Saturday, February 15, 2020

Judge slams Trump's remarks: Banana republic

Yisro taught us about judicial system to show Jews were not chosen because of superior knowledge

from Daas Torah - translation copyrighted

Ohr HaChaim (Shemos 18:21): Why did Yisro deserve being the source of the information about forming the judicial system? While it is true Yisro deserved being honored for honoring Moshe and thus he honored G-d, but there were other ways of honoring him not in this ways that  indicates - chas v'shalom - the lack of knowledge of G-d's people until Yisro came and enlightened them? It appears that the reason is that G-d wanted to teach the Jewish people a fundamental lesson not only for that generation but for all generations. The lesson being that there are among the nations of the world men of great intelligence and understanding such as Yisro and these nations have awareness of important and valuable information. G-d's intent was to show that the election of the Jews was not because their knowledge and insight was greater than other nations. They were not chosen because of their superior wisdom and knowledge. Their election was the result of G-d's supreme kindness and His love of the Avos. This explanation is more appropriate according to the view that Yisro came prior to the Revelation at Sinai. Accordingly G-d's message was that even though there are amongst the Nations greater wise men than amongst the Jews - the Jews were nevertheless chosen. We are thus to praise Him for choosing us because of his Kindness. However, even according to the view that Yisro came after the Revelation at Sinai - a similar lesson can be learned by the fact that Yisro is mentioned in the sequence of events of the Torah prior to the giving of the Torah.

Why were the Jews forced to accept the Torah? THEY had already accepted it willingly?

אמת ליעקב שמות פרק יט פסוק ג
(ג) כה תאמר לבית יעקב.
פירש"י וז"ל: בלשון הזה ובסדר הזה עכ"ל. וכן לקמן [פסוק ו']: אלה הדברים אשר תדבר אל בני ישראל, ופירש"י וז"ל: לא פחות ולא יותר עכ"ל. וצריך לבאר אמאי הקפיד הקדוש ברוך הוא לא פחות ולא יותר וכן בלשון הזה ובסדר הזה.
והנה אמרו רז"ל במסכת שבת [דף פ"ח ע"א]: ויתיצבו בתחתית ההר מלמד שכפה עליהם הר כגיגית. ועיין בתוס' שהקשו הא כבר הקדימו נעשה ונשמע ולמה לו לכפות ההר עליהם, ותירצו וז"ל: שמא יהיו חוזרים כשיראו האש הגדולה שיצתה נשמתן עכ"ל. והנראה בביאור הדברים על פי דברי התנא במסכת אבות [פרק א' מ"ג]: אל תהיו כעבדים המשמשין את הרב על מנת לקבל פרס כו' ויהיה מורא שמים עליכם, וביארתי בחידושי לפרקי אבות שם שבאמת צריכים לשני הענינים, היינו העבודה מאהבה והעבודה מיראה, כי לפעמים לא תספיק לו האהבה ולפעמים תחלש אצלו היראה, ועיי"ש, ולכן אף על פי שכבר קבלו על עצמן את התורה מאהבה, נעשה ונשמע, מכל מקום מיראה לא נסו, וע"ז רמזה האש הגדולה, וכמש"כ בפרשת ואתחנן [ד' פל"ו]: מן השמים השמיעך את קולו ליסרך גו' ואת אשו הגדולה כו', הרי שביאר הכתוב דהאש היתה ליראת העונש. ואלמלא באו לעשו וישמעאל בכפיית ההר ג"כ היו מקבלין את התורה, כדאמרינן ברפ"ק דע"ז [דף ב' ע"א]: כלום כפית עלינו הר כגיגית ולא קבלנוה, משמע דאז בודאי היו מקבלין אותה, אלא שאז היתה עבודה מיראה אבל לא מאהבה, משא"כ ישראל דמאהבה קבלוה מעצמם וכפיית ההר היתה רק כדי לקבלה גם מיראה, אבל אם לא היו מקבלים מצדם מאהבה לא היו נותנין להם את התורה לגמרי.

