Monday, July 27, 2020

The single most damning quote about Donald Trump and coronavirus yet

 In The New York Times' Sunday opus on how cracks are emerging between President Donald Trump and the broader Republican Party in how to handle the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, a single quote stands out.
"The President got bored with it," Dave Carney, a longtime Republican strategist who advises Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, told the Times.
That is a stunning admission from anyone. But most especially from someone like Carney, who isn't part of the "Never Trump" movement and isn't the sort to just pop off to impress media types or his fellow consultants.
And a look back at Trump's response to the virus absolutely validates Carney's view. In the early months of 2020, Trump downplayed the virus -- repeatedly.

Israeli woman assaults cop over mask dispute at mall

The woman, along with her 14-year-old son verbally and physically assaults officers at Malha Mall in Jerusalem for not wearing face masks; the woman also ripped masks off of officers' faces

Why Didn't Bob Mueller Find a Conspiracy Between the Trump Campaign and Russia? Here's the Answer.

Lonna,Luna and The Lunatic Rabbis of the RCC (V12)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Feds Assault Navy Vet Protester in Portland. Federal Overreach Violates 1st, 4th, 10th Amendments.

Effort is worthless against mazel !

      Berachos (64a) R. Abin the Levite said: Whoever tries to force his [good] fortune will be dogged by [ill] fortune,4 and whoever forgoes his [good] fortune will postpone his [ill] fortune.5 This we can illustrate from the case of Rabbah and R. Joseph. For R. Joseph was ‘Sinai’6 and Rabbah was ‘an uprooter of mountains’.7 The time came when they were required [to be head of the Academy].8 They [the collegiates] sent there [to Palestine] to ask, As between ‘Sinai’ and an ‘uprooter of mountains’, which should have the preference? They sent answer: Sinai, because all require the owner of wheat.9 Nevertheless, R. Joseph would not accept the post, because the astrologers had told him that he would be head for only two years. Rabbah thereupon remained head for twenty-two years, and R. Joseph after him for two years and a half.10 During all the time that Rabbah was head, R. Joseph did not so much as summon a cupper to come to his house.11
 מהרש"א חידושי אגדות מסכת ברכות דף סד עמוד א
כל הדוחק את השעה כו'. היינו דמזל שעה גורם וא"א לאדם לדחוק את המזל בכחו בחזקה אי לאו בסייעתא דשמיא וכל הנדחה מפני השעה כמו שעשה רב יוסף הרי השעה נדחית מפניו וכפירש"י ויתר כל סוגיא זו מפורש בספ"ב דהוריות ע"ש:

Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV: The Movie

‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Ric Wilson warns Trump his PoliticalPranks are backfiring

Trump Accidentally ADMITS He Failed America

See why Fox News cut away from White House briefing

Fed up Fox host REBUKES Trump spokesman ON AIR for calling Fox polls fake

US Pollster: Here's why the 2020 polling is wrong - and is even worse than in 2016

While most polls suggest Donald Trump’s reelection bid is in serious trouble, with Joe Biden leading in virtually all battleground states, and even in some Republican strongholds, a few pollsters are bucking the trend, suggesting that the 2020 presidential election is far more competitive than it appears at first blush.

Trumps massive new headache Ric Wilson on the huge walk away from GOP that Trump may not survive