experts could be receiving accolades while he is accused of ignoring and denying the raging public health crisis.
"It can only be my personality," Trump said, "that's all."
That's one answer.

The Coronavirus Infected Hundreds at a Georgia Summer Camp

The camp took precautions but did not require campers to wear masks, the C.D.C. reported. Singing and cheering may have helped spread the virus.

Report: Kushner's Covid-19 testing plan 'went poof into thin air'

Friday, July 31, 2020

Trump revisits his playbook for disastrous news: An explosive spectacle

As is often the case, Trump dashed off his attention-hoovering tweet at an opportune moment Thursday morning. The worst economic decline ever recorded in U.S. history had just been announced. An aid package to save tens of millions of consumers was stuck in a deadlock. The rampant pandemic at the core of the problem was spiraling further out of control. And his poll numbers were floundering just three months away from the election.

Cuomo pushes back as Trump confidant praises pandemic response

Historian Michael Beschloss: 'Trump Seems So Psychologically Rattled' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Trump defends tweet on possible Election Day delay at contentious press conference

Claiming at Thursday's White House briefing that the 2020 elections could be "fixed" and "rigged," President Trump again highlighted the risks of nationwide, universal mail-in balloting in stark terms -- including by citing news articles and experts who have raised similar concerns.

Before taking questions, Trump honored former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, noting that "unfortunately, he passed away from a thing called the China virus." Trump also hit Democrats' plans to keep schools and businesses closed, saying they would cause "probably more death" and economic destruction than coronavirus itself.

Within seconds, Trump was pressed on his tweet earlier in the day that suggested the election could be delayed due to mail-in ballot fraud. He responded that delays in mail-in ballot results, including lost ballots, could mean the election winner isn't clear for weeks or even months after Election Day.

Flatten The Ballot Curve: ‘Trump Is Creating Conditions For Vote-By-Mail To Fail’ | All In | MSNBC

Trump Already Working To Undermine Credibility Of 2020 Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Not Even Tucker Carlson Is With Trump On Delaying Election | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Republicans Won't Back Up Trump On Delaying 2020 Election | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

A Federal Appeals Court Grants A Motion To Rehear The Case Of Michael Flynn | Deadline | MSNBC