Friday, March 12, 2021

"Mamzer" alert!



  1. Her husband was ordered to give her a get and there is a seruv against him. As she is no longer married please take down these lies you have publicized.

  2. a seruv and an order to give a get are not equivalent to receiving a get - do you have any authorities that say it is equivalent?

  3. 1. Who allegedly ordered Aviva's husband to give her a Get?
    Was it the CRC, the only BD that was halachically authorized to adjudicate the case between Aviva and her husband?

    2. Why do you think that Aviva is no longer married? She had an Orthodox Jewish wedding and is therefore presumed to have the status of an Eshet Ish, until she can show that she was divorced by receiving a kosher Get.

    As the letter from the CRC BD (2021) indicates, the couple was in in the middle of a Din Torah, so obviously, the husband was not being "Mesarev Ledin", and Aviva was OK using the CRC BD, as indicated by the "Shtar Berurin" that she signed.

  4. The crc wasn't the bais din who issued the seruv and which was agreed upon!! The bais din who issued the seriv was בד"ץ בצדק תשפוט

  5. The "siruv" from BD Btzedek Tishpoit is moot, because subsequently the husband did go to an agreed upon Beis Din (CRC) (with Aviva's agreement), which renders any previous “siruv” to be null and void.

  6. Please remove all posts she received her get this past Shiva asap btamuz at rav yochanan twerskys bais din kav hayashar tysm


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