Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Children Punished for Sins of Parents


The Talmud (Sanhedrin 27b; see also Targum to Exodus 20:5) answers by noting a contradiction in the verses of the Torah itself. On the one hand, Exodus 34:7 states: “He visits the sins of the fathers on the sons…” On the other, Deuteronomy 24:16 states, “A man shall be put to death for his own sin.” The Talmud answers that when is a person punished for his forebears’ sins – when he follows in their footsteps. If the child learns better but willingly and consciously decides to continue in his parents’ wicked path, then he becomes obligated to rectify not only his own sins but the past family sins he took responsibility for by adopting as his own.


  1. This may all be true, but it is not talking about goyim,a nd it is not talking about Ameleik. it is clear that Chielmnecki was the prototype Amalek, he was more lethal than Haman. And The L-rd is at war with Amalek in every generation.


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