Thursday, January 13, 2022

Rabbi Chaim Druckman joins rabbinate opposition to conversion reforms

Senior Religious Zionist rabbis affiliated with the 'Rabbanei Torat Haaretz Hatovah' organization signed a letter Wednesday opposing Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana's conversion reforms.

The letter was signed by Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, Rabbi Chaim Steiner, Rabbi Eitan Izman, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Rabbi Zephaniah Drori, Rabbi David Chai HaCohen, Rabbi Uri Cohen, Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, Rabbi Isser Klonsky, Rabbi Mordechai Sternberg, Rabbi Yaakov Shapira and Rabbi Yosef Artziel.

"The Chief Rabbinate of Israel is the body that gives the State of Israel its unique weight and Jewish character. It is the only body authorized to manage religious affairs in the country. In light of this - any change in religious matters can be made only by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel," the rabbis wrote.


  1. Really what Bennett should've done is fired all the senior Chareidim in the Rabbanut and replaced then with DL poskim.

  2. But the signatories on this letter are all DL poskim and Roshei Yeshiva. It is very similar to the list of rabbanim who signed a letter of support for Rav Eliyahu for the other blazing scandal right now.

  3. Yes, but had the Rabbanut pulled back from some of its maximalist positions under DL leadership, Kahana's initiatives might not have had the traction they did

  4. What is the debate here?
    About standards of halacha?
    Or giving local batei din the right to conduct giur?
    What's different from this and the druckman BD?

  5. Here's the other side of the argument. Once upon a time, if someone called themselves a Rabbi you had a basic assurance of what that meant. You knew what they'd studied and what their halakhic commitment was.
    Then the Reformatives came along and created clergy they also called Rabbis so now when she tells you she's a Rabbi you can't just say 'Oh, okay'.
    So for a while if someone said he was an Orthodox Rabbi you had the same original basic assurance. And then Open Orthodoxy came along so now when she tells you she's a Rabbi too, you can't just say "Oh, okay". Especially when extremely permissive, line-crossing "rabbis" in the US are busy converting people.
    So the Chareidim go back to basics - if it doesn't look, dress and talk like us, it's not a Rabbi. Simple and efficient.

  6. Here's the story...
    Originally, the Torah forbade certain things, so those who violated, were punished.
    Then ŕeform, then chareidi.
    Chareidi used to mean they are extra meticulous on everything. Shechita, shabbes, shaatnez etc.
    Then a paradox occurred. They became politicised, and Torah began to become politicised. So now it's perfectly OK to have adulterous affairs if you wear a black suit and white shirt. You can find gedolim who will pilpul a way out and always find something worse than adultery that others do.
    I call this new phenomenon chiloni shachor - black secularist.

  7. I need examples from you to justify your "nope" response.

    Here are a few cases -

    buses on shabbat, and the Chareidi Rabbis protest.

    Seculars eat treif, rabbits, lobsters etc, and Gedolim (rightly) protest, in public, in a fotoball stadium and national media.

    seculars dress in wester, revealing fashion, and there are protests by chareidim.

    So the above are usual types of reactions. Now, a public figure, who was an educator, presumably a rabbi, and has close relationship with Bnei Brak yeshivot , is known to be an adulterer - eishes ish - which is most severe of the issurim in theTorah - worse than lobsters, worse even than chillul shabbes.

    Silence - not a peep. Show me one of your own protests?
    Show me a protest by the Bnei Brak in-crowd?

    So far, the protests have come from other corners, from the Yerushalmi faction, from RZ, MO, Chabad. Zoo Rabbi, Lopin, etc.

    For you to deny my previus statement, as you have, please show me evidence to the contrary.

  8. You are making up facts and then asking me to refute them?!

    Where is the proof that he was an adulterer - it is merely inferred from R Eliyahu's statement.

    you can not therefore make a sweeping generalization based on an unproved allegation

  9. he was saying that there were previous Batei din dealing with such accusations. we don't necessarily have access to them.

  10. So how do you know what their cases were?

  11. I do not know - i am not involved


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