Thursday, October 8, 2020

Vice presidential fact check: Daniel Dale selects his lie of the night

1 comment :

  1. “Vice presidential fact check:” Sorry not reading/watching CNN posts. Allow me: Daf Hayomi Eiruvin 59a
    “Mishnah. If a town owned by one man were made into one owned by many, it may all be included in a single Erub [i.e ערוב חצרות for the purpose of carrying objects.]; but if one having many owners came into the possession of a single person, it cannot be included in one Erub unless there were a residue [a small number of houses whose householders do not combine in Erub] outside it [so that it should not be lost sight that moving objects from courtyard to courtyard or from house to house is only permissible by means of an Erub], like the town Chadasha [V. Josh. 15:37 It was supposed to have been the smallest town in Judaea, and its size was taken as the minimum for indicating that the rest of a town participates in an Erub] in ]udaea wherein there are fifty householders. This is the opinion of R. Judah. R. Simon says, Three courtyards each having two houses [The ruling is that even one house in a courtyard is valid residue, and also that any town which has not even one open entrance way does not need a residue].”
    Beautiful. Here's an example in the Bible, of a town owned by one man where many people lived:
    “The heads of the ancestral houses of the Levites approached the priest Eleazar, Joshua son of Nun, and the heads of the ancestral houses of the Israelite tribes, and spoke to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, as follows: The Lord commanded through Moses that we be given towns to live in, along with their pastures for our livestock. So the Israelites, in accordance with the Lord’s command, assigned to the Levites, out of their own portions, the following towns with their pastures:” (Joshua 21:1-3).
    “From the tribe of the Judites and the tribe of the Simeonites were assigned the following towns, which will be listed by name; they went to the descendants of Aaron among the Kohathite clans of the Levites, for the first lot had fallen to them. To them were assigned in the hill country of Judah Kiriath-arba—that is, Hebron—together with the pastures around it. [Arba was] the father of the Anokites [elsewhere Anakites; cf. Num. 13.22; Deut. 9.2]. They gave the fields and the villages of the town to Caleb son of Jephunneh as his holding.” (Joshua 21:9-12).

    Caleb was given sole ownership of the fields and the villages in the hill country of Kiriathh-arba. Surely Caleb practiced proper zoning of (Numbers 35:2-4) “Instruct the Israelite people to assign, out of the holdings apportioned to them, towns for the Levites to dwell in; you shall also assign to the Levites pasture land around their towns ומגרש לערים סביבותיהם. The towns shall be theirs to dwell in, and the pasture ומגרשיהם shall be for the cattle they own and all their other beasts. The town pasture that you are to assign to the Levites shall extend a thousand cubits outside the town wall all around.”

    Surely Caleb practiced proper forest management. Surely Caleb maintained a cavalry for defense. Surely Caleb gave to descendants of Aaron כהנים houses to live in.

    I have a niece with her husband and children living in Hebron today. We all support Trump. We expect Trump and his wife and 30+ staff to recover completely from Covid-19. We expect the Senate to confirm Judge Amy Barret to SCOTUS, God willing. We expect the long running coup attempt to remove Trump to fall apart and for Trump to win re-election, God willing.


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