Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Donald Trump attacked Barack Obama over paying taxes in 2012

Anderson Cooper: Trump oddly silent on tax returns

New York Times obtains President Trump's tax returns

Gutfeld on the phony outrage over Trump's tax returns


 Another day… another media bombshell… that lands with a thud.

Imagine a loaf of bread hitting the pavement from the roof of your house. -- That’s the New York Times’ report on Trump's old tax returns.

Oh, Pillsbury Cronkite, aka CNN's Brian Stelter, is this one of the most important stories of the past 5 years?

He thinks it is, because here's what he said about it, "This is one of the most important stories of the past 5 years. Not one of the most important stories of the past year, but one of the most important stories of the past five years.” (I'd say his hair is on fire, but too late.)

Ivanka Trump got paid millions as a 'consultant' on family hotel deals in move which saved her father tax, Trump returns reveal


 Ivanka Trump appears to have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in 'consulting fees' that helped reduce her father's tax bills while she was working as an employee of the Trump Organization.


Don't miss the Ivanka Trump bombshell buried in the Times tax story


 The big bombshell in The New York Times tax returns story is, obviously, the fact that President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in each 2016 and 2017 -- and for 10 of the 15 previous years, paid no federal income taxes at all.

But there's another massive revelation contained in the Times' reporting that isn't getting nearly enough attention: Trump wrote off $26 million in unexplained "consulting fees" between 2010 and 2018, with almost $750,000 apparently going to his daughter, Ivanka, in one disclosure.

Six key findings from the New York Times' Trump taxes bombshell


 The president pays little, faces hefty audit costs as well as loans coming due soon, and Ivanka is not in the clear

NY Times Exposes Trump's Tax Returns: Crimes, Conflicts & National Security Implications

CDC director concerned Atlas is sharing misleading information with Trump


 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield is concerned that White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas is providing President Trump with misleading information about Covid-19, a federal official told CNN.