Thursday, October 8, 2020

Jewish journalist assaulted by ultra-Orthodox mob at Brooklyn virus protest

 A prominent Haredi journalist was assaulted on Wednesday while covering his community’s protests against New York coronavirus shutdowns that largely target the city’s Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods.

1 comment :

  1. There should be more coverage of this urgent issue.
    Here's the deal: The difference between secularism and Judaism is that seculars shout "We got rights!" and Jews says "We have responsibilities." Now in the midst of this plague, the secular governments in the US and Israel are saying "Please be responsible" and the Orthodox Jews are shouting "We got rights!"
    The same halacha that normally demands we attend shul is now saying we need to stay home. However, what these "Orthodox" Jews are doing is saying that ritual behaviour trumps halachic fealty, and some of the biggest "Gedolim" are supporting this position. This is a tremendous scandal.


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