Trump Claims He Has 'Legal Right' To Meddle With DOJ But Former Officials Say It Would Be A 'Grossly Improper' Abuse of Power

"The president arguably, as head of the executive branch, has the constitutional authority and discretion to give direction to the Department of Justice or any other executive branch. But it is grossly improper and an abuse of that discretion for the president to seek to influence a criminal investigation," David Laufman, the DOJ's former counterintelligence chief, told Newsweek.
He added that throughout the history of the Justice Department there have been "explicit understandings" in how the White House can communicate with the law enforcement agency—until now.
"I can't think of any president in recent modern history that has repeatedly made public statements about pending criminal investigations, prosecutions or trials with the intent to influence them," Laufman said.
Former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman agreed, noting that there's nothing in the Constitution preventing Trump from telling the attorney general how to handle a certain case but that it's "just never done."
"It's never done because it looks like the president is interfering in the system of justice, that he is putting his own personal beliefs on top of what we want as even-handed enforcement of our criminal law," Akerman told Newsweek. "This is something unique to Donald Trump."

1 in 6 Women Suffer Sexual Harassment in Israeli Army, Survey Finds

Some 60% of female soldiers say there is a sexualized atmosphere in units, while 35% said they were touched or subjected to sexual gestures or leers

'We Are All Sexually Harassed in the Israeli Army, Almost on a Daily Basis'

“Being in the army is somewhat like being in the jungle,” she says. “Lots of young boys and girls. I think the army has to do some homework about relations between men and women, in order to provide physical protection for young women. There’s something about this jungle in which many bad things can happen.”


For President Donald Trump, It's Open Season for Getting Even

Trump has launched a season of getting even, lashing out at those who spoke out against him during the impeachment and Mueller investigations and openly demanding retribution. The spate of actions he’s taken in the last week alone underscores the fresh sense of empowerment he feels after the Senate cleared him of abusing the power of his office — and has critics worried he is dismantling the firewalls put up after President Richard Nixon’s abuses of power. The post-Watergate norms limiting executive power have evaporated, says William Cohen, the former Republican Senator from Maine and Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton, tells TIME. “There are no norms. Trump is basically corroding every institution in our system.”

Friday, February 14, 2020

'Not Fit For Office': George H. W. Bush Lawyer And Barr Colleague Slams Barr For 'Undermining' DOJ

Delaying Redemption 1 Girl @A Time


Delaying the Final Redemption, One Girl At A Time

19 Shvat, 5780 °°  Feb. 14, '20 (v.2)

By Binyomin Feinberg,


To check for updates, on first view of this article, as well as throughout the week,  please visit -

or/and see updates for month of Shvat '80:

¥¥¥¥¥  Breaking News: ¥¥¥¥¥

1.  Tragically, yet another religious immigrant girl has been drafted into the Israeli military - Noa G., from France.  

2.  After the Army rejected her Tatzhir Dat (certification of religiosity), Noa had been in contact with various activists. We know for a fact that Noa had been contacted by knowledgeable volunteers, who would have been able to save her from conscription, via proper guidance. However, she had also been in contact with other women, who mis-advised her to submit to the Army directive of being interviewed in a Rayon Dat, a religiosity test. The Rayon Dat is administered by military officers trained in seeking ways to rob religious girls of their legal right to a military service exemption. Furthermore, Noa also submitted to a "Shimu'ah," a Hearing, which is even more serious, by far, something akin to an indictment. Eventually, and predictably, she submitted to the Army demand to enlist.

3.  The psychological pressure the Draft Offices bring to bear on these girls is often of monumental proportions. Nevertheless, every Jew is commanded to resist attempts to draw them away from G-d, even by sacrificing one's own life, if necessary.

4.  A girl is forbidden to enlist in the Israeli military due to the near impossibility of remaining morally pure there, in addition to other factors, including the intent to draw conscripts away from their religious devotion and observance.

5.  This tragic event was avoidable. In fact, if the organization that facilitated her fall into the Army opts to act decisively and in a timely fashion, perhaps they could still avert the loss of another priceless soul.

6.  It is apparent that the primary problem here was that even though Noa was contacted by those volunteers equipped to extricate her from Army entrapment, she declined to take advantage of the opportunity. Clearly, Noa had been convinced not to talk with those who could truly help her. Here's a prime example of where Lashon HaRah (rather, Motzi Shem Rah) can kill a person, spiritually.

7.  This incident also highlights the crucial need to alert girls and women to contact the right people prior to encountering problems with the Draft Office.  Volunteers with groups like Chomosaich and Shalhevet are equipped to provide proper information, based on Rabbinic guidance.

