Friday, March 22, 2024

Love Work

 Magen Avos (01:10) Love work. In this way the world will exist and His Torah will be fulfilled because if he does not have a job he will have to be a dependent on others  and come to be a thief. And they said in Yerushalmi, (01 Peah) Choose life  refers to a profession they also said in the Midrash Koheles, See life with the woman you love, acquire a profession with the Torah you love, and they also said in Kiddushin (Chap 01) anyone who does not teach his son a profession is in effect teaching him to be a thief. In Bava Metzia it said and you told them the way they should walk, this is the house of their lives, that is, to teach them a profession to earn a living from it, and this is a mitzvah from the Torah and even if he has sources of wealth he should still work since the Torah says for six days you should work since idleness causes mental illness. There are many statements in the gemora praising those who work. 

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