Sunday, March 5, 2017

Is Trump a Populist Authoritarian?


  1. You constantly quote from various sources, NY TIMES (or SLIMES as we say) or the WASINGTON POST (or COMPOST as we say) etc knocking the President. These are basically super liberal papers mostly with an anti-Jewish bias. The President might be a little different - but that's what we wanted, someone who is not a politician - someone who doesn't care what others say.
    If you leave out New York City and Los Angeles county, Trump carried the popular vote. That's the reason for the Electoral College.
    The people who supported Trump still support him - including frum Jews.

  2. Maury Friedman. Jewish? Anyway, Mr. Trump is not populist authoritarian, not classic authoritarian, not totalitarian.

    He's Trumpitarian. He breaks the mold and recreates it in his own image.

  3. no you are wrong - his supporters are the struggling white masses and the frum community. Apparently those not in these two groups i.e., the majority of Americans are in agreement with what the NY Times, Washington Post, Time, etc etc in their criticism of the president.

    knocking the "liberal" media is a poor substitute for pointing out exactly how they are biased against the nebach
    president. Instead you and other Turmp supporters prefer to spend your energies making up new descriptions of the "evil media". That is not a sign of intelligence or responsibility.

  4. As someone who is related to people who have been in the news - one a crime scene - i learned how the media makes things up. the times is all the news that they see fit to print.
    we needed newspapers when that was the only way to reach the people. with internet twitter etc the newspapers are not needed. we get news other ways.

  5. yes Trump has his own standard of reality and we need to accept his as an alternative universe!

  6. There is some good news for Trumpians. According to the BBC, 49% of americans approve of the travel ban, while 41% disapprove. Even the arab-american community is divided on the issue.

  7. By the way, it turns out that the travel ban is not a muslim ban after all. Trump excluded muslim countries he does business with, some of which are known to supply the bulk of terrorist man-power or funding.


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