8. What are some of the important things to know about these volunteer networks?

a)  They are not in this line of activism as a business. 

b) The approach they take does not seek the self-promotional glamour of "success" at the expense of individual girls, or at the expense of the broader cause. 

c) Their strategy does not facilitate the Army Draft Office to dictate how they opt to help save the girls.

d) They do not regularly suggest that girls pursue psychological exemptions. They shunned such an approach even when the government clearly preferred that track over providing religious exemptions. Very recently, the Army ordered that psychological exemptions be severely limited, given only as a last resort. Furthermore, psychological exemptions already provided in the past may very possibly become subject to the specter of revocation, R"L, as per a recent Ma'ariv article.

In short, the volunteers of Chomosaich and Shalhevet seek to do what's ultimately most effective for the girls in distress.

e)  The women volunteering provide proper guidelines, accurate information, and ongoing Chizuk to girls of all types of religious and ethnic backgrounds.

f) Additionally, they also enable those able to intelligently and effectively publicize the plight of these girls to do so, unimpeded, and without undue sacrifice of privacy. If more organizations would similarly facilitate proper publicity of the unrelenting injustices perpetrated by the government against innocent Israeli teens and women - we wouldn't be seeing religious girls languishing in military prisons to save their souls from the Army's "Mizron Tzahali" paradigm.

The Army Fighting Hard Against... G-d and His People?

9.  Our Sages teach us (in Talmud tractate Sotah 11b), that in the merit of righteous women the Jewish People were redeemed from Egypt, over 33 centuries ago. The famous work "Kav HaYashar" adds that the same will hold true with respect to our Final Redemption, the "Geulah Achronah."

10.  It stands to reason that the Soton is fully aware of the timeless potential of righteous Jewish women. Therefore, he seeks all means of impeding their development. Drafting teenage girls - particularly religious and traditional ones - into the abrasive, exploitive, and immoral Israeli military is perhaps one of the most effective means available to advance this satanic agenda.

11. However, as stated previously, we have what to be optimistic about. Girls, their families, and their advocates should take inspiration from the many girls and families standing strong against the antireligious coercion of the IDF Draft Offices.

12.  One such family is the family of Avigail Leah H., who, as a 17 y/o Chabad girl, was increasingly popular harassed by the Army since February '19. In fact, her mother (a Ba'alas Teshuva, and previously an Israeli Air Force captain), was told explicitly by Keren Levy, now heading up the Jerusalem Draft Office, that she (Ms. Levy) will "decide" if Avigail is religious -- and she will profane (or "violate") "The Vineyard" ("acha'lail et ha'Kerem") - "and I'll start with your daughter (Avigail)!"

13.  In the face of this unmitigated anti-Jewish antipathy, Avigail's family remained steadfast in her demand for a religious exemption. The family braved months of Army threats of arrest (despite Avigail being below 18). Despite - or perhaps with the "help" of -government intimidation, Avigail remained persistent in her refusal to enlist in the IDF, or make any Halachic compromises in the process, including submitting to a "Rayon Dat." In their persistence, BE"H Avigail prevailed, and received her religious exemption. (See .)

14.  Their fortitude stands as an example for all Jews to emulate. Over 21 centuries ago, the spiritual progenitors of the modern-day Hellenists similarly sought to draw Jews away from their fidelity to the Torah. And it was in the merit of righteous women, along with the saintly men who fought for them in a paradigmatic, miraculous Civil War, that the Jewish People were saved from the terrible, antireligious edicts of those days.

Global Travel Advisory for Israeli Citizens:  

15. Any draft-age girls who have dual citizenship MUST employ great caution before travelling to Israel. Many citizens of other countries have encountered real problems, including being mal-advised to send their draft age daughters to enter the draft offices to deal with draft related problems. 

16.  Whom gets sent into the draft offices? It's not only those girls who are perceived as "halfway religious," who may be in real danger of falling into the army. (We're not justifying sending even those girls into the Lion's Den of a Rayon Dat, but it's easier to make such an error in those cases.) It is even the most observant girls as well. 

Even girls with dual citizenship from the U.S.and European countries have had problems. Here's one such account we received a few days ago:

"My mother-in-law was born in Israel, and her children have problems with the Army Draft. Each and every time they come to the Lud airport they have to tackle this. This morning (11 Shvat, 5780), she told me she wants to return to London, and she is now in Israel. She has a daughter who is 16. She was born and grew up in London. She tells me she has to get a tatzhir das for her in order to take off to London. ... 

