Friday, March 4, 2022



Rabbi Biderman,

Lauder Chabad Campus: “The Perfect harmony between Austrian formal education and Jewish teaching of the heart and spirit” (as written on their Facebook page) I’d like to know, is that the same “heart and spirit” of the twin boys you’ve stripped of seeing their mother for 10 years?

Is this the same “heart and spirit” that you’ve blatantly stopped a mother from attending every parents’ evening, every concert and birthday party since they were in the Kindergarten? Is this the same “heart and spirit” that despite a mother recording that one of her children was deliberately ramming himself against a wall in an act of self-harm, Rabbi Biderman testified in Court that both twins were ‘thriving with their father’. Is this the same “heart and spirit” that you wrongfully reported Beth Alexander to be mentally ill – despite knowing full well that this was a lie?

You may succeed to continue to pull the wool over the eyes of innocent families who may think by sending their beloved children to your school will be a good choice but we hope they’ll think again once they’ve read and learned what lies beneath your fake veneer ‘to grow up with joy and confidence’. Together with the Austrian courts, you have been culpable in damaging these poor children.

One doesn’t need to be a psychologist to know the mental damage these children will have suffered as a direct result of their treatment of which you are in part hugely responsible, having withheld them from being with their mother. The boys have been and continue to be used as pawns throughout this ghastly 10-year episode and I wonder, did anyone stop to think and ask them what they wanted? Granted if you ask them now – I believe they’ve been so heavily brainwashed in favour of their father – but you tell me: which child do you know who would ever elect to be without their mother?

A final note to the entire Lauder Chabad establishment: You may think it unnecessary for your names and school to be brandished across social media – but you’ve not seen anything yet! There are several thousands of us from all over the world in support of Beth and we are not going anywhere. In fact, we are just growing in numbers and support. We are fully supported by Chabad in our local communities with whom we’ve all raised your behaviour and coercion. Our local Chabad Rabbis are quite frankly sickened and ashamed by your involvement.

I/ we will continue to knock on your door; we shall continue to make so much noise; we simply will NOT stop, nor will we go away until there’s an independent investigation and only once Beth has been reunited with her boys. You may think that it’s a little ‘unnecessary’ for the several thousand of us from all over the world, to have taken to social media – but you just wait. This is only the very beginning. Karma will prevail.


Sarah Callis

#ReunitingBethWithHerBoys #helpbeth

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