Monday, February 3, 2025

Holocaust and Plague of Darkness

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky (Emes L’Yaakov Shemos 10:22) Rashi asks, “Why did G-d bring about the plague of Darkness? Because the Jews in that generation were wicked and did not want to leave Egypt and therefore thousands died in the three days of darkness.” Even though that entire generation were not considered righteous (tzadikim) as we see the angels claimed that both the Jews and Egyptians were idolaters –why were the Egyptians killed to save the Jews. In other words the angels could not see the slightest difference between the Jews and the Egyptians and thought all should die. And thus the Jews that died were apparently killed entirely because they were preventing the other Jews from leaving Egypt because they had a tradition that the Jews must remain enslaved in Egypt for 400 years and since the time had not passed they were afraid that they would suffer the fate of the Ephraimites who left prematurely. They thus did not believe the words of Moshe and the Elders that G-d's calculation was based on the merit of their forefathers. Therefore G-d killed only those but not all the Jews even though in the eyes of the angels they were all idolaters. Only G-d was able to distinguish Jews from the Egyptians and know that the Jews would eventually be capable of accepting the Torah at Sinai  

 Reb /Yakov (Emes L'Yakov(Shemos 10:22) Rashi asks why there was a plague of Darkness. He answers because there were frum Jews who did nor believe Moshe and Aharon that it was the time of redemption and they influenced others. Consequently they were killed during the plague of Darkness to conceal their deaths from the Egyptians and the fact that millions of Jews died which was much more than Egyptians. Rav Yakov says how did the Jews react to this mass death at the very time they were expecting to be redeemed? He says that this can be a source of comfort for the Holocaust in Europe that we are closer to the final Redemption 

אמת ליעקב שמות פרק י פסוק כב (פרשת בא)

ונצייר נא לעצמנו מה היתה הרגשתם של בני ישראל במשך ימי מכת חושך, שהרי רואים הם שישראל לוקין יותר מן המצרים, שבמשך ג' ימים מתו יותר מב' מליונים גברים לבד מטף וזקנים ונשים, והלא לא ידעו טעם מכה זו, ובודאי שהיו ישראל תמהין ואומרין מה זה עשה ד' לנו. וזוהי נחמתנו במצב זה2 שאנו מתרעמין כביכול על הנהגת השי"ת בנוגע לכלל ישראל, אבל לפ"ז משמע שאנו קרובין לגאולה.


  1. Why is it a source of comfort? It's a source of bitter embarrassment.
    Because many frum people didn't believe it's time to leave Europe just like their ancestors in Egypt

    1. The comfort was that soon after they died the Jews were in fact rwdeemed.


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