She made many phone calls to family and chareidisha government members, and what came through was that her daughter needs to go to the Tel Hashomer Draft Office to receive a tatzhir das.

But, as I previously heard of Choimoisayich, I knew clearly that a girl is not allowed to go into the Lishkas Hagiyus (draft office). We spoke a lot, and she was frustrated, disputing my advice repeatedly, saying that ‘I have to do it according to the system.’ I answered, “their system doesn’t work!”

I stood firm, assuring her time and again that a girl may not enter the premises of the Draft Office. Finally, she responded, “I’m not going, I’m not going, I’m not going!”
I offered help and said, “I don’t want to mix in, but if you need my help I’m willing to. I have whom to ask.”

She called me back, and informed that she does indeed need my help. I called Choimoisayich, and guided her what to do. They assured that till age 18 a girl does not even have what to be scared of. She should go to the rabbinate and send the tatzhir das via registered post. The rabbinate provided a form she should show in the airport, and everything will be okay.

However, at the airport, the Israelis did hold her up for several minutes, and they did not allow her mother to be present. They ordered the girl to go to the Israeli embassy in England. The bottom line is that the Israelis wanted to scare her into entering the Lishkas Hagiyus. They had the unmitigated temerity to target an unaccompanied 16 year-old girl and do what they did.
For every story that’s gets published, there are many, many more which remains unknown. Be careful whom you trust!"

Caution advised.

John Kelly Finally Lets Loose on Trump

Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, said that Vindman is blameless and was simply following the training he’d received as a soldier; migrants are “overwhelmingly good people” and “not all rapists”; and Trump’s decision to condition military aid to Ukraine on an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden upended long-standing U.S. policy.
Vindman was rightly disturbed by Trump’s phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in July, Kelly suggested: Having seen something “questionable,” Vindman properly notified his superiors, Kelly said. Vindman, who specialized in Ukraine policy at the National Security Council at the time, was among multiple U.S. officials who listened in on the call. When subpoenaed by Congress in the House impeachment hearings, Vindman complied and told the truth, Kelly said.

The Atlantic: John Kelly says Vindman was right to report Trump's call with Zelensky

 Former White House chief of staff John Kelly said Wednesday that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in President Donald Trump's impeachment inquiry, was right to raise concerns about Trump's July call to Ukraine's president, The Atlantic reported.
Kelly also believes that Vindman, who was fired from White House last week, told the truth during testimony before House investigators last fall.
"Having seen something 'questionable (in the call),' Vindman properly notified his superiors," Kelly said at an event at Drew University, according to the magazine. "When subpoenaed by Congress in the House impeachment hearings, Vindman complied and told the truth."
"He did exactly what we teach them to do from cradle to grave," he said, according to the magazine. "He went and told his boss what he just heard."


Thursday, February 13, 2020

DOJ prosecutors resign after top brass reverses course on Roger Stone sentencing

This official did acknowledge that the process has not played out as planned: “The way it happened is not ideal, but it's not unheard of that we correct the record and move on.”
Stone has been convicted on seven counts of obstruction, witness tampering and making false statements to Congress on charges that stemmed from Mueller’s Russia investigation. Prosecutors charged that Stone lied to Congress about his conversations about WikiLeaks with Credico, although Stone was never linked to any criminal conspiracy to access or leak documents.
  Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, President Trump said he stayed out of internal DOJ deliberations, but strongly opposed their initial sentencing recommendation.
"I stay out of things to a degree that people wouldn't believe," Trump said. He added that the initial recommendation was "ridiculous" and called it "an insult to our country."
Later, Trump claimed the prosecutors quitting the case "cut and ran after being exposed" for the tough sentencing recommendation.
  Trump also took a shot at Jackson, writing on Twitter: "Is this the Judge that put Paul Manafort in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, something that not even mobster Al Capone had to endure? How did she treat Crooked Hillary Clinton? Just asking!"

Experts Warn Democracies Facing Autocracy: Protect Your Institutions | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Trump’s Hands Now Firmly Gripping The Steering Wheel At The Department Of Justice | Deadline | MSNBC