Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trump Runs Against Republicans in Georgia—Again


Mr. Trump’s rants are especially counterproductive because he needs Mr. Kemp’s organization in Georgia. Mr. Kemp is supporting the former President and is deploying his turnout machine, but Mr. Trump may convince many of those Republicans to vote for someone else or stay home as they did in 2020.

Mr. Trump won’t win if he’s fighting about the past instead of laying out an agenda for the future. But he simply can’t help himself.

1 comment :

  1. Although there's plenty of time to turn it around and he still leads comfortably at 270toWin (a site you won't reference because of that), he seems determined to blow up his campaign ever since Biden stepped down.
    And we still have the DNC in a couple of weeks which the media and Hollywood will make sure is presented as a coronation of Queen Kamala I.


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