Monday, March 7, 2022

Republicans are crusading against 'woke'

Republicans, looking to dent President Joe Biden and win back Congress next year in part by rousing a voting base animated by culture war issues, have increasingly settled on a single word to describe what it is they stand against: "woke."

Conservatives en masse have blasted "woke" companies that spoke out against Republican-led voting restrictions — a move that publicly aligned much of corporate America with Democrats on the issue, even if many of the businesses stressed their beliefs that access to the ballot shouldn't be a partisan issue.


  1. Here's your Woke hypocrisy example of the day.
    When Hamas attacks Israel, activist groups condemn any criticism of the so-called Palestinians as Islamophobic. Arabs could be out there on the street shouting "Death to Israel!" but if you point it out, suddenly you're the Islamophobic villain. How dare you stigmatize an Arab? (Note, even Chrisian Arabs get to use Islamophobia as a cover)
    When China unleashed CoVID on the world, suggesting a travel ban and monitoring Chinese tourists was declared racist despite being incredibly sensible. If someone attacked a Chinese person on the street, even if it was just a random mugging, Sinophobia!
    Now the NHL and junior leagues in Canada are openly discussing not drafting Russian players, Russian churches are getting vandalized, people are discussing boycotting Russian businesses, and the same folks are just walking down the street whistling. How come?

  2. Yes that is also what I said, we think we live in democracies but as soon as some political agenda comes on the table it's ok to dish free speech and human rights.
    As hagaon hailui George Orwell said, some animals are more equal than others.

  3. So you define woke as anything you don't like

  4. No, Woke is defined as an ideology like Communism that thinks in a binary oppressor-victim way. The proletariat are now the BIPOC minorities and the bourgeousie are the privileged Whites.
    That's why this is so revealing. Arabs and Muslims are a BIPOC minority. They get activists screaming to protect them. The Chinese are a BIPOC minority (as least outside of China) and get screaming activities to protect. The Russians are privileged Whites. No one cries for them.


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