Tuesday, February 11, 2020

'Proud' Retired General Responds to Lindsey Graham's Vindman Attack: 'We Thought You Guys Were Rock Stars…Where Are You Now?'


Retired Brigadier General Peter Zwack was responding to Graham's appearance on CBS' Face the Nation show Sunday, in which the South Carolina senator said Vindman's removal was "justified" and suggested the NSC staffer could no longer "be effective" in his role. Vindman was a key witness in Trump's impeachment and detailed alleged wrongdoing by the president.
Zwack told CNN on Monday that Graham's argument was "ridiculous" and described Vindman—who he once supervised—and other NSC staff who testified as "great Americans." As a "proud" retired member of the intelligence community, Zwack joked that he is "a card-carrying member of the deep state."

Sheldon, Miriam Adelson to spend $100 million for Trump re-election bid


 The Guardian on Monday quoted three Republican fundraisers it did not name as saying that the couple, known for their generosity to Republicans, pro-Israel causes and medical research, was ready to spend nearly the same amount, $124 million, as they did in the 2016 cycle. One of the Guardian’s sources said it could reach $200 million.


In New Hampshire, Democratic Voters Are Paralyzed by Fear of Making the Wrong Choice


 If Sanders wins here, will he be unstoppable? And if so, then what? The party mandarins are sure he’s a disaster in the making, a recipe for re-electing Trump—that American voters will never go for a 78-year-old democratic socialist with an expensive, disruptive agenda. That, in the words of the celebrity consultant James Carville, who’s been stumping in New Hampshire for the long-shot moderate Michael Bennet, “we don’t have time for left-wing fantasies in this country.”

It’s a weird moment for a party that for three years has poured its energy into fighting Trump at every turn. Suddenly, the Democrats seem gripped by a low-grade panic, confronting the reality of a difficult primary with no consensus to be had. Somehow, up against a president they regard as a joke, a failure and a threat to the republic, they’re all flogging unity while running in different directions. A field that began with an embarrassment of riches—a record-setting 25 major candidates, including many truly big-time resumes—is now down to this odd lot of flawed hopefuls. Partisans find themselves seized by the paralyzing fear of making the wrong choice—or the sense that the right one doesn’t exist.

Alexander Vindman Deserves Better

Why are there few Torah giants today? Rabbi Sternbuch explains


Edah Haharedit Rabbinical Court Judge Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch addressed in his lesson the reason for the small number of great Torah scholars in our generation, attributing this phenomenon to the absence of continuous diligence in Torah study.
"I heard from the great Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer that the world is wondering and asking why it is that our portion has worsened in that Torah giants don’t emerge from among our ranks as they did from the students of the Volozhin Yeshiva,” he said in a lesson delivered to students in Modi'in Illit, according the the haredi website JDN.

Making A Historical Parallel To Trump’s Impeachment Revenge Tour | Deadline | MSNBC

CNN's John Avlon: I've got bad news for Susan Collins

Judge Jeanine's message for Mitt Romney

Trump Vindictiveness Sends Chilling Message To U.S. Officials | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hunter Biden is a nepotistic slouch compared to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner


Opinion: When it comes to using a family connection to rake in the dough, Biden is a sad and sorry slacker compared to the president’s daughter and son-in-law.


Moral equivalence and Donald Trump


It was Kirkpatrick who in 1985 wrote an essay revered on the right called, “The Myth of Moral Equivalence.
To encourage more conservatives to speak out, I offer a few excerpts from Kirkpatrick’s essay:
“To destroy a society it is first necessary to delegitimize its basic institutions so as to detach the identifications and affections of its citizens from the institutions and authorities of the society marked for destruction.”
“An alliance among democracies is based on shared ideals. The process of delegitimization is, therefore, an absolutely ideal instrument for undermining an alliance, as well as for undermining a government. The NATO alliance among democracies simply cannot survive a widespread conviction among its members that there is no difference between the superpowers. It is not necessary to demonstrate that the Soviet Union is flawed, or deplorable. To destroy the alliance, it is only necessary to deprive the citizens of democratic societies of a sense of shared moral purpose which underlies common identifications and common efforts.”

Aharon Ramati, suspected cult leader, insists he 'didn't hold anyone by force'


 In an interview with Kikar Hashabbat, Ramati discussed both the money laundering charge, as well as the charge that he ran a cult.
"There is a G-d in the world, and He's in charge," Ramati said. "Every idiot understands that everything happening right now is far from normal. Now, all of a sudden, they remembered something from five years ago, when all the others involved have long since been tried."
He added that "it's clear to everyone" that he is being persecuted.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

They've got to go': Alan Dershowitz blasts Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer


Prominent American jurist and member of President Donald Trump’s legal defense team Alan Dershowitz excoriated congressional Democratic leaders on Sunday, saying the top Democrats in the House and Senate “have to go”.
Speaking on John Catsimatidis’ radio show Sunday, Dershowitz, a life-long Democrat who joined President Trump’s legal defense team during the impeachment proceedings, said his party was in need of new leadership, adding that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY-D) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (CA-D) should be replaced.
“I think they need new leadership. I think Schumer and Pelosi have to go. Schumer because of his history of lying. You know, Pelosi actually called for me to be disbarred ... because I had persuaded some senators” said Dershowitz.

Rick Wilson: Trump Deserves The Title Of Traitor | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
