Saturday, March 30, 2024

Israel should ignore Biden and finish the job in Rafah

Israel has committed to going into Rafah, and the United States should work to ensure the operation is a success. Biden claims his objections to the Rafah operation are humanitarian in nature. If that’s the case, we should be pressuring Egypt to open humanitarian corridors and temporary camps in the Sinai Peninsula, where Gazan civilians can relocate while military operations remain ongoing. 


  1. Biden's performance on the international stage makes him easy to ignore.
    The retreat from Afghanistan, his desperate overtures to the Iranians to be their new BFF's, the continued existence of the Houthies despite the US having enough firepower in the region to finish them off, his inability to secure the southern border all point to an ineffective leader willing to talk but not do anything meaningful.
    Again, this is a president who sanctions Jews living in Judea and Samara as the PA pays out pensions to the October 7 terrorists and encourages violence against Jews.
    Israel has no responsibility to help Biden win Michigan.

    1. Wow!
      Trump was voted the worst president in history.
      Biden won the election over Trump
      Your constant dumping on Biden just emphasizes things would be worse with Trump

    2. I'm dumping on Biden because right now he's the President. Only simplistic minds look at a bad situation and think "Must be the other guy's fault even though this guy has had 4 years to fix it."
      When Trump wins, then we can debate his performance. Right now, Biden is sinking the US.

    3. Imagine, we have had 8 years of Trump posts on this blog. let that sink in.

    4. Another 4 years to go too!

    5. there may be some distractions if there is another Tropper or gittin scandal

    6. He's been quiet about the removal of draft exemptions


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