Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein resigns

Turning to the Knesset, Edelstein, who immigrated from the then USSR after being imprisoned as a refusenik (the term for Russian Jews who applied to immigrate to Israel during the days of the Iron Curtain and were refused), said: "Knesset members, as someone who has paid a heavy personal price, of years in prison and slave-like work, for the right to live as a citizen in the State of Israel, there is no need for explanations regarding how much I love the State of Israel and the nation of Israel. And so, as a democratic individual, as a Jewish Zionist, as someone who has fought against evil powers, and as the Speaker of this place, I will not allow Israel to deteriorate to anarchy. I will not play a part in a civil war."

Calling for a unity government, he added: "Knesset members, citizens of Israel, right now our nation needs unity, needs a unity government. In these days, when there is a plague that is endangering us from the outside, and divisions which tear us apart from the inside, we must all act with integrity, we must all strive to be better. We must all unite."

"Therefore, for the sake of the State of Israel, and in order to renew the national spirit in Israel, I hereby resign from my position as Knesset Speaker. We will pray, and we will work, for better days."

On Monday, Supreme Court judges unanimously ruled that Edelstein must convene the Knesset plenum as soon as possible to elect a permanent Knesset Speaker no later than Wednesday this week. The rightist bloc countered that this is not in the purview of the courts but is a matter for the legislature.

The court hinted that if he refused to do so, it would accept the appeal against him.

President Trump's Dangerous and Foolish Impatience on Coronavirus

Writing in response to rising impatience, former Trump FDA commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, had perhaps the best and most succinct response. “There is no such thing as a functioning economy,” he said, “so long as Covid-19 continues to spread uncontrolled in our biggest cities.” Lift the lid on the economy too soon, and all you do is increase the spread of the disease without restoring economic health.

Why? Again, Gottlieb’s words ring true: “[O]lder people will die in historic numbers, middle aged folks doomed to prolonged ICU stays to fight for their lives, hospitals will be overwhelmed, and most Americans terrified to leave homes, eat out, take the subway, or go to the park.”
Let’s make this practical and personal. So long as the virus continues to spread, will you go back to airports? Will you eat at restaurants? Will you ask your employer to keep working from home if work from home is at all possible? Some of you may answer with an enthusiastic yes. But many millions of Americans would answer no, and the number that would say no would increase as they watched more and more people become seriously ill. And as friends and loved ones get sick with a disease that often strikes much harder than the flu.
 Let’s not forget that the American economy is inextricably linked to the world economy, and most of the richest economies in the world are now facing their own deep challenges from Covid-19. Even if America decided all on its own to lift most of its restrictions and endure a vastly increased viral spread and death rate, it would still not enjoy the benefits of “normal” economic times.
Compounding the problem, Trump’s statements betray a fundamental ignorance about our nation’s federalist system. Simply put, the power to issue stay-in-place orders, ban large gatherings, and order business closings rests with state and local authorities, not with the president.

Synagogues and hotels are Israel's coronavirus hot spots

 In one instance, no less than 17 members of the same synagogue contracted the virus after praying alongside a person who was infected.
 The next most common location for contracting the virus were hotels, which account for 15 percent of the confirmed cases.

World Health Organization: Coronavirus infections in Italy finally slowing

The World Health Organization has said that Italy’s coronavirus epidemic may peak this week, according to a report by the Italian wire service ANSA.
“The slowing in the pace of growth is an extremely positive factor, and in some regions I believe we are close to the drop-off point of the curve, therefore the peak may be reached this week and then fall away,” WHO deputy director Ranieri Guerra told Radio Capital.

New restrictions to take effect on Wednesday evening

The Israeli government approved on Tuesday night emergency regulations to further restrict movement and curb the spread of coronavirus in Israel.
Regulations include further reducing forays into public space, imposing liability on employers, closing non-essential stores, and imposing restrictions on public transport.
The regulations will take effect on Wednesday at 5:00p.m. and will be in effect for a period of seven days.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump claims rising suicides if US stays shut

 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is making a baseless claim of surging suicides if the U.S. economy remains mostly shut due to the spread of the coronavirus. There’s no evidence that suicides will rise dramatically, let alone surpass potential coronavirus deaths. Historically in a crisis, suicides tend to diminish as society pulls together in a common purpose.

Chief rabbis ban prayer in synagogues over coronavirus crisis

 In light of the increasing challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, Chief Rabbis David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef issued a statement on Wednesday calling on the public not to pray in synagogues due to the danger of spreading the disease. 
The two chief rabbis said however prayer services with a minyan, a prayer quorum, could still be held outdoors with a maximum of ten men spaced two meters apart.

Bill Gates: The healthcare systems we must urgently fix

 We’re live with Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist and TED speaker, to talk about the healthcare systems in dire need of fixing. Ask him your questions in the comments! #TEDConnects

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Cho Ju-bin: South Korea chatroom sex abuse suspect named after outcry

A man accused of leading a group that blackmailed girls into sharing sexual videos - which were then posted in pay-to-view chatrooms - has been named after an outcry in South Korea.
At least 10,000 people used the chatrooms, with some paying up to $1,200 (£1,000) for access.

Trump's hope for an Easter reopening clashes with coronavirus reality

The gap between the President's perception of the situation and reality risks squandering the credibility that leaders need in a time of crisis, when inspiring hope must be balanced with a realistic assessment of the challenge ahead.

Trump revives fight with New York governor amid coronavirus crisis

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump on Monday renewed his attacks on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's handling of the novel coronavirus, just as Cuomo announced radical new measures to slow the spread of the disease.

'We Have a Deal.' Federal Officials Reach Agreement on $2 Trillion Coronavirus Aid Package

The unprecedented economic rescue package would give direct payments to most Americans, expand unemployment benefits and provide a $367 billion program for small businesses to keep making payroll while workers are forced to stay home.