Wednesday, September 4, 2024

UTJ threatens Knesset boycott amid Education funding standoff

The Ashkenazic-Haredi party United Torah Judaism announced to Coalition whip MK Ofir Katz (Likud) that they will boycott the Knesset plenum until their “education issues are resolved,” a spokesperson for one of the party’s MKs confirmed on Wednesday.

The coalition intends to introduce a number of bills on Thursday for a vote in a plenum session scheduled for Monday – a UTJ boycott will make it harder to ensure that the bills pass.

The main bill is an amendment to the 2024 budget bill, which proposes to increase state spending for 2024 by NIS 3.4 billion in order to fund evacuees from the North and South until the end of the calendar year.

1 comment :

  1. It's like they wake up and instead of saying "Modeh Ani" it's "How can we infuriate the rest of the country today?